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Starting Issues

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  • #91
    Having read everything in this thread about glow plugs and just now gone out to the Surf to try heating the glow plugs 2-3X before starting I have a couple questions:

    1. When I activate the glow plugs, wait the 7-8 seconds for the relay to kick out, I then turned of the ignition and repeated - but the glow plugs kick out after 1-2 seconds because they are already heated. What is the point of doing it more than once? If the plugs will not stay on for another 7 or so seconds, is there any real benefit?


    • #92
      when you first put the ignition on the glow plug light goes out quick as you say.If you wait for about 10 secs longer you will hear the relay click and thats when the glow plugs are heated.


      • #93
        This sounds familiar...

        I'm getting EXACTLY the same symptoms on my KZN 130 after replacing a dead ECU. My pump pumps and goes firm (ooer), but I'm really struggling to start in the morning with the same 'cranking gets faster' as the OP.

        I did randomly pump the primer this morning, after cranking for ages, just to see what happened. It started up, but I wasn't sure if it was just coincidence. Possibly not!

        We did pump the hell out of the primer when trying to start it post ECU failure. I wonder we knackered it? It works, as I've had the hose off and used it to re-prime the system. Could well be slowly syphoning back to the tank over night though. I'll try anything for now.

        Anyone know if the problem was cured by replacing the pump, or what it turned out to be?


        • #94
          Originally posted by Funky View Post
          I'm getting EXACTLY the same symptoms on my KZN 130 after replacing a dead ECU. My pump pumps and goes firm (ooer), but I'm really struggling to start in the morning with the same 'cranking gets faster' as the OP.

          I did randomly pump the primer this morning, after cranking for ages, just to see what happened. It started up, but I wasn't sure if it was just coincidence. Possibly not!

          We did pump the hell out of the primer when trying to start it post ECU failure. I wonder we knackered it? It works, as I've had the hose off and used it to re-prime the system. Could well be slowly syphoning back to the tank over night though. I'll try anything for now.

          Anyone know if the problem was cured by replacing the pump, or what it turned out to be?
          richard(stormforce) sent me up replacement primer/lift pump 2 weeks or so ago, and only yesterday got the chance to fit it, the last 2 weeks it was worse, kept having to prime up nearly all starts, the primer has no pressure at all, got it to go hard by several pumps cranked and it started to fire on crank, prob took 2/3 5 second cranks to get fuel through properly which when did run intially, it was spluttery but cleared fine.

          fitted as i say yesterday, been firing straight away on first crank, it did take me 2nd crank this morning for it to go, so seems! to have solved my problem.

          one thing tho that has been discussed in this thread is i get no beeps prior to start cranking, get all the clicks of relays,

          what i do need to do tho is replace batteries as when i had all problems previously mentioned its sort of killed batteries a bit, and before i knew about primer pumping method, and i was continusuly cranking, it sooned flattened them


          • #95
            Awesome. Thanks for replying. After reading this thread, I tried starting my truck while my mate pumped, and it fired after just a couple of cranks!

            Seems like I've found the problem - but only after I'd just spent £60 on a set of glowplugs. Bah. Still, they haven't been changed in the 3 years I've had the truck and are probably the ones originally fitted in 1993. I'll change the filters and oil while I'm at it, and maybe even change the tranny fluid.

            Now I need a new lift pump. Anyone got a spare for sale?


            • #96
              have a chat with biohazzard as he is breaking a surf at the moment


              • #97
                Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                have a chat with biohazzard as he is breaking a surf at the moment
                I thought he did that every week-end.

