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How long before alcohol is banned?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by slobodan View Post
    So that when a Crackhead wants a fix, instead of going to rob a house or a car for the 10 or 50 quid needed (I don't know current prices)

    He can go to Tesco, buy a bumper pack for 39p (next to the Aspirin) and overdose happily in the nearest stairwell.

    Just because I'm feeling particularly pedantic tonight (possibly as I'm still at work after 12 hours and counting) but your method would actually reduce the likelihood of overdose.
    Most overdose cases are due to users using the same amount (volume) of heroin as they usually of better quality heroin than they usually get (you can't tell quality by looking I guess) and therefore overdosing from what seems like their usual 'fix' amount.l
    If legalised as you suggest the purity would be standardised you would imagine and this situation would theoretically not happen.


    • #32
      I've thought for a hell of a long time that nicotine should become a controlled drug. It wouldn't be difficult to extract most of the nicotine from tobacco.

      Nicotine free cigarettes = no physical addiction.

      Therefore, freedom of choice returns (cos no matter which side of the debate you're on there is no denying nicotine is addictive!) and people can have responsibility for themselves.

      Thats virtually the problem with "legalising drugs" in my opinion. Freedom of choice kinda goes out the window when a substance is addictive to virtually everyone who takes it. (I know there are alcoholics in this world but in truth you can be addicted to just about anything - gambling, booze, hell - people with OCD get addicted to stuff like washing their hands - but it isn't a reason to ban something just because someone can get addicted to whatever it is.


      • #33
        Originally posted by MattF View Post
        By eck, you big girls blouse. You do take the ump easily. Seriously though, take the pub situation. The fact that I'm not a drinker makes me pretty neutral on the subject, so an unbiased opinion. The pious, self righteous little pricks who were complaining about passive smoking and all that crap are now getting the red hot poker rammed up their own arses. In my opinion, poetic justice. No more, no less. A lot of drinkers fuelled the banning wagon when it was something they disliked, so in honesty, none of you can take the hump now you're having the favour visited upon yourselves.

        p.s: Smart arses love smart arses, so it's self gratification. Sod whether anyone else cares.
        self righteous little pricks complaining about passive smoking .that was a joke yes .as only a selfish PRICK would think it ok to smoke all over nonsmokers


        • #34
          Originally posted by biosurf View Post
          Just because I'm feeling particularly pedantic tonight (possibly as I'm still at work after 12 hours and counting) but your method would actually reduce the likelihood of overdose.
          Most overdose cases are due to users using the same amount (volume) of heroin as they usually of better quality heroin than they usually get (you can't tell quality by looking I guess) and therefore overdosing from what seems like their usual 'fix' amount.l
          If legalised as you suggest the purity would be standardised you would imagine and this situation would theoretically not happen.
          But didn't you read my earlier post regarding random 'double dosages'?

          This is to overcome that problem.
          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • #35
            Originally posted by steve s View Post
            self righteous little pricks complaining about passive smoking .that was a joke yes .as only a selfish PRICK would think it ok to smoke all over nonsmokers
            Never heard of smoking and non-smoking sections? I never saw smokers requesting all sections be available to them. Non-smokers, on the other hand...

            By your token then, alcohol should most definitely be banned. I see no reason why any non-drinkers should ever be subjected to having to witness rowdy, drunken and possibly threatening behaviour due to people partaking freely of alcohol in public places.

            The door always swings both ways. Most of us aren't pious pricks who wish to ban other peoples pleasures, whether it is something we personally like or abhor. That is each persons choice, in most normal peoples opinions.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Matt View Post
              Never heard of smoking and non-smoking sections? I never saw smokers requesting all sections be available to them. Non-smokers, on the other hand...

              By your token then, alcohol should most definitely be banned. I see no reason why any non-drinkers should ever be subjected to having to witness rowdy, drunken and possibly threatening behaviour due to people partaking freely of alcohol in public places.

              The door always swings both ways. Most of us aren't pious pricks who wish to ban other peoples pleasures, whether it is something we personally like or abhor. That is each persons choice, in most normal peoples opinions.
              have removed my post to you mat on the grounds that if you are thick enough to feel that its acceptable to smoke all over other people then your just too thick to have a conversation with.
              Last edited by steve s; 10 September 2009, 21:00.


              • #37
                Originally posted by steve s View Post
                have removed my post to you mat on the grounds that if you are thick enough to feel that its acceptable to smoke all over other people then your just too thick to have a conversation with.
                All people who smoke in public are thick then?


                • #38
                  i hate all alcohol
                  i hate dunks cant stand pubs
                  i dont drink
                  but i see no reason to ban alcohol
                  just coz its not my thing dont mean to say it should be baned
                  too many in ya face peolpe that like to tell you how you should live
                  i say fek em do what ya like
                  if alcohol gets banned it will just go underground ( or in mi shed)
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Chillitt View Post
                    If alcohol is so bad that it needs taxing out of existance, why are there so many subsidised bars in the Houses of Parliament?
                    Because they put it on expenses n we pay for it, take the 9iss or what Charlie !!

                    There's always a Payback .... Don't know where n ya won't know when !!!!
                    Buncefield Burner


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by MattF View Post
                      Never heard of smoking and non-smoking sections? I never saw smokers requesting all sections be available to them. Non-smokers, on the other hand...

                      By your token then, alcohol should most definitely be banned. I see no reason why any non-drinkers should ever be subjected to having to witness rowdy, drunken and possibly threatening behaviour due to people partaking freely of alcohol in public places.

                      The door always swings both ways. Most of us aren't pious pricks who wish to ban other peoples pleasures, whether it is something we personally like or abhor. That is each persons choice, in most normal peoples opinions.
                      Remember the old days when they had smoking rooms in pubs?

                      I personally couldn't give a shit if someone wants a fag (or a cigarette for that matter) in public. I must admit I like the fact that my clothes dont stink when I get in from the pub these days, but cant say it would stop me from going to pubs if people did smoke. I make the choice not to smoke, but AFAIC, if others make the choice to smoke, then they're adults, its up to them.

                      If it means these cocks getting off our backs, I'd prefer it if people could drink, smoke, have anal sex, breed tortoise, and play violins in pubs. It's my choice to go, or not to go. What I object to is some tw@t who doesn't have a grip on reality deciding from Whitehall or Brussels what I can and cant do.
                      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Apache View Post
                        Remember the old days when they had smoking rooms in pubs?
                        They were what they called the tap rooms, were they not?

                        Originally posted by Apache View Post
                        I personally couldn't give a shit if someone wants a fag (or a cigarette for that matter) in public. I must admit I like the fact that my clothes dont stink when I get in from the pub these days, but cant say it would stop me from going to pubs if people did smoke. I make the choice not to smoke, but AFAIC, if others make the choice to smoke, then they're adults, its up to them.

                        If it means these cocks getting off our backs, I'd prefer it if people could drink, smoke, have anal sex, breed tortoise, and play violins in pubs. It's my choice to go, or not to go. What I object to is some tw@t who doesn't have a grip on reality deciding from Whitehall or Brussels what I can and cant do.
                        Numbnuts a few posts back is a prime example of the type of people who want everything banned that they don't personally indulge in, or have a liking for. They'll not be happy until every indulgence is either banned or clamped down so tight that they're nigh on useless. Can't wait until they get the sh1t end of the stick over something they enjoy, and it will eventually happen once the drinkers have been screwed over.

                        The pleasures of living in a democratic, civilised country where everyone has the right to say or do as they choose within the confines of the law. Yeah right, my arse.

                        Those t0ssers in Govt. and the do-gooding equivalents of the bobble-hats want shooting. If they don't like something, that's their choice, but screwing with everyone elses liberties is pathetic.


                        • #42
                          i am an ex smoker, i was thick, or just addicted for about 30 years, then intelligence kicked in and i saw how stupid i was being. So unlike you Mat i found the willpower and gave up. I haven't got a problem with any one that wants to commit suicide, and think that lunge cancer is an easy way to end, it all if that's what you want, then good luck, hope it works out for you?? But there is no justification for smoking over none smokers, you are the idiot trying to kill your self, so do it in the privacy of your own home (hope you haven't got kids) and stay away from people that like life, you obviously dont which is the reason you want cancer?? And i do like a drink, been a none drinker all my life, but over the last 6 months or so have found wine so im not anti booze just the ass holes that cant handle it.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by steve s View Post
                            i am an ex smoker, i was thick, or just addicted for about 30 years, then intelligence kicked in and i saw how stupid i was being. So unlike you Mat i found the willpower and gave up. I haven't got a problem with any one that wants to commit suicide, and think that lunge cancer is an easy way to end, it all if that's what you want, then good luck, hope it works out for you?? But there is no justification for smoking over none smokers, you are the idiot trying to kill your self, so do it in the privacy of your own home (hope you haven't got kids) and stay away from people that like life, you obviously dont which is the reason you want cancer?? And i do like a drink, been a none drinker all my life, but over the last 6 months or so have found wine so im not anti booze just the ass holes that cant handle it.

                            Can only speak for myself here but had a really bad time giving up... guess it depends on the stress that you are under at the time but did manage it for a while and good luck to everyone who says off the weed but for f&&K sake dont be one of the holyier than thou non smokers! Everyone has their vices be it smoking, drinking, trucks, etc
                            Ps i have kids but never subject them to passive smoking as any intelligent parent would do but when it comes down to it .........my choice my life..kids are never around when i smoke...done enough that is more dangerous than smoking and thinking about packing it in so that i can spend more time with the lil ones. nuff said! eveyone has their own opinion(sorry spelling..... italian keyboard)....PPs vino is the way ahead lol ....well till the morn....
                            The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


                            • #44
                              rob im not trying to be holyer than thou and it took me years before i gave up for good .but when a smoker comes out with crap like mat did (self righteous little pricks complaining about passive smoking )it gets up my back hes the prick not the none smokers complaining about a selfish git smoking all over them.


                              • #45
                                fair one guess a knee jerk reaction!didnt mean to be shirty to yourself but ....ah......well you know its a hard job giving up and you are right enough about the lil ones thats why we go out in the cold for a tab!....well its still 29 degrees out ere ..... not taking the .... but we all have colds now with the temp change ....if its any help was about 38 last week and plays havoc with the lil uns. Not rubbing it in greecysurf.... will back me up... hot is not always good....would rather be back in scotland truth be told!
                                Last edited by wiggy; 11 September 2009, 23:10.
                                The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming

