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Bl00dy Polish

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  • #16
    There are 2 ways to go and we are all going the legal route... first.
    This guy will soon know what it feels like to be pushed around( the legal way that is)

    Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
    We used to have neighbours from hell but they sold up and moved rich. Everyone has a weakness it's just finding it. Their weakness was drinking to excess and driving home. A call to plod and me standing there grinning while they were nicked was awesome.

    Mind you, parking poomobile no 1 on the bonnet of his car about 6 times and without getting specific, newspaper , bottles of sewage and petrol and swan vesta work a treat. I realise not everyone can call on the services of the local criminal underclass but every one has a weakness rich... You just need to find it.
    I'm not. Advocating all out war with your neighbours..,. Actually I am
    but never forget

    Superglue and locks don't mix

    And dogshit under a car door handle sucks
    Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
    Morning alaex, and quite right...nothing like a civil suit to swell the briefs bank account. Direct action IMHO is much more effective


    • #17
      call to imigration comes to mind also rich. maybe a couple of plants growing in their garden then drug squad raid


      • #18
        what part of cornwall are you in ?


        • #19
          Originally posted by shokenore View Post
          what part of cornwall are you in ?
          Join Date: Dec 2004
          Location: camborne/cornwall
          Vehicle: black 1994 surf 3.0lt
          Posts: 15,891

          At a guess I'd say around Cambourne
          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • #20
            duh camborne sorry well its still early
            i feel soo sorry for you mate this makes my problem neighbours seem like no issue at all.
            best thing is to keep a record of their actions keep up with your good neighbours report the idiots to the police and to the council.

            i did get a scrappy to come and pick up a "problem" car once a while ago.the muppets face when i showed him the picture of his once beloved car (now in a metre by metre cube) was well worth it!
            he was a right tw*t you know the type 4000 watt bass bin drain pipe exhaust using the street like his own personal test track parking over peoples drives generally being a frickin a- hole and pi55ing everybody off

            the final straw for him was when some one had planted some "herbs" in his garden he he he
            i wouldn't condone violence as satisfying it might appear !!
            like mentioned before explore their weakness and act on this


            • #21
              Hey Rich Sorry to hear about the yobs next door if ya need any help gimme a shout mate
              I NEEED MUD.....and Welsh spring water!!!


              • #22
                Hey Rich. sorry to hear about your troubles with the neighbours mate! not good.
                when i used to live in my flat in Sutton a new couple and little en moved in next door to me. the guy was a violent loud mouth tw@T who thought he was a hard man because he could get rough and shout at his misses. i let it slide for a few weeks but thanks to a few stellas one night i snapped and well.......lets just say he was much quieter and he even paid to fix his door himself which i apparently broke with his head?
                anyway he only lasted a few months before the whole block complained and the commity through him out.
                however long later it was, i saw his car parked outside a derilict house down the road from my flat and began to notice it was parked there everyday and night. he was clearly squatting so i rang the council out and a few days later i never saw his car there again.

                Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                Is it ant wonder that there is so much hatred towards foreigners when you get ########s like this that think they can do,say,act how they want.People like this make things so much worse for the others that just want to come over here work and live a decent life.I have had 4 years of hell since they have moved in and now i can't even sell my house because of them.
                anyway if i were you i wouldnt get physicall with these polish lot purely because they come from a totally difdernt way of life and live by completely different standars. (or lack of)
                also they arent very clued up on how good our police system is compared to their. they are used to doing what they want and getting away with it and i think this attitude reflects when they come over hear.
                what im saying is they dont know any better and its people like this that wont think twice about about stabbing you.
                (i speak from experience on that part)

                what do they say when you tell them about the parking? im assuming you have mentioned this to them as its been going on for 4 years!?
                how many of them live next door to you?

                also check to see if there cars are taxed. if they're not then just ring the council and they will get it towed before you can say "slap me on the thigh and call me roger!" lol


                • #23
                  Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                  anyway if i were you i wouldnt get physicall with these polish lot purely because they come from a totally difdernt way of life and live by completely different standars. (or lack of)
                  also they arent very clued up on how good our police system is compared to their. they are used to doing what they want and getting away with it and i think this attitude reflects when they come over hear.
                  what im saying is they dont know any better and its people like this that wont think twice about about stabbing you.
                  (i speak from experience on that part)

                  What a load of old ########.
                  you get horrible people in every race and country.
                  Have you been to Poland?
                  Could you spell Poland?
                  Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                    What a load of old ########.
                    you get horrible people in every race and country.
                    Have you been to Poland?
                    Could you spell Poland?
                    *sigh* i knew there would be one. this is why is "highlighted" a part of what Rich had written to indicate that i was ONLY reffering to these type of people. the "bad ones" as you put it.
                    i was not reffering to all polish people.
                    and yes i can spell Poland just fine thank you?
                    and no ive not been there but ive shagged a few.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                      and no ive not been there but ive shagged a few.
                      Were they the ones that stabbed you?
                      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                      • #26
                        Will this help rich solve his problem????????????
                        I NEEED MUD.....and Welsh spring water!!!


                        • #27
                          Sorry to hear Rich, hope you get things sorted.......

                          Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                          Hey Rich. sorry to hear about your troubles with the neighbours mate! not good.
                          when i used to live in my flat in Sutton a new couple and little en moved in next door to me. the guy was a violent loud mouth tw@T who thought he was a hard man because he could get rough and shout at his misses. i let it slide for a few weeks but thanks to a few stellas one night i snapped and well.......lets just say he was much quieter and he even paid to fix his door himself which i apparently broke with his head?
                          anyway he only lasted a few months before the whole block complained and the commity through him out.
                          however long later it was, i saw his car parked outside a derilict house down the road from my flat and began to notice it was parked there everyday and night. he was clearly squatting so i rang the council out and a few days later i never saw his car there again.

                          anyway if i were you i wouldnt get physicall with these polish lot purely because they come from a totally difdernt way of life and live by completely different standars. (or lack of)
                          also they arent very clued up on how good our police system is compared to their. they are used to doing what they want and getting away with it and i think this attitude reflects when they come over hear.
                          what im saying is they dont know any better and its people like this that wont think twice about about stabbing you.
                          (i speak from experience on that part)

                          well then my friend, no offence intended in my following post...
                          Seriously, are you for real.... You say that the Polish have lack of standards..
                          So you think that going out after a few Stella's breaking his door with his head show's any standards...?

                          regardless if he is a tw@t or not that sort of violence should not be tolerated and he should have prosecuted you for abuse and bodily harm...

                          Yes some Polish are tw@ts but like slobodan said you get people like that in every country or nationality there is no need to generalise them....
                          I have worked with some Polish in the past and they worked a lot harder than most British I ever worked with....

                          Just something else and me being a foreign tw@t does not make this a racist comment...

                          If you look at the world's statistics England is the worse place to raise children..... The level of respect and values are much lower here than any other country I have ever lived in and your post "after a few Stella's" shows that you are that % that give English a bad name all over the world...
                          The kind that most Brits are ashamed off....

                          anyway I think you a probably a really nice lad but think before you post man because such bollux gets peoples hair up....

                          Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                          What a load of old ########.
                          you get horrible people in every race and country.
                          Have you been to Poland?
                          Could you spell Poland?
                          One day at the time I guess..


                          • #28
                            i want everything sorted legally and we've been told by a solicitor that he can be done for harrasment.
                            I've got neighbours writting letters as i type to complain about these people.

                            These Polish lot just do not want to take any notice of the contract they signed when they bought their house and its a legal binding contract in his deeds.
                            He has also now trying to claim part of my property which he will do over my dead body.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by goodcat View Post
                              *sigh* i knew there would be one. this is why is "highlighted" a part of what Rich had written to indicate that i was ONLY reffering to these type of people. the "bad ones" as you put it.
                              i was not reffering to all polish people.
                              and yes i can spell Poland just fine thank you?
                              and no ive not been there but ive shagged a few.
                              What did you expect? You didn't refer to a few. You made a general reference, (as usually happens where 'foreigners' are concerned), relating to them as a whole. Every country outside of England is not full of cave dwelling trogs, regardless of what the popular misconception may be.

                              Edit: With regards to that last sentence, I severely doubt your word on that part, even if they were hairy faced ones.
                              Last edited by MattF; 19 September 2009, 14:02.


                              • #30
                                Hope things go well for you Rich.

