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Bl00dy Polish

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  • #46
    Originally posted by stormforce View Post
    I can see where your coming from but this area was a bloomin nice quiet area till the Polish moved in so i am right in stating Foreigners.
    Like you say and i stated in the first post this isn't a racial thing but theres good and bad in everyone and unfortunately its the foreign thats the bad here at the moment
    By using the term 'foreigner' you are indirectly associating any non-english (like me & others) with the type of behaviour displayed by this idiot that lives next to you.
    If your going to start a thread with '###### foreigners' then prepare to deal with a couple of objective replies mate.
    Im on your side but try not to turn this into a; its us versus them damn foreigners debate.
    This isnt exactly general light-hearted car related chit chat, maybe there should be a separate section for this sort of thread?


    • #47
      I'm not going to get in a slagging off match and i can take objective replies.
      If you go back and read the thread properly you will see that i state that is people like him that make it worse for every foreigner that wants to come a live in this country and work here as people will associate all foreigners as the same whether they are Polish,Russian or what.
      As a matter of fact there are a number of foreigners everywhere that make it worse for all the decent ones that want to live and work here so don't start telling me what to state and what not to state.
      This thread is in the general section where it should be for non vehicle related threads as this is and if i couldn't take objective replies then i wouldn.t of stayed on this forum for nearly 5 years

      I'm not going to fall out with anyone over this so don't try to make me as i won't bite
      If you don't like the thread then you don't need to reply to it.Sorry if i seem blunt but i have had enough of people telling me what i should be doing and trying to take my land
      Last edited by stormforce; 19 September 2009, 16:53.


      • #48
        Originally posted by stormforce View Post
        When i ws talking to the police at 10.30 last night they were saying its a very thin line dividing whats legal and whats not legal on towing someones car out the way especially if its on their own land and i got full access rights.I need to find out the law on this before i do any towing of vehicles.
        Hi Rich

        With regards access. Had trouble when I moved into last house with someone blocking my drive. Was told at time by local police that if you are blocked in, then you have a right to move / get moved the obstructing vehicle. However if you are blocked from getting in there's not a lot can be done.
        My other cars a QUAD
        (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


        • #49
          I wont get involved in the rest of the thread, so if you feel the legal route is your best option i wish you all the best Rich! Stick to your guns and get as many "independant witnesses" as possible to any and Every incident!
          All the best mate
          www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk


          • #50
            Just invite us all down one day rich ..... ALL of us
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #51
              Originally posted by greecysurf View Post
              Hey Richard, really sorry to hear you got probs, legal way is the best way, set up a video camera for evidence, also get your nieghbours to do the same,
              Call the police every time there is a problem, insist they come out. If he blocks your drive and it is not a private road call the police, and insist they deal with it. It may not seem like it but the law is on your side, just make sure you call police and report every incident. Good luck mate.
              Hi Rich

              If you do use camera's, don't forget you have to put up warning signs..but they don't have to be very big
              My other cars a QUAD
              (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


              • #52
                Originally posted by sv1000spilot View Post
                Hi Rich

                If you do use camera's, don't forget you have to put up warning signs..but they don't have to be very big
                come to think of it the Polish have got cctv up and no signs either.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
                  Just invite us all down one day rich ..... ALL of us
                  yea that would really p1ss him off


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                    Hes already had 1 illegal he bought over from Poland till we found out and went to report him and he sent the illegal back to Poland before anything could be done.
                    Ehhhh Rich....
                    The houses have been there 4 years you say? since 2005?
                    Not picking on you or anything but Poland is a Member State of the EU...
                    Year of EU entry: 2004 so ehhhh how can that Polish person be Illegal...

                    Listen mate I am sorry to hear about your trouble I really do and I hope you get things sorted with the neighbourhood..
                    One day at the time I guess..


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by TobyJug View Post
                      Ehhhh Rich....
                      The houses have been there 4 years you say? since 2005?
                      Not picking on you or anything but Poland is a Member State of the EU...
                      Year of EU entry: 2004 so ehhhh how can that Polish person be Illegal...

                      Listen mate I am sorry to hear about your trouble I really do and I hope you get things sorted with the neighbourhood..
                      i do apologise and i'll retract that statement


                      • #56
                        in other words if he blocks it you can move it !
                        if you havnt got a solicitor already ask one for a fixed fee consultation it used to be a fiver dunno about now ask him if you can remove vehicles blocking your access and to send them a letter it might be a cheap way to stop him if not and he goes to a solicitor your bill does not start until you instruct one to work for you because they love sending letters at about a hundred quid a throw
                        I NEEED MUD.....and Welsh spring water!!!


                        • #57
                          3 years ago it cost me £450 in solicitors fees just to proove my access rights and he still doesn't want to obey by it


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                            I'm not going to get in a slagging off match and i can take objective replies.
                            If you go back and read the thread properly you will see that i state that is people like him that make it worse for every foreigner that wants to come a live in this country and work here as people will associate all foreigners as the same whether they are Polish,Russian or what.
                            As a matter of fact there are a number of foreigners everywhere that make it worse for all the decent ones that want to live and work here so don't start telling me what to state and what not to state.
                            This thread is in the general section where it should be for non vehicle related threads as this is and if i couldn't take objective replies then i wouldn.t of stayed on this forum for nearly 5 years

                            I'm not going to fall out with anyone over this so don't try to make me as i won't bite
                            If you don't like the thread then you don't need to reply to it.Sorry if i seem blunt but i have had enough of people telling me what i should be doing and trying to take my land
                            1 Never at any stage did i tell you what to state??? You earlier said people were bickering & i offered an explanation as to why that was happening.

                            2 I dont want to fall out with you, i dont even know you & im not trying to aggrevate you into an argument. Im not that sort of person at all (check all of my posts). I already said; quote 'im on your side'.

                            3 Im not argumentative but i will voice my opinion just as you have with this thread.

                            I come to this excellent forum for a bit of fun & some advice on my truck because you lot know more about these vehicles than anyone.
                            Stormforce your obviously angry about your situation so i wont heap anymore stress on your plate.
                            Again good luck


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                              3 years ago it cost me £450 in solicitors fees just to proove my access rights and he still doesn't want to obey by it
                              Then theres not much you can do with someone as thick as rockin horse sh1t apart from tacking him to court unfortunatly costly have a dig at the developers for causing all this sh1t too
                              I NEEED MUD.....and Welsh spring water!!!


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by fonecrusher1 View Post
                                1 Never at any stage did i tell you what to state??? You earlier said people were bickering & i offered an explanation as to why that was happening.

                                2 I dont want to fall out with you, i dont even know you & im not trying to aggrevate you into an argument. Im not that sort of person at all (check all of my posts). I already said; quote 'im on your side'.

                                3 Im not argumentative but i will voice my opinion just as you have with this thread.

                                I come to this excellent forum for a bit of fun & some advice on my truck because you lot know more about these vehicles than anyone.
                                Stormforce your obviously angry about your situation so i wont heap anymore stress on your plate.
                                Again good luck
                                All the man wants to do is vent without political correctness whats wrong with that harmless as long as noone takes what is said in anger as being how he truly feels every one says things in anger wether they are correct or not
                                I NEEED MUD.....and Welsh spring water!!!

