Went to wales on holidays towing caravan,got there alright,after looking at temp gauge all the way down there,Anyway on the return trip half way home yes,it was like a steam train.Looked under hud,yes over flow tank bubbling like a kettle.I had wat i thought,was the head skimmed,valve grinded,ect,anyway turns out that ive threw a grand away.Sorry i didn`t know about this site before hand.Now im going to save some money and take her to stevos.Can i still use her doing 30s around town.Say till after christmas then save money for head.Or good this cause further proplems.I feel like shit i dont think the other garage can do anythink,this time i may aswell get it done right.The other issue is it seemed to have lost quite a bit of oil to.Im not getting rid off her though,id rather sell the missus haha.
