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  • #16
    I was out lamping one night when the urge took hold, refusal was not an option. It was a pitch dark night so dropped caks and unloaded. Like shaggy I was devoid of anything to complete the paperwork. In the dark I grabbed a handfull of wet grass but as I was under a tree that was full of old twigs and things, didn't really fancy that too much. Searching my pockets the best I found was an empty .22 ammo box. For those that don't know these unfold to a bit of card about the size of your palm, very shiny on one side and very rough on the other. How tough is that eh! If it had been a bit later, after I had acounted for 1 or 2 bunnies I could have made like a bear and used one of them! I now never venture into the field without a packet of wetwipes in my pocket....stay away from the lemon fresh ones, but that as they say is another story.
    Parts of your engine go up, stop then go back! Mm!


    • #17
      Rofl!! Lovin it!!

      Sh!t happens eh!
      Just trying to raise my postcount!


      • #18
        It's always funny when these things happen to someone else, and as a great beliver in karma, I'm not going to laugh... MUCH

        Ohhh Shh#t, karma
        xcuse mi spilling kan't phinda dictonnairy


        • #19
          people laugh but i have in my younger days while out rabbiting actually used my underpants as paper but when you think about it it is better than $$$$ing yourself no?
          at the end of the day................ it gets dark


          • #20
            out running with a couple of mates from football about 2 years ago i felt a little rumble and thought i'd release a loud and proud...
            ...it was loud, but i weren't too 'kin' proud, 2 miles from the club house and the wanchors (both little scrawny wingers) up the pace beyond my capabilities and i knew it was about to get worse....they lock me out and i can hear 'em laughing inside....
            ....i had last laugh though 'coz little danny never ever used to lock his car, so i went and sat in the drivers seat and wiped my legs off on a shirt he had in the back....
            didn't tell them either, but he realised pretty quickly once he got in the 'scort to go home!!!!
            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


            • #21
              3 days after reading the first post on here. I took my daughter Jess ( Thedarklord ) to Black pool to give her a brake from studying. I was not feeling my best but I thought I would be a good dad. We had a good day but I needed the loo, so I said we will have some fish and chips and I have got to use the loo. The loo was a mess so we left it and went some where else to eat but still no loo. By this time I was feeling much better and was going home.

              On the way home I thought we would go have a play on Winter Hill on a very rocky track. Half way up I blow my tyre on the rocks, 2 inch cut in the sidewall just my luck. So get everything out and under the truck to jack it up, Jess starts to take the wheel off. |The wheel nuts was on to tight so I said don’t worry I will do it. As I got down to take the first nut off I felt the need for the loo. I thought not now, as I pulls on the tyre iron I farted but held back as u do, but was very worried by this point. The nut would not move so I tried again, one big pull will do it I thought and it did the nut moved and so did something else. I was up and over the fence and in to the bushes with pants down. With Jess shouting whats up dad r u alright, and u guessed it no paper so it was handfuls of grass it seemed like I was there for an hour lol.

              So them hikers best be careful where they r walking up on Winter Hill.

              I can laugh about it now but it was not funny then.


              • #22
                Originally posted by ohsupremebeing
                3 days after reading the first post on here. I took my daughter Jess ( Thedarklord ) to Black pool to give her a brake from studying. I was not feeling my best but I thought I would be a good dad. We had a good day but I needed the loo, so I said we will have some fish and chips and I have got to use the loo. The loo was a mess so we left it and went some where else to eat but still no loo. By this time I was feeling much better and was going home.

                On the way home I thought we would go have a play on Winter Hill on a very rocky track. Half way up I blow my tyre on the rocks, 2 inch cut in the sidewall just my luck. So get everything out and under the truck to jack it up, Jess starts to take the wheel off. |The wheel nuts was on to tight so I said don’t worry I will do it. As I got down to take the first nut off I felt the need for the loo. I thought not now, as I pulls on the tyre iron I farted but held back as u do, but was very worried by this point. The nut would not move so I tried again, one big pull will do it I thought and it did the nut moved and so did something else. I was up and over the fence and in to the bushes with pants down. With Jess shouting whats up dad r u alright, and u guessed it no paper so it was handfuls of grass it seemed like I was there for an hour lol.

                So them hikers best be careful where they r walking up on Winter Hill.

                I can laugh about it now but it was not funny then.
                you see its not just me lol lol lol
                at the end of the day................ it gets dark

