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Yotatech forum racist warning (banned)

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  • #61
    Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
    Understood like a partial native, those couple of hours ye spent up here did you good.
    they certainly did.

    It means I can have my soul crushed...and never feel a thing.
    Non intercooled nothing.


    • #62
      Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
      Every time I went to see them, they hung me upside down, flushed my head down the toilet and stole my pocket money...
      That was so we could afford bacon the next time you came round.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #63
        Originally posted by Albannach View Post
        That was so we could afford bacon the next time you came round.

        It was always a pleasure to visit.

        Does my favourite moggy still miss me.
        Oh and please say hi to shirley for me.
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Scorpion View Post
          Hey, no problem! I had a fantastic time in Scotland last year on the Applecross trip. Yoshie, Andy and everyone else involved made it a trip to remember and their hospitality was brilliant.

          Applecross is a beautiful part of the world, I once went down that kin big hill, with a boat on the back, never again. I have gone via Shieldaig ever since.

          And my 100th post
          From Little Acorns
          Last edited by div3r; 19 July 2010, 19:19.


          • #65
            This may shed a bit of light on the American attitude, perhaps even the mention of 'Japanese' gets em going.

            A Japanese company (Toyota) & an American company (Ford) decided to have a canoe race on the Mississippi River. Both teams practiced long & hard to reach their peak fitness before the race.
            On the day the Japanese won by a mile.
            The Americans, very discouraged & depressed, decided to investigate the reason for their crushing defeat. A team made up of senior management was formed to recommend appropriate action.
            Their conclusion was the Japanese had 8 people rowing & 1 person steering, whilst the Americans had 1 person rowing & 7 people steering.
            They felt a deeper study was called for so they hired a consulting company & paid them a large fee for a 2nd opinion.
            The consultants advised that too many people were steering & not enough rowing!
            Not sure of how to utilise this information & not wanting the Japanese to win again, the management team structure was totally reorganised to 4 steering supervisors, 2 area steering superintendants & 1 assistant superintendant steering manager.
            They also implemented a new performance system that would give the 2 people rowing the boat greater incentive to work harder. It was called the "Rowing Team Quality First Program", with meetings, dinners & free pens for the rowers. There was discussion about getting new paddles,canoes & other equipment, extra holidays for practising & bonuses.The Company Pension Fund was "trimmed" & some of the savings were channelled into morale boosting programs & teamwork posters.
            The following year the Japanes won by 2 miles.
            Humiliated, the American management laid off 1 rower,halted development of a new canoe, sold all the paddles & cancelled all new capital investment. The money saved was distributed to Senior Management as bonuses.
            The next year, try as he might, the lone designated rower was unable to even finish the race (having no paddles), so he was laid off for unacceptable performance, all the canoe equipment was sold off & the following years team was outsorced to India.
            Sadly the end.
            FORD has spent the last 30 years moving most of its factories abroad, claiming American wages are too high.
            TOYOTA has spent the last 30 years building more than a dozen plants in the USA.
            And last year Ford made $9 billion in losses
            Toyota made $4 billion in profits

            Ford management are trying to work out where they went wrong-----although they are still collecting their bonuses!!!!!!


            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


            • #66
              After 1 day rebuilding your truck and the 3 trying to get the ###### thing running properly. I feel like the fecin "lone designated rower" must have felt.


              • #67
                I wonder if the yanks in question remember the 'yank-jap' who joined this site all guns blazing making no friends 6 months back, and this is some sort of payback

                Through my work, I've met many nice folk from the other side of the pond - but these do sound, well, a wee bit dumb.

                Alan, nice to see the old avatar back. One of my favorites! Got a larger copy?
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #68
                  LOL no mate. I like it too.!

                  yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


                  • #69
                    Fair comments. My apologies for any offence caused. None was intended and I honestly didn't expect the reaction that I got. I was wrong to post what I did. I do hope that anyone who was offended accepts my unreserved apology.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
                      LOL no mate. I like it too.!
                      Get off of here, the rain has stopped get your arse out and get Andys ecu. Then when that don't work get the spill control out.

                      I'm going out to finish welding this climbing frame.

                      As usual we are running out of days. Drum only 96hr away


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                        Here we go. For what it's worth, I'd saying calling a person a Jap is offensive, calling something Jap isn't. But that's me.

                        I did think that using 'Scot' as term for, well, a Scot was probably a bit meaningless, but I would have gone for 'Jock' if I was trying to use a nickname. I've never heard the term 'porridge wog' but I'd avoid it if I was trying to be friendly....

                        As for Dieselboy, I think this mod on Yotatech has gone in off the deep end a little bit, but I've come across plenty of mods like that. Rules are rules, no matter how retarded and inconsistently applied, and there's no point arguing with them or you just get banned....
                        You're not kidding! And at least we all agree on something that the initial post / topic was that the moderator had lost the plot!
                        I didn't really want to have a slagging discovery. I don't even know what a porridge whatsit is! All I know is that I haven't inherited any Scottish tastebuds from my mothers side - I hate the stuff. Nan has plenty of water and salt with hers!
                        Oh Nana, what's my name?


                        • #72
                          Just like everywhere there are good and bad, some real nice helpfull american members on the automodeling site, guess like me they are long in the tooth and see the futility of copeing the hump over some pointless b0lloks,

                          as for "Scots" well i cant comment, dont know any (apart from John Rebus)
                          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
                            Fair comments. My apologies for any offence caused. None was intended and I honestly didn't expect the reaction that I got. I was wrong to post what I did. I do hope that anyone who was offended accepts my unreserved apology.
                            When you are offended nothing actually happens, a punch in the face on the other hand.

                            Most on here are to thick skinned to take offence mate, they are more likely to take the p iss


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by yoshie View Post
                              When you are offended nothing actually happens, a punch in the face on the other hand.

                              Most on here are to thick skinned to take offence mate they are more likely to take the ####
                              Fair do's. TBH, I think it's probably better that I keep a lower profile (at least for the time being) lest I make a t1t of myself again...


                              • #75
                                Bet yota would bann Kerr's new avatar lol

                                Fairplay Rustinho, group hug?

                                Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.


