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  • laxatives!

    dont buy expensive exlax or laxchoc if your bunged up
    buy clorets (the breath sweets) or mentos sugar free mints they work twice as good and 5 times faster

    i stopped smoking last week an have since had cravings squashed by sugar free chewing gum etc (oh and a patch)
    at 5 am this morning im on the m62 and get the i wanna cig feeling so i looked into my chewing gum stash and i was out but there was about 6 free sample clorets and half a box of these mentos
    so got stuck into clorets and polished off the mentos when with a lovely sweet refreshed mouth i got this gurgling feeling, followed by this rather painful urge to break wind (you with me still)
    so like all men do i lifted my a ss off the seat and quickley realised it was not wind trying to escape
    so i gently applied the brakes rather sharpish jumped out of the surf (left it running) tried to undo kegs as i tumbled head first down banking catching my left cheek on a broken bottle in the grass and then landing in crouch possition (luckilly for me) & with the grace of a baby elephant just as my body decided to let go!!!
    yes im there smilling to myself & happy in the knowledge i didn't soil myself although there is blood rolling down my leg at least it aint the brown stuff (i can tell em at work i did it while fighting of the beast of bodmin who is on holliday up here at the moment)
    then utter shock!!!!
    no paper!
    oh whats this ........... ah yes a glossy mag .... that will do............... rips of a dry sheet . . . . . wipes then another.... etc etc
    just about to pull my kegs up when a voice from the top of the embankment and 2 torches asks why im stood with my trousers and undies round my ankles with a copy of escort readers wives in my hand?

    what do you say to that?
    so searching for a quick answer i just said "what the $$$$ does it look like"
    "i dont know you cocky pervert" he said
    "and where is all the blood from"
    "dont move" " and i meen dont move you $$$$$$$""if you move ill smash your skull in with my baton""tony keep your light on him while i go see whats been going on here and radio for back up"
    i must point out that at this time my body decided to give way again for a second round of involuntary bodily functions as he was walking down the embankment
    "i thought i told you not to move, tony get down here now this $$$$er wants to play"
    it was at this point i noticed i was about to be arrested for gross perversion or whatever its called
    so i starts to shout and explain its not my fault
    i had to go or i would have soiled myself etc etc
    i also recounted the rolling down the embankment & nicking my ass on the way down etc etc
    then the other 2 police cars turned up!
    the officers now with me noticed i had not strangled and mutilated anyone and did not have a hard on so was not pulling the head off a chicken etc etc and shouted to the officers up on the banking (2 in like riot gear clothing) throw us the toilet paper down we have another bloke who cant go when he's at home
    when i eventually stopped doing what nature intended my a ss to do and used half a roll of tripple velvet, adjusted my attire and made my way back to the top of the embankment and into the police car for breathalizing and wanted murdering sex offender check
    i explained to the officer what had happened and he said the clorets have caused this before and if i had read the plastic free sample packet it clearly says "over consumption MAY have laxative effect"
    over consumtion??? i only ate 6 and a few $$$$$$ mentos!!!

    anyway i was 15 mins late to work and when asked why i was late i told them i slept in!!
    they would not believe me if i told them!!
    if it had not have hapened to me i would not have believed it!

    as for the clorets . . well they can shove them up their a rses as far as im concerned im not eating them again
    at the end of the day................ it gets dark

  • #2

    You're a very brave man, telling us that story!!!
    It just does, OK?


    • #3
      Originally posted by dave.j.robbo

      You're a very brave man, telling us that story!!!
      hey listen it really did happen to me but to be fair i dont care if the world knows
      i couldn't help my bodily functions
      anyway i hope everyone has a laugh about it cos i can now
      at the end of the day................ it gets dark


      • #4
        Absolute classic. Sorry for laughing at your misfortune. I thought I had a $hit day!
        I was hoping that you would get to the bit where the copper that told you to stay still moved in, slipped and rolled in it. Now that would have been the perfect ending.
        It's only a hobby!


        • #5
          Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
          Absolute classic. Sorry for laughing at your misfortune. I thought I had a $hit day!
          I was hoping that you would get to the bit where the copper that told you to stay still moved in, slipped and rolled in it. Now that would have been the perfect ending.
          well and truely in the s-it then


          • #6
            at the end of the day................ it gets dark


            • #7

              Almost any mint product is a laxative if you eat enough of it! Liquorice is worse for some !!!!
              Nihil illigitimi carborundum


              • #8
                I had a saddeningly similar experience last summer.
                After a duff chinese from our local, I had the full body clear out from both ends, all night long....
                The next day I was due to work out of Chichester marina with a worthy client, so decided that it was worth the risk for the business.
                What a fool, the urge caught up with me about five miles after the only service station on the A27, about three miles before the first roundabout, and it was the proper now urge!

                Nothing for it but to pull over onto the grass bank, dive out hide behind vehicle and go, sadly both ends at the same time I was like this for about a quater of an hour, in a proper state, and in-capcitated when I saw a police car pull over and up to my Surf (fully and obviously signwritten with company website, email and phone numbers etc) and two rather attractive lady police s l o w l y get out and wander up to my somewhat incapacitated and sick covered form.

                Apparently their had been complaints about some pervert exposing himself to passing traffic, and would I mind explaining myself?

                I thought my predicament was rather obvious, I had parked myself feet uphill to releive my bowels, they were damn near standing in the run off, and I had vomited all over myself for good measure, and was feeling both very unwell and embarased.

                Would I mind clearing myself up and accompanying them to thir police car for some details to be exchanged?

                Shirt off, and changed into sailing smock (thankfully in my game a change of clothes is always carried, along with first aid kit toilet paper etc) Then into the back of a lovely ford for a chat. About two awnswers in and I projectile vomited all over the lovely duo in full horror film style.
                I was thrown out of their car, told to wait until I felt fit enough to drive before leaving, and not to do it again.

                The worst part was the mountain of insulting e-mail and phone calls I received afterwards.
                Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


                • #9
                  i can laugh now
                  but what people dont understand is when your body wants rid of something there aint a thing you can do about it
                  at the end of the day................ it gets dark


                  • #10
                    Amen to that brother Shaggy...........
                    Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


                    • #11
                      grapes are bad for sudden poo urges!...
                      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by da SLUG man
                        grapes are bad for sudden poo urges!...
                        you see i dont have a problem with grapes
                        its eggs that do it to me as well as most sugar free items
                        at the end of the day................ it gets dark


                        • #13
                          I'm afraid I can't join the $hitting yourself brotherhood, but the reason sugarfree food does that it is because it is actually full of sugar (sorbitol) that you can't metabolise. So it tastes sweet but you can't absorb it, hence not getting fat. The other side effect of it not getting absorbed is that it doesn't hang around long so, yeah, it will come out pretty quick if you eat a lot.

                          Sounds like you'd be better off shoving them up your @rse too. Save a bit of time and chewing.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sancho
                            I'm afraid I can't join the $hitting yourself brotherhood, but the reason sugarfree food does that it is because it is actually full of sugar (sorbitol) that you can't metabolise. So it tastes sweet but you can't absorb it, hence not getting fat. The other side effect of it not getting absorbed is that it doesn't hang around long so, yeah, it will come out pretty quick if you eat a lot.

                            Sounds like you'd be better off shoving them up your @rse too. Save a bit of time and chewing.
                            erm i never $$$$ myself
                            and its not the sorbitol (or malititol,mannitol,asparatame, acesulflame k) that does it acording to my doctor its the phenylalanine trace that reacts with my diabetes tablets
                            at the end of the day................ it gets dark


                            • #15
                              last time i nearly erm blotted my copy book was when the ex girlfriend told me she thought she was pregnant.....
                              it's in me shed, mate.

