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  • #61
    Originally posted by Sancho View Post
    You have PM, although most over there still post here if someone needs advice. It's just a lot of the chat has moved over there to try and keep the peace over here.

    Edit: You don't have PM, because you've disabled it. I'm not going to put the address up here because, to be honest, I think it's bad form to link from one forum to another.
    Thanks Sancho.
    Yes i have not payed my subs. I will do so tomorrow. I have no intention of abandoning this forum for matts or anything, i just wanted to see what its like since its been mentioned a few times.


    • #62
      Originally posted by fonecrusher1 View Post
      i just wanted to see what its like since its been mentioned a few times.
      You'd hate it mate. It's full of people who have a laugh and get on with eachother.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #63
        Originally posted by Albannach View Post
        You'd hate it mate. It's full of people who have a laugh and get on with eachother.
        Oh how boring !!!


        • #64
          Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
          What's not very good for a forum...starting a row with snakey posts then getting the huff when your rumbled... No spose not. But hey since when have you let a little thing like integrity or even maturity get in the way of your sniffy way of conducting yourself. This forum is a much poorer place for the marked abscence of certain members, and you have been responsible for being complicit in their absence.

          But in the same way an addict denies they have a substance problem, you just keep up with your holier than thou bit.

          But just remember, we all saw tony and koi threaten to ban you for behaving in the same manner you did earlier with your snidey post..are they wrong as well,
          Originally posted by biosurf View Post
          Andy, I will agree that it does get brought back up unnecessarily sometimes, I guess theres a lot of strong feeling that a forum that was a part of peoples lives and a fun place to be has changed a great deal and ended up a neutered version of itself. If your honest I would imagine that you can see this despite your protestations that its 'so much nicer now' Its different and certainly not so much to my taste. Doesnt mean I'm leaving though (if I said I was then I wouldnt be coming back- that would just be embarrassing wouldn't it?) as I would rather stay and hope that things can change rather than let the inmates take over the asylum and anyway, the decent members must surely still outnumber those who seem intent on having thread w@nks.

          Sorry, back to my point I meant to make...
          You wonder why it keeps getting dragged back to the slanging, have you considered that your references to another website that you claim to have no interest in, doesn't really help things. It seems a bit odd that you decide to go over there and look, like worrying a sore tooth.
          If you are the holier than thou individual you like to describe yourself as, maybe think about stopping reading a site that clearly just winds you up leaving you unable to help yourself from posting about it here.
          Yes, theres not great things said about you just as I'm sure you have discussed other members on here in a negative light yourself.

          Leave it alone and maybe things are less likely to get 'started up again' as you put it. It's your choice whether you rise to bait, just as its others choice whether they rise to yours.
          right firstly gra,i havent looked at that forum in weeks since this first came up,i only looked on it when vince came on here trying to say i had,and looking back at those posts concerned,sorry to tell you but i was on the laptop at the time,which has rolling ip addy via my dongle,anyways,point is i have better things to do than watch you guys have a dig,really doesnt intrest me atall,so i fail to see how the sly comments are valid,but hey carry on.
          Bio ty and all good points,and i have stayed well clear till vince accused me of looking over there which i hadnt,i learnt very quickly that people were trying to get me into an argument last time round,and tbh,if they have nothing better to do than have a go just to try and get me banned or whatever the goal was/is meant to be let them carry on,but yes noted what you say,and i try not to rise to the comments being made.
          Anyways im off out now so enjoy


          • #65
            Originally posted by Woodzie View Post
            IOTY will not run again
            Getting this back on track I agree with Bio, and will NOT run surf IOTW IOTM or IOTY

            mind you, from what I have seen in this thread you need to run TOTY (I'll leave you to think on that one)
            Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


            • #66
              Originally posted by darkdezigns View Post
              ps last post on this thread for me,this really is pointless,have a go all you like

              15 post ago.....

              Nuff said......


              • #67
                fed the lions by hand andy n expect to get bitten!!! you say you want it all finished with but clearly you can have your sly comments n wind the pack up n get away with it.
                alot of good advice have gone from here n they people who gave alot of advice n info on surfs n put alot into this forum.
                oh well carry on!!!


                • #68
                  Wow ...world war 3 again ... part Durr !!
                  Well i think i know where ya coming from BDT ? DD or what ever ya call ya self !!
                  From the inset of your first couple O' posts way back when n (who cares when) I could just tell what sort of person ya were just by the context n contents of your postings ....
                  However I was giving ya the benefit of the doubt, you as a noob, or is that nob ???
                  Well after that it was all downhill, more posts than most (full of drivel n hot air) to fill ya BIG ego ... ain't that the truth !!
                  Well I got news for ya ...All ya got is what ya asked for !!!!
                  Amen to that !!
                  This was funny production (once) ...and the views expressed are mine only, but maybe copied elsewhere !!
                  I outta here, (forgive me but the meter's run out) but going nowhere ....

                  There's always a Payback .. Cos ya don't know where n ya never know when !!
                  Buncefield Burner


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                    The fukcing lot of you grow up. You look like a bunch of kids.
                    I have read up to post 68 and this is only post in the whole thread that I can honestly say I entirely agree with.

                    Сви можемо


                    • #70
                      Right two people from this thread have now been banned.

                      As stated we will not tolerate snide and abusive comments.

                      You had been warned to stop making snide comments and you just cant stop it can you, you started this with your snide comment and despite being told to stop doing it you just can't resist, no more.

                      Ford prefect your post is not welcome.
                      Last edited by Koi; 16 January 2010, 17:19.
                      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                      My 4x4
                      My choice
                      Back off

