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aircon advice

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  • #31
    thanks shokenore i really appreciate your help after which im fairly confident that everything else works and just needs a regas the only concern i have is whats in there i assume that if a halfords kit fits then its been done before if not then need adaptors

    i believe i need to use the port on the low side which one is this

    cheers again i get tortured with bb if its any concilation

    may do it today (assuming i can talk the missus into letting me spend £40)

    if i need the adaptors is there anywhere i can pick up off the shelf

    Last edited by BAV1; 5 July 2009, 12:17.


    • #32
      kudos to you!! just wear gloves and goggles liquid refrigerant boils at -76 'c cold.
      yep the big one is the low side/suction shake the can and if poss put in some hand hot water for a couple of mins that will build up the pressure in the can and then it will really fire into your system!
      i dont know if halfrauds sell them if not i will send one in the post for you to keep
      fair play for having a go yourself
      btw i think i could stand csi if the choice was bb or csi !!


      • #33
        cheers mate always prefer to have a go myself as i dont always trust other people with my pride and joy sad i know how can i get my address to you and how much would you like for the adaptor

        will 1 can fill a completely empty system

        ive booked the tv tonight must be my birthday lol

        thanks again after the aircon no doubt i will be back for the next items on my wish list

        will also post some picks of her so far (the truck that is) so you can all see what your advise is going towards



        • #34
          i have changed my status so you can email me once i get your address i will send it
          the adaptor is free it didn't cost me anything so it wont cost you.if i was to gas it up i wouldn't charge any money but the distance involved makes it too expensive for me to come to you or vice a versa .
          good luck with the repairs i know what you mean about diy i hate to pay anybody for something i can do plus the more you do the more you learn,and with the help of this forum and its members most nightmares can be turned into challenges
          my truck was passed down to me from my now departed father in law and i have been trusted with it .its more of a family heirloom than just a car so for me i have to keep it on the road and as you know the old girls need some pampering however being a qualified air con engineer and diesel fitter i am luckier than most but its always nice to learn stuff about this vehicle from people who have had the same problems


          • #35
            cheers shokenore sent you an email with me address did you get it ok

            cheers again

            one more question is 1 can enough to refill empty system


            • #36

              Just an Idea, you could have a look on this sight. You get all you need to convert R12 to R134 and it does not break the bank. (comes with full instructions) which when used with a good manual makes the job very easy.



              • #37
                cheers john will take a look


                • #38
                  hi BAV1
                  been away for a short break will post adaptor wednesday sorry!
                  had alook at the link website on previos post looks good but i dont think its any better or worse than the halfrauds stuff
                  let me know if you still want the adaptor?


                  • #39
                    hi shokenore

                    alright for some been anywhere good

                    gunna get a halfords kit dont know if i need to put cleaner in first (as i dont know how long its been ungassed) and heard it could make you ill dont know how true this is may just be bull also will 1 can fill an empty system

                    yes please for the adaptor did you get my email with my address

                    cheers mate


                    • #40
                      just visiting family in cornwall (i am a economic migrant)
                      will send adaptor in post tomorro yes you emailed address ok
                      confused about "cleaner" if you mean cleaner for air side ie ducts and fan and air grilles just use something like dettox household cleaner dont know the name just what it looks like, you know the stuff that kills the chicken bacteria etc spray it down the air vents and leave it to dry let me know what you mean?
                      do you mean the dirty air will make you ill?
                      i will put in some guides for regassing nothing fancy but what you need.
                      has the aircon in your truck ever blown cold?


                      • #41
                        cheers mate was looking at kits and there where leak repair kits and cleaner for the system i assume the dirty air like in normal aircon can carry bacteria that is quite harmful (maybe and probably am talkin out of my arse looking at getting everythink on friday to do it over the weekend (a shopping list would indeed be helpful) please pray for the sun dont fancy putting it off again

                        no it has been empty since i bought it about a year and a half ago does that make a difference my only concern is leaks i assume the kit will allow me to check pressure before gasing (aby ideas what it should be)

                        thanks again for all your help its much appreciated

                        as promised i have added some pics let me know what you think
                        Attached Files


                        • #42
                          nice truck,lovin' the alloys
                          wouldnt bother with the cleaner.
                          air cleaner is ok but unless you strip down the air ducts and clean out the fan wheel and fan cowl there will always be dirt in the air side. i think the cleaner will just kill all the bacteria in the air ways i think you would be better off stripping out as as much of the ducts and grilles and washing them in soapy water.spray some dettox anti bacterial stuff down the duct work if you are not going to strip it all down leave it to dry before turning it back on.
                          when i did mine i stripped all the dash out to trace an electrical fault while it was all out i cleaned all the airways and fan assembly before putting it all back together a long task but once i saw the filth on the fan wheel i knew i had to do it.
                          if it is empty it will be better 'cos then you have no worrys about mixing r12 and r134a.
                          if you get a guage with the kit just use it as an indicator ie no gas to more gas the main thing is you need to put in about 400-500 grammes of gas it is not critical start with 400 grms then see if the big connector on top of compressor is sweating (this is the bigger connctoer on r/h side of compressor


                          • #43
                            cont. if the connector is not sweating slowly add more up to the 500 grammes then check again.
                            any more questions dont hesitate to ask,i know there is nothing worse than having the air con button and just having warm air blowing out the surfs have a lot of windows it is a bit of a green house .the first task i did on mine was to get some limo black tint off ebay and tinted all the back windows and that made one hell of a difference on the hot sunny days the back is noticably cooler than the front!
                            i have ordered some 70% tint for the front side windows ,one of the many things on the wish list!


                            • #44
                              i know the feeling got mirrored on mine works well but could do with redoin

                              just trying to get the esentials done as wanting to drive across spain next year after the esentials i can start working on the fun side of the wish list

                              want to sort some roof bars and new bash plate

                              thanks again will let you know how i get on and will get back to you if i have any probs

                              thanks again glad you like her should have seen my first one proper pimped and not in a good way will try and find a pic in my defence i did have a master plan but it died before i had chance to do all the jobs


                              • #45
                                lat me know how you get on with the regas?
                                adaptor hose should have got to you friday at latest?

