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Places to buy cheaper parts

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  • Places to buy cheaper parts

    As bitter barry @ RT is not interested in helping anyone save a little money I thought I'd start a thread to share some info from all the research I've done on parts over the last few weeks. I am more than happy to give this info freely and I am pretty sure you'll get cheaper parts than what RT are offering.

    Email chris@genuineserviceparts.com for GENUINE Toyota parts, I'm confident he'll beat ANY price bitter barry is selling at, he's already sourced my LHD headlamps cheaper than RT.

    http://www.ks-international.com/ Seem to have just about everything, but cheaper than RT.

    Just bought this item off of fleabay Germany; 310499493476, Front Anti Roll Bar Links (2 pack). Brilliant service, great quality item and the stem is around 20% thicker than original. Oh, also cheaper than bitter barry's price.

    When I find more sites to help us save some money I'll post it here.

  • #2
    I'm sensing a bad RT experience?


    • #3
      Yep RT are not cheap, but i have found the service superb. Some of the parts have been not quite up to standard, but again they seem to try and improve things.
      .... Which was nice.


      • #4
        I had a major problem with a head supplied by RT a few years ago and credit to Barry, he sorted it out and I wasn't left out of pocket.

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #5
          Some genuine parts are cheaper via RT than Toyota themselves.

          Barry's not the cheapest but I find is service invaluable. He ALWAYS answers my questions quickly. Means a lot to me.

          Sorry to hear you've had trouble.


          • #6
            Originally posted by the silver surfer View Post
            As bitter barry @ RT is not interested in helping anyone save a little money I thought I'd start a thread to share some info from all the research I've done on parts over the last few weeks. I am more than happy to give this info freely and I am pretty sure you'll get cheaper parts than what RT are offering.

            Email chris@genuineserviceparts.com for GENUINE Toyota parts, I'm confident he'll beat ANY price bitter barry is selling at, he's already sourced my LHD headlamps cheaper than RT.

            http://www.ks-international.com/ Seem to have just about everything, but cheaper than RT.

            Just bought this item off of fleabay Germany; 310499493476, Front Anti Roll Bar Links (2 pack). Brilliant service, great quality item and the stem is around 20% thicker than original. Oh, also cheaper than bitter barry's price.

            When I find more sites to help us save some money I'll post it here.
            I agree that RT aren’t necessarily there cheapest, but with RT comes the assurance of the fact he’s a wealth of experience in fitting quality parts. He doesn’t sell cheap sh1t like Milners who sell on price. When something goes wrong they Milners can be clueless and Barry seems to know his stuff.
            My advice is not to stay bitter, if you want cheap rubbish use the competition! If you want quality & longevity see RT or Simon Holton @ Toyota. They are a main dealer who like to do discount for club members.
            Discount varies on parts required ETC


            • #7
              He's more interested in making money out of everything, rather than helping out a customer who's alreday spent over £500 with him and planned to spend several hundred more in parts. To not want to help someone save a little money by buying a part from a different country (and not even a competitor)tells me all I need to know about him. And yes I'm sure he is the dogs balls when you're spending money with him or if you have a waranty issue, but don't expect anything else. He has lost me as a current and future customer.

              Anyway, I will add more sites as I find them because I am still searching for various service items that I now will not be buying from RT.

              ~To add, the parts I've bought elsewhere seem to be far from rubbish, the Anti Roll bar links sh1t all over the ones RT are selling and for less money. Chris at the email I supplied only sources Genuine Toyota parts and WILL beat RT on price. You can't call that rubbish.
              Last edited by the silver surfer; 6 August 2014, 12:48.


              • #8
                Originally posted by the silver surfer View Post
                He's more interested in making money out of everything, rather than helping out a customer who's alreday spent over £500 with him and planned to spend several hundred more in parts. To not want to help someone save a little money by buying a part from a different country (and not even a competitor)tells me all I need to know about him. And yes I'm sure he is the dogs balls when you're spending money with him or if you have a waranty issue, but don't expect anything else. He has lost me as a current and future customer.

                Anyway, I will add more sites as I find them because I am still searching for various service items that I now will not be buying from RT.

                ~To add, the parts I've bought elsewhere seem to be far from rubbish, the Anti Roll bar links sh1t all over the ones RT are selling and for less money. Chris at the email I supplied only sources Genuine Toyota parts and WILL beat RT on price. You can't call that rubbish.
                I have another site where you can import items subject to VAT from UAE and the parts can be quite cheap, if they can't be supplied from UAE than this company will import them from Japan and still be cheaper than your main dealer.

                I was a little dubious but I put the request in for a filler neck pipe and it worked out (even with duty & vat) 30% cheaper than the main dealer. I paid them on paypal so had little to loose. part took 10 working days to arrive from Japan.



                • #9
                  Well as soon as I can get the genuine and correct part numbers for the LHD headlamps I'll give that site a try. Part number is the thing RT wouldn't give me, because of all the 'research' they have to do in finding them. (not that they already have that info as they've stocked them for years!).

                  If anyone knows the part numbers for the LHD lamps I'dbe grateful if you provided them.


                  • #10
                    Quick search of my parts list (for next month) shows that site being £100s more (on some parts) than my local Toyota dealer! All parts more expensive. Interested in hearing of experiences.


                    • #11
                      Toyota Parts

                      Originally posted by Sylux View Post
                      Quick search of my parts list (for next month) shows that site being £100s more (on some parts) than my local Toyota dealer! All parts more expensive. Interested in hearing of experiences.
                      You need to put your enquiry into Anamaya Trading and usually they present an enquiry and if the parts are in stock in the UAE the pricings are very very competitive compared to here but if UAE they can supply from Japan like they did in my case as UAE had no stock but Japan still saved me £40 on the filler neck.

                      Was good for me but might not be for others and is all dependant on how long you can wait for!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by the silver surfer View Post
                        He's more interested in making money out of everything, rather than helping out a customer who's alreday spent over £500 with him and planned to spend several hundred more in parts. To not want to help someone save a little money by buying a part from a different country (and not even a competitor)tells me all I need to know about him. And yes I'm sure he is the dogs balls when you're spending money with him or if you have a waranty issue, but don't expect anything else. He has lost me as a current and future customer.

                        Anyway, I will add more sites as I find them because I am still searching for various service items that I now will not be buying from RT.

                        ~To add, the parts I've bought elsewhere seem to be far from rubbish, the Anti Roll bar links sh1t all over the ones RT are selling and for less money. Chris at the email I supplied only sources Genuine Toyota parts and WILL beat RT on price. You can't call that rubbish.
                        So, your issue is that you wanted him to buy something, from another country, to save you a few quid/euros, sorry, and he didn't want to, so you are now publicly slating him for not wanting to add a supplier to his books, just for you?

                        I assume you realise the cost to his business of doing that, just because it's a supplier you have found, and to his reputation should the part arrive later than expected, be the wrong one, get damaged etc? To add a supplier would cost him time, he would need to setup an account with them, or transact via a company credit card, which costs his business money (not him, personally), tie up resources in his business to trade with what is to him, an unknown entity, just for you to save a few euro, and he would make a loss on the sale too.

                        Personally, I think you are being a little selfish, not to mention naive and Barry is running a business. I have spent £1,000s with his company in the 10 years my wife and I have owned Surfs, and I'm sure the odd part would cost a little less here and there, by the time I've counted it all up, the different shipping charges per supplier, the time to research them, get the total parts cost etc. I know I am better off with Roughtrax.

                        I get excellent quality parts, I get first class customer service, peace of mind and trade with a business I trust.

                        If you came to me and demanded I change my supply chain to suit just you, I would refuse too. I may investigate the company you put forward, but for the hassle, time and overhead, it's unlikely I'd put much effort into it. I review my suppliers every six months to make sure I get value from them, but I also have framework agreements drawn up between then and my business to get the best deal over a long term relationship, rather than pinch pennies here and there to the detriment of a lasting and mutually beneficial business relationship. I'd just advise you to buy from whatever source you choose, and add up the total landed cost of everything, add a bit for the time it took you to find everyone, then work out the cost of everything from Roughtrax, and you may find there is so little in it, it's not worth the hassle.

                        It's not just Barry there, it's a business so be careful about making slanderous or defamatory comments on a public forum, and one he sometimes visits.
                        Too old to care, young enough to remember


                        • #13
                          Agree totally.
                          I was going to comment on this when I saw the post, but I'm glad that Mr Mudsurfer has put into words what I was thinking.

                          I will add, in less eloquent vocabulary, that RT are not the only supplier out there for Surf parts and you are not beholden to solely use them.

                          I use RT, often.
                          I like the layout of the website, I have yet to have a problem with any parts and I like the fact I can pick up the parts myself as I am often in the locale.
                          I have used Milners and the rear springs I bought from then sagged after about a year I spoke to them and they offered me a hefty discount on a new set.

                          The rear drop links that I now need will be sourced from KS, and I will be reporting back on what I find.

                          Whilst I think it is good that you are posting up alternatives and committing a lot of time to do this I think it is only fair that you give RT a chance to reply to your grievance and to allow them to give their side of the story.

                          But you are driving a RHD drive grey import in EU land.


                          • #14
                            Hi all, its Barry, just wanted to put a few words down, in all honesty just backing up really what MudSurfer is saying.
                            I'm not going to get into a long drawn out debate about this....it's really quite simple.
                            Initially the customer emailed me from Spain regarding some queries about rear wheel bearing kits which I kindly pointed out the differences, and pointed him in the right direction of how to use the site to order parts....that's what we do!
                            I was then asked if we could provide part numbers for Genuine Toyota LHD KZN185 headlamps to meet European requirements, parts that we sell on our website, I replied that we do not provide such parts numbers as it's a product we have sourced (incidentally by request of many UK customers that have moved overseas) and can be purchased through the RoughTrax website.....and that's about it really, I even suggested it would be worthwhile trying a Spanish Toyota dealer so as to save carriage costs.
                            I then got a host of emails telling me how "petty" I am being....for what, not pointing out how to purchase a part elsewhere on a part that I sell ?? strange !! the emails then seemed to change tact by indicating he had decided to create listings on Public forums to direct buyers to cheaper sites.....seems strange this has all come about from me not giving out part numbers!
                            Sure there are Overseas Companies sites out there where you can buy these lights from, we simply sell the light, at a reduced cost from Toyota's RRP and then provide the services and backup that goes with the product.....same for any product.
                            Putting it simply we sell the light, upto the customer to make the choice where they by it, I don't see the issue in all fairness.

                            On another note, If it had been a part that we don't sell and I could help out a customer especially if stuck overseas which I have done so on numerous occasions, then of course I would help.
                            This whole post seems to be one customers personal grievance against R/Trax for what he believes to have been a poor service, we haven't even sent a part!......personally I can imaging my Competitors giving out such info either let alone replying to the post, so I don't believe his comments to be a fair reflection on RoughTrax more so a Bias one.
                            I think that's enough of an explanation from Myself.

                            p.s New website coming out shortly!!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                              So, your issue is that you wanted him to buy something, from another country, to save you a few quid/euros, sorry, and he didn't want to, so you are now publicly slating him for not wanting to add a supplier to his books, just for you?

                              One of us has misunderstood, and it could be me but I dont think that is his issue at all. The way I read and interpret it is that he simply wanted RT to give him a part no so he could try to source something elsewhere. I can see why RT wouldnt, and I can see why OP might think that RT were being a bit unfair. I think OP maybe forgot that RT are just another parts supplier, and personalised them by seeing them as "Barry" and thinking that made them friends rather than simply his supplier of choice. In OPs mind somewhere, he was asking his pal "Barry" to do him a little favour, when in reality he was asking a company to whom he was just another customer, for help to take some of his business elsewhere, and now hes fallen out with his friend "Barry" who was never actually his friend in the first place.
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