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Bl00dy Polish

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  • Bl00dy Polish

    Sorry but this post isn't a racist one or anything but for those who have known about my POLISH neighbours in the past will understand.
    Last night it kicked off big time with the Polish people and the people next door by a grown man pushing and shoving a 16 yr old.
    In the end i was outside watching it all when the polish started on me and then there were about 30 people out there against these foreigners.It was very close to the polish doctor (who has been suspended by the GMC for Gross MIsconduct)being killed especially when he started shoving the girls and women about.
    I am doing a house call to all the neighbours tomorrow to get letters of complaint written up and then i am going to see my solicitor and get these Polish lot taken to court on a civil matter.They are blocking half of my access rights and my mate who lives next door blocking their access.This week they deliberately blocked my garage so i couldn't get in there to do any work.
    I have just been onto a guy about buying another truck but after last niight i will now have to stop breaking trucks at home here.I will cocntinue till i have sold everything i got and the truck i have just bought .Until i get a small unit somewhere then i wont be able to carry on much longer selling parts

    My blood is still boiling from last night and now it's time to get this frigging ######## into court for breaking his contract which is in his DEEDS for his property.He will be done for being a public nuisance,blocking access rights,and harrassment.I have already been told that these are just a few of the things we can get him done for so its now time for action.

    Sorry for the rant but i am so p155ed off at the moment
    Last edited by stormforce; 19 September 2009, 16:58.

  • #2
    Sh1t sorry to hear that Rich. Hope you get it sorted out.


    • #3
      so do i mate as that was the only money i had coming in at the moment


      • #4
        We used to have neighbours from hell but they sold up and moved rich. Everyone has a weakness it's just finding it. Their weakness was drinking to excess and driving home. A call to plod and me standing there grinning while they were nicked was awesome.

        Mind you, parking poomobile no 1 on the bonnet of his car about 6 times and without getting specific, newspaper , bottles of sewage and petrol and swan vesta work a treat. I realise not everyone can call on the services of the local criminal underclass but every one has a weakness rich... You just need to find it.
        I'm not. Advocating all out war with your neighbours..,. Actually I am
        but never forget

        Superglue and locks don't mix

        And dogshit under a car door handle sucks
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #5
          what are they blocking yr drive with mate?if a car wot sort?


          • #6
            they keep using the Merc estate or the people carrier.I'm gonna wait till i speak to the solicitor Monday and go from there.I want to find out the full law on towing a vehicle thats on someone elses property but blocking my access


            • #7
              Originally posted by stormforce View Post
              they keep using the Merc estate or the people carrier.I'm gonna wait till i speak to the solicitor Monday and go from there.I want to find out the full law on towing a vehicle thats on someone elses property but blocking my access
              in my experience,it will take months to get anywhere,does your gates open inwards?


              • #8
                Who'd have thought it in sleepy Cornwall.
                Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                  in my experience,it will take months to get anywhere,does your gates open inwards?
                  Nope or do the garage doors that have opened outwards for the last 30 odd years that i know off.If they want them changed then they pay for them.I ain't changing anything that was there before these bl00dy houses were built and they knew what the doors etc were like to start off with when they bought their houses

                  Is it ant wonder that there is so much hatred towards foreigners when you get ar5eholes like this that think they can do,say,act how they want.People like this make things so much worse for the others that just want to come over here work and live a decent life.I have had 4 years of hell since they have moved in and now i can't even sell my house because of them.
                  Last edited by stormforce; 19 September 2009, 14:02.


                  • #10
                    ###### hell rich i miss it all dont i!!!
                    all i hear when i come down is ''you get off my drive'' or '' get of my property''
                    yet they never say to me yet!!! if they do hope im not in one of my p1ssed off moods.
                    they've had plenty chances to say to me but havent as yet hmmmmmmm!!!
                    time you lot all got together n get them sorted. get some mackeral strips n put up the exhaust pipes just becareful they dont shout rascism which i think they will do mate. maybe time for you to get camera put up especally after that attempted break in on gate..


                    • #11
                      A guy I work with (lives in north london) kept getting his neighbor parking over his drive way enterance. After going to complain to the council someone over heard him and mentioned that there is a loop hole in the law which allows you to get your drive set up as a no parking zone. If someone then parks over it you can call the council who send round a parking guy and give the people a 80 quid fine.
                      He went and warned his neighbours who told hime where to go, 2 weeks later they had a parking ticket and have not done it since!!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                        Who'd have thought it in sleepy Cornwall.

                        sleepy you say cornwall never sleeps can be a dangerous place to be alot of the times.


                        • #13
                          This will cost you. Solicitors just love this kind of thing, it can go on for ever and it doesnt come cheap.

                          Сви можемо


                          • #14
                            Morning alaex, and quite right...nothing like a civil suit to swell the briefs bank account. Direct action IMHO is much more effective
                            Non intercooled nothing.


                            • #15
                              There are about 14 households that will be putting into the complaints to have something done so hopefully everyone will club together and do their share.I am going to look into legal aid anyway as i'm out of work.I shall let you know later this week on what the solicitor has to say.

