Without wanting to get all Thrifty, I have branched out into furniture design. My new home office is almost finished, but needed some desks. Tricky design, because need a sofa bed plus desk for both me and the wife when we work from home. Had some poncy furniture designer chap come out, who with a completely straight face told me that he could do two desks for £10,000. I thought this figure was mildly high. Once I had had my dislocated jaw rewired that is.
So I thought I would implement Flounderbout's first rule of furniture design, which states that there is no piece of furniture that cannot be made using a chainsaw.
Step 1. Take beautiful beaten up old troughs which were in barn that is now office.
Step 2. Attack with chainsaw.

Step 3. Work out placement.

Step 4. Cut some ply as mock up for glass (OK I cheated a bit here and used a jigsaw).
Step 5. Attach batten to wall to support rear edge of glass.
Step 6. Assemble, and add computery paraphenalia to check all works ergonomically like.

Step 7. Make template from ply - approach nice glass man to get glass made up (still awaiting).
Step 8. Profit.
Total cost - splash of juice for chainsaw. Specially cut glass. Not £10k.
Wot djew lot reckon? Don't give up the day job? Or not bad for a soft handed office jockey?
Next step collect and install glass tops, and maybe chainsaw me some shelving to go underneath for bits n bobs.
So I thought I would implement Flounderbout's first rule of furniture design, which states that there is no piece of furniture that cannot be made using a chainsaw.
Step 1. Take beautiful beaten up old troughs which were in barn that is now office.
Step 2. Attack with chainsaw.

Step 3. Work out placement.

Step 4. Cut some ply as mock up for glass (OK I cheated a bit here and used a jigsaw).
Step 5. Attach batten to wall to support rear edge of glass.
Step 6. Assemble, and add computery paraphenalia to check all works ergonomically like.

Step 7. Make template from ply - approach nice glass man to get glass made up (still awaiting).
Step 8. Profit.

Total cost - splash of juice for chainsaw. Specially cut glass. Not £10k.
Wot djew lot reckon? Don't give up the day job? Or not bad for a soft handed office jockey?
Next step collect and install glass tops, and maybe chainsaw me some shelving to go underneath for bits n bobs.