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Couple of questions on starting

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  • #16

    the diagram at the bottom of the page, the three bit's at the top, and the 2 at the bottom on the dotted line, need to all go together right to insulate the bar from the block, if they're in the wrong order the bar makes contact with metal and when it's powered up it shorts back to the block blowing the fuse.
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #17
      And it's a real bummer when you have just done the fuse and it blows again strait away


      • #18
        I know its gonna be a pain but I will strip down the buzz bar and check the connections. I thought that might have to be the case.

        I was considering putting a multimetre across the terminal of the fuse to check what it was throwing across them but wasnt sure if the glow plugs heated up on every key turn or just when the engine was cold.
        Tequilla - breakfast of heros.


        • #19
          If you don't wanna strip them i see no reason why you can't check for continuity from the rail to what it's mounted on (can't remember if it's on a bracket or if it fits directly to something else?) , obviously if there is continuity that's a bad thing. But make sure you're checking from bare metal on the bar, some of it's plastic coated.

          It's not too bad a job to strip it back to check and be safe anyway, the worst bit is removing the intake hoses so you can get to it.
          =SOLD UP!=


          • #20
            Thought I would post a final update on here in case anyone searches the forum and runs across the same problem.

            Checked the washers on the glow plugs and they were in the wrong order so swapped them round.

            On fitting the 80 amp fuse the way i did it was to disconnect both batteries and drop the drivers side one out to make access to the fuse box easier. Loosening off the fuse box is no real problem although there is a plastic lug that lines it up to the body which after 15 minutes of swearing i found out about. Access to the fuse is found by removing the plastic panel underneath the fuse box its a press fit and unclips at the head light end first. i missed this and broke off one of the clips from the other end by mistake. The 80 and 100 amp fuse is pushed in from the bottom of the fuse box and using a flat blade screwdriver you can unfasten the clip and push it out of the bottom of the box.

            8mm and 10mm bolts hold the fuse in place. Refitting is the opposite but I found that those clever japanese had managed to use a some weird form of spagetti folding to get all th cables back into the fuse box. Advice here is best of luck with that.

            Now the truck kicks over first turn of the key and the beltching smoke out the back has massivley reduced as well.

            Just a last note to the guys who posted on this thread many thanks from me and my neighbours that have been woken every morning by a stream of cursing and clouds of smoke.

            Tequilla - breakfast of heros.

