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Scuba diving video (Vultch)

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  • #31

    I remember going to Stoney Cove back when I was 15, I had only just got my BSAC 3 rd class on my 15 th birthday and a few days later we went to the cove and got in the chamber and they blew us down to 165 ft. That was back in the late 70's early 80's. Little did I know that in the future I was to spend a lot of time in chambers.
    Yea I always see diving as 90% carting gear about and 10% diving.
    No king of England is not king of France


    • #32
      Originally posted by sumo View Post
      I use a 5mm full length for the red sea and in malta, its perfect for a 40 metre dive and keeps you warm enough for shallower dives of 60 mins plus, I usually run out of air before I get cold.
      The drysuit course will teach you how to get out of the air in legs problem or you can use ankle weights. I did mine at stoney cove in febuary,air temp plus 4 water temp plus 7, visability 5 metres.
      I had a suit that looked a bit like dungarees, or a shoulder strapped boiler suit type thing on underneath another suit that was shorts but long arms. these two ammounted to 10mm (2 x 5mm suits). I was still a bit on the chilly side but wasnt shivering.

      Why do people dive in quarries? Whats down there to see?
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #33
        I've broken ice to go diving up here and I've been diving when it's snowing. I can honestly say, I've never ever been cold in the water.

        Thermals, joggers and a sweatshirt, a quality, properly fitting, dry suit (with a wee shot of air as insulation) and good hood and gloves are all you need to stay warm.

        Dry suit diving is easy, warm and comfortable and the dry suit course is well worth doing, even if you don't intend to dive in one. There isn't any such thing as too much knowledge when one is diving.

        I know people who have been diving for 20 years and only have 40 warm water dives in their logbook. I only went diving for 8 years and have over 500 logged (many unlogged too). I don't understand a sport diver who won't, for whatever reason, dive in their native waters.
        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


        • #34
          Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
          Why do people dive in quarries? Whats down there to see?
          Cars, vans, busses, helecopters, boats etc.. They are also fresh water, so is different to salt water.

          Recreational diving, for me, isn't just about 'seeing' things. It's an experience, it's different every time, even if you only dive the one site.
          Last edited by Albannach; 10 February 2010, 14:51.
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #35
            Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
            I had a suit that looked a bit like dungarees, or a shoulder strapped boiler suit type thing on underneath another suit that was shorts but long arms. these two ammounted to 10mm (2 x 5mm suits).
            Were they wetsuits or semi dry? I don't think 2 would be better than one to be honest,possibly worse, as the insulating layer will be between the suits rather than between you and the suit?

            I may be talking bollox of course as I've never tried that particular configuration.
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

