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Advice on the Surf Needed!!

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  • #16
    This is why we love our surfs... Use them, abuse them and love them for taking it like a toyota should!!!


    • #17
      Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have a winner................
      Attached Files
      " Time wounds all heels ".


      • #18

        Yep - Thats going for it George!


        • #19
          Originally posted by davec170 View Post
          They will carry a good weight in the back. If you push the boundaries of what's sensible it'll look like this:

          Is your snorkel on p155ed? It looks like its interested in something across the other side of the car park.


          • #20
            Ok lets try this again ! Just spent 10 mins typing a reply to your posts only to have it crash on me really wish I could type faster!!
            Thanks Guys
            Cheers for all the replies .Love the pics of the loads ! Please keep the pics and info coming I feel myself turning to the darkside looks like I might become a surf junkie in the new year (depending on funds)
            Don't take this as a good sign for if a surf is on the horizon I will be pestering you all sorts of mundane info

            Thanks again look forward to finding out more


            • #21
              heres what a 3rd gen can pull



              • #22
                It's about time you started to tidy your garden Rich.
                Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                • #23
                  definately go for a 3 rd gen 3 ltr, I don't use mine for pleasure but the back seats are down and its loaded to the windows with carpentry tools and I carry everthing for any job i'm likely to come up against, if i need to carry any thing like cement or plaster they are carried in the passenger footwell or covered seat. I wish i had found the surf earlier as its the best work horse i have come across, much better than any van. i can just get 2.9mtr lengths of timber in with the rear window up.

