I feel for you Autotrax , and i dont blame you for wanting shot of her. But i've just fitted a Stevo 2.8 new head and refilled viscous fan and she is running perfect. Even after an hour of hard driving ,hoses are still squeezeable ,temp is bang on half ,no bubbles in stat or resiovour ,1/3 oil pressure - Running just as she should. All in for £795 plus £7 for silicon oil for viscous fan. Took a mate & i 2 weekends to complete. You have to get the 2.8 uprated head as the ebay china copys are w@nk ,i had one. I hope they melt it down & throw it back to china, and i for one can vouch for Stevo heads.
No announcement yet.
Cooling system AGAIN!! everything tried....
Final Final Update - an answer.....
Finally an answer hopefully this applies to others too!!!! a very fine hairline crack in No (rear) cylinder!!! and "The Experts" say it NEVER happens!!!
Well our engine guy says he does at least 1 per month!!!
To top it all we decided to have the "brand new" head tested etc - guess what??? it was a ###### reconditioned head with a .15mm warp also....and these guys advertise these everywhere including Ebay as NEW!!!########....
The head definetly looked like new totally sandblasted, properly wrapped, nice machine marks etc etc - as soon as we took it out of the van the engineer sais "it's a recon!" How can you tell?? the combustion chambers should be proud of the head otherwise when the head is hot they will rattle and he further spooted that a crack between 1/2 cylinders on the head had been ex[pertly welded and re-polished!! The guys got eyes like an owl - no substitute for 55 years experience....
So there you have it - Toyota make crap 2.4 TD motors and everyone else makes a fortune off the repairs by ripping us all off anfter Toyota has finished giving us all an enlarged anal cavity!
STAY AWAY from Ebay heads!!!!trust your machine shop 1st.....
ps cost us another £120 to put the "NEW" 'head right
pps the engineer further rubbed it in us by stating he could supply OEM heads with 12 months guarantee for £350.....live and learn folks
Well it's good night from him....
Originally posted by Autoxtraz View PostSo there you have it - Toyota make crap 2.4 TD motors and everyone else makes a fortune off the repairs by ripping us all off anfter Toyota has finished giving us all an enlarged anal cavity!
Wish I was you!
My, what god given gifts hindsighte and sarcasm are !!!! if you took the time to actually read before you replied .......no costs/corners were cut - the opposite in fact otherwise us total pillocks would not have spent so much DoooH!!!
Well Homer - your mommy's calling so it's back to the couch for you and maybe tomorrow those wonderfull gifts you have will be unleashed on someone else.....
If you can't be constructive - keep iyour comments to yourself!
Originally posted by Autoxtraz View PostMy, what god given gifts hindsighte and sarcasm are !!!! if you took the time to actually read before you replied .......no costs/corners were cutOriginally posted by Autoxtraz View PostManaged to get off every one of the chinese crap headbolts without problem - 6 of them are so round they look like cap screws!!
Originally posted by Autoxtraz View PostReplaced and removed the head bolts one by one, retorqued to factory specs plus 2 further torques to 90 degrees each then a further additional torque to 90 degress.
Originally posted by Autoxtraz View PostMy, what god given gifts hindsighte and sarcasm are !!!! if you took the time to actually read before you replied .......
However, you are correct in saying that I am sarcastic.
Originally posted by Autoxtraz View Postno costs/corners were cut - the opposite in fact otherwise us total pillocks would not have spent so much DoooH!!!Originally posted by Autoxtraz View PostIf you can't be constructive - keep iyour comments to yourself!
Originally posted by Autoxtraz View PostWell as guessed the Sanke Oil did bugger all - and took all day to run - especially as at 1000 rpm this thing never warms up quick enough - takes bout 2 hours to reach temp - and then the pressures high enough to blow a hose!! Would have been cheaper having a toilet break into the radiator instead of spending £30 on this water!!!!Gee thanks Steel Seal!!
Will do as per previous post and torque 1 more time.....
Also, working on the hypocrisy angle, is this a constructive, (or even truthful), comment? I think not.
Originally posted by Autoxtraz View PostSo there you have it - Toyota make crap 2.4 TD motors and everyone else makes a fortune off the repairs by ripping us all off anfter Toyota has finished giving us all an enlarged anal cavity!Last edited by MattF; 23 December 2008, 19:36.
Matt he only started posting when it had all gone wrong. If i didn't know about stevo i'd probably have been happy to go along to a motor factors an pick one up... you ginger dildo!
Anyway, Glad you've finally sorted it mate! Sorry to hear it was dragged out for so long but kudos on the effort!!
Originally posted by RodLeach View PostMatt he only started posting when it had all gone wrong. If i didn't know about stevo i'd probably have been happy to go along to a motor factors an pick one up...
Before anyone goes off on the normal 'Matt's a preaching self righteous tw@t' bit, btw, I will just say that I can be so bl00dy self righteous due to the fact that I have never, in all of my working life, done an inferior repair or used inferior goods. So, suck it back in before you all start.
Originally posted by RodLeach View Postyou ginger dildo!
Originally posted by surfenstein View Postir shall we just wait till he welds up the first gen.ive a feeling he may just eat those words.I never attempt a task that I can't complete well. I don't do 'good enough'.
Originally posted by surfenstein View Postginger dildo.sorry matt i just gotta chuckle.
Originally posted by RodLeach View PostMatt you self ri...
oh ok...