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low emission zone filter

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  • #91
    Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
    Ah but that is the difference. Giving someone a gift after they have done their job particularly well when they were expecting nothing makes all involved happy.

    Being forced to bribe people to exhibit more intellect than your average chopping-board does not. Although there is a chance that the staff of the DVLA could be bribed by peanuts or shiny beads.

    Having said that, I agree it is a sorry state of affairs that someone being both helpful and pleasant is a cause for real celebration.
    Far be for me to Generalise...But isn't the DVLA in Wales?

    Remember, all stereotypes are based on reality.
    Sent from the iPad you "lost"


    • #92
      Anne Marie is undoubtedly an extremely helpful person and I have established her workplace address and will send a gift when my vehicle is listed as compliant on the TfL compliance checker. It is still listed as non-compliant. I was advised that it would take 10 working days to update their database and so if it has not happened by the middle of next week it may be that TfL are still managing to drag their heels - despite Anne Marie's best efforts.

      I will advise if and when the status of my vehicle changes. Can I request that others who have gone through Anne Marie (or who have followed the process advised by her for getting the TfL database updated) do the same. I think everyone will be happier when they see real results filtering through.


      • #93
        Originally posted by slobodan View Post
        Far be for me to Generalise...But isn't the DVLA in Wales?

        Remember, all stereotypes are based on reality.
        They'll be waiting for you at the border next time.


        • #94
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
          They'll be waiting for you at the border next time.
          Personally my lovely, I have had nothing but good experiences with the Cardiff DVLA.

          It's seems that other place...Abertawe, that's more problematic.
          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • #95
            Both places are in Wales cariad.


            • #96
              Originally posted by tavvi View Post
              I have established her workplace address and will send a gift when my vehicle is listed as compliant on the TfL compliance checker..
              Is her work place the Swansea address listed for VOSA ? as would like to do the same.


              • #97
                Originally posted by John McC View Post
                Is her work place the Swansea address listed for VOSA ? as would like to do the same.
                FAO Anne Marie
                RPC Section
                Ellipse Building
                Padley Road
                SA1 8AN


                • #98
                  Just got an unsolicited phone call from Anne Marie to say that while she had expected the changes that she had forwarded to TfL to go through by the end of this week she had now learned that they will not go through until the start of next week - she expects them to be done by Tuesday. That is actually still within the TfL 10 working days turnaround time, which doesn't run out until Thursday 24th November in my case.

                  The service provided by Anne Marie just gets better and better!


                  • #99
                    I checked the TfL database and my vehicle is still listed as non-compliant. I was going to check again tomorrow but got another call from Anne Marie to say that she has been keeping an eye on all the cases she forwards and also noticed they hadn't gone through. She has been in touch with TfL and apparently the omission is due entirely to sheer weight of numbers - there are just so many vehicle exceptions to process. She has received an assurance that they will be processed in next weeks batch upload - these take place every Monday night so if you are also waiting on your case to be processed there is no point in checking again until next Tuesday.

                    Anne Marie is off next week but has advised that an email can be sent to her colleague (Lynn) if updates still haven't gone through by next Tuesday, and Lynn will chase up TfL. If you had gone through Anne Marie and need to chase this up next week and need the email address I can supply.

                    Good to know that we have someone 'official' chasing this up for us.


                    • Last posted 6th September when my 1st Tfl/LEZ letter arrived n just today received another stating still Non-Compliant.
                      Buncefield Burner


                      • I'm on my 3rd attempt at getting the log book changed, last one went off complete with the letter from Toyota posted on here, yet they still refuse to change it - apparently it has to have DVLA/SMMT make and model codes for my vehicle in for them to change it.

                        I've now pretty much given up on the situation with the DVLA - I'll try the VOSA(?) route mentioned on here, but the surf will be up for sale shortly - the LEZ problems coupled with the surf getting on a bit now (180K miles) means I've splashed out on a LC120.

                        Hopefully I can get it sorted before it sells for the new owner


                        • Just find a buyer who has no intention of driving it inside the M25.


                          • Originally posted by =jon= View Post
                            I'm on my 3rd attempt at getting the log book changed, last one went off complete with the letter from Toyota posted on here, yet they still refuse to change it - apparently it has to have DVLA/SMMT make and model codes for my vehicle in for them to change it.

                            I've now pretty much given up on the situation with the DVLA - I'll try the VOSA(?) route mentioned on here, but the surf will be up for sale shortly - the LEZ problems coupled with the surf getting on a bit now (180K miles) means I've splashed out on a LC120.

                            Hopefully I can get it sorted before it sells for the new owner
                            If it was only what's on ya log book were the only problem !!
                            N there's compelling evidence it's not M'lord n sounds a bit like the Immigration
                            Fcuk scandal ....
                            Buncefield Burner


                            • 4th attempt failed

                              i sent pics and description off a light utility vehicle,i sent pics of surfs for sale on ebay that are lez compliant wih a letter explaining they are the same as my car which i also sent pics of and it was sent by internal mail from the dvla office in sidcup, i dont think anything will work with these wan##rs anymore as i just got my 4th letter from dvla saying

                              thank you for your application to change the body type description of your vehicle
                              i can confirm that the advice previously given to you is correct.the agency is not able to change the recorded body type of your toyota hi-lux surf to an estate car.
                              The body type description at the time of the first registration was declared as 4x4.The photographs you have supplied confirm that this is the correct description based on how your vehicle appears and the use of the vehicle commercially or for passengers would not alter this description.
                              I can only suggest you ask transport for london to recosider your case for exemption if you believe that your vehicle should fall outside the low emission zone charges.TFL are aware that we cannot change vehicle details simply in order to exempt drivers from charges.
                              If as previously mentioned toyota confirm in writing that there is an error in the body type description recorded on your vehicle registration certificate we will be in a position to reconsider your request
                              yours faithfully
                              carole jones

                              I really really have had enough of the bullshit they come up with so the greedy goverment can get more money from the motorist to pay for there pay rises and expenses and other countries roads etc etc.
                              Its time to contact ann marie to see if she can save my surf and my sanity


                              • Why would you continue to bang your head against the brick wall of incompetence and/or bureaucratic obstinacy that appears to rule at the DVLA? I'd have thought by now anyone reading this thread would appreciate that trying to deal with them is futile.
                                Since it is difficult to believe that the staff of the DVLA could possibly be as stupid or jobsworth as this whole LEZ episode tends to suggest, presumably they must now be doing it on purpose just for the hell of it.
                                So don't waste your time on them.

