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M40 services. £1.49 a litre.

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  • M40 services. £1.49 a litre.

    Got nothing else to say about that.

    Tried to find a "shocked" smiley but couldn't.

  • #2

    Quite a selection. It's the £6.50 for a Burger King that gets me.


    • #3

      Seriously though... it is getting silly...

      How long until we first see £2 a L?
      More Lift.
      More Tyres.
      More Engine.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Sancho View Post

        Quite a selection. It's the £6.50 for a Burger King that gets me.
        Yer, paid that. Didnt mind that quite so much.

        I didnt fill up at that price. Actually only stopped as i had a warning light on dash come on.

        Its only due to modern technology that i was able to work out that it was the fuel filter light. Got the i phone out and came onto this site.

        Decided must be due to water in filter. Went and drained it but no water?

        So i carried on.

        Will get a new filter and change it. See what happens.
        Last edited by Matt.n.p; 4 April 2011, 23:52.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Matt.n.p View Post
          Yer, paid that. Didnt mind that quite so much.

          I didnt fill up at that price. Actually only stopped as i had a warning light on dash come on.

          Its only due to modern technology that i was able to work out that it was the fuel filter light. Got the i phone out and came onto this site.

          Decided must be due to water in filter. Went and drained it but no water?

          So i carried on.

          Will get a new filter and change it. See what happens.
          Just try draining the filter (white plastic nob thing at the bottom) that might get the light off if theres any water in there, sounds about time for a new filter tho,
          price of fuel! well all i can say is it's a f##king rip off, any other country they'd be out rioting but we seem to just bend over, anyone that does make a stand is made out to be a "fringe looney" by the media, i'd like to insert a very large object into cameron and that waste of good white, clegg, who voted for these c##ts anyway
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            If he was still alive my old man would have had a good old chuckle at this. When you flew bombers in the war and lived under rationing, and having a TV was a pipe dream, the irony of complaining about fuel prices on a computer, let alone an Iphone, would have tickled him pink.


            • #7
              Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

              My 4x4
              My choice
              Back off


              • #8
                Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
                If he was still alive my old man would have had a good old chuckle at this. When you flew bombers in the war and lived under rationing, and having a TV was a pipe dream, the irony of complaining about fuel prices on a computer, let alone an Iphone, would have tickled him pink.
                And you think its time for a return to those good old days? This was the reason for unions, and the reason the Tories wanted rid of them so they can do what the fk they want, keep voting these c**ts in and we'll all end up slaves, by the way petrol was 9p a gallon in Oman one month back, diesel was cheaper, 85% tax after shipping and import, big, fair society, my a*rse. H


                • #9
                  £1.35 a litre at Morrisons

                  sorry Hazzo but tax at current rates compound is 68.98% just gone up from 65% The oil companies are steadily ramping up the cost and profit on return
                  Death rides a Black Horse


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Hazzo View Post
                    And you think its time for a return to those good old days? This was the reason for unions, and the reason the Tories wanted rid of them so they can do what the fk they want, keep voting these c**ts in and we'll all end up slaves, by the way petrol was 9p a gallon in Oman one month back, diesel was cheaper, 85% tax after shipping and import, big, fair society, my a*rse. H
                    Hmm, where to start...
                    a) I wasn't suggesting that rationing or the war was a good thing or that we ought to return to them. Obviously. Just pointing out that the vast majority have lots of completely superfluous material possessions these days which we are not especially grateful for.
                    b) what has it got to do with the Tories or the unions? Are you seriously suggesting that the end of rationing was because of the unions? If so, your usual capacity for blaming the Tories for all of society's ills has surpassed itself.
                    c) the price of petrol in Oman may have something to do with the enormous quantity of oil in err, Oman. Or perhaps the prices of petrol in the Middle East are related to the power of the unions and the lack of Tories there... Diesel is 2 US cents a litre in Iran. That must be down to the socialist government and the power of the workers. Oh wait...


                    • #11
                      Glad to find you about Henry. Did you know I have a new job...and since it was the Tories that got me it, and the unions got there heads flushed down the toilet, I'm going to fellate cameron and clegg. And I'm thinking of changing my name...any suggestions...something beggining with 'H' maybe...
                      Non intercooled nothing.


                      • #12
                        Can I be the first to say, Hitler...
                        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                          Glad to find you about Henry. Did you know I have a new job...and since it was the Tories that got me it, and the unions got there heads flushed down the toilet, I'm going to fellate cameron and clegg. And I'm thinking of changing my name...any suggestions...something beggining with 'H' maybe...
                          Pah. If you take that job you will be betraying the workers. If you had an ounce of integrity you would be on the streets united with the comrades causing millions of pounds worth of damage in protest at the cuts so that the hated Tory lickspittles have to spend millions of pounds of public funds to police the rioting err, err...


                          • #14
                            It's Blair's fault. end of.

                            If you voted for him, it's partially your fault as well.

                            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                            • #15

                              I shouldn't worry too much sure isn't the world gonna end next year?

                              I blame the Mayans!

