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How long before alcohol is banned?

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  • How long before alcohol is banned?

    The thin end of the wedge is appearing, with 'experts' wanting a ban on advertising of alcohol.

    When will these f*ckers let *me* decide how I want to live my life and stop bl00dy interfering?!!

    There are chavs out there getting hammered and causing trouble because - well, because they are chavs! End of! I drink, and very occasionally I drink a fair bit more than my recommended (by 'experts') amount of units. I have yet to beat someone up, smash anything, abuse anyone, so why do said 'experts' think they should be able to dictate what I do?

    When will our successive goverments, and their 'government experts' get a f*cking backbone and allow people to be responsible for their own actions, and the consequences, rather than wrapping everyone and everything in cotton wool!

    I love my country, but it's getting harder and harder to every day.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    Too ###### true. 'hang on theres someting that the media are picking up on and whining about! Lets legislate against it!'


    I vote for providing the chavs free govt supplied alcohol (as long as its the hooky Eastern European Vodka featuring toxic levels of antifreeze )

    On the other hand Andy are you sure the govts feelings havent been having an effect on your choices already? Been a while since a traditional Apache alcy-hol-induced dyslexia night


    • #3
      Free antifreeze laced vodka would also free up a load of house stock, and stop the f*ckers breeding at the speed of a rabbit on viagra! Top idea that man!

      Vicki's birthday was the last time I had one too many, a few weeks back. I was beyond typing so didn't try - though I do remember something about an exploding turtle in Liverpool...
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #4
        Here, here,

        Why not be like ths USA, I think it's 21 before you can buy booze,
        get caught, and your in court, and, punished hard!

        My 23yo son was refused by an 18yo bar maid 'cause he did'nt look
        old enough!! till he showed his drivers licence.

        Try that here but make it 25, no I.D. no booze simple, ANYONE selling
        to under-ages, loose thier licence, all licenced premises close
        at 12.00 midnight, and pay for the policing that has to be done, not us
        the "normal" taxpayer. Yes, I do like a drink, but I drink responsibly.

        If it aint broke, keep goin' till it is.


        • #5
          Funny how alcohol has been with us for centuries & chav's have been with us 2 f'in minute's, Mmmmmmmm yes, alcohol must be to blame then, we'll have to ban cars soon cos chav's drive then like dicks aswell.
          If its not broke don't fix it.


          • #6
            Talking of which. Sort of...
            It amazes me that none of the big pub chains have started opening their kitchens at closing time.
            It would make a lot of sense. Rather than everyone pouring out and starting fights on the way to the kebab shop get a couple of kitchen monkeys in the kitchen to make basics (burger and chips etc.) and make food a condition of anyone who wants a drink within 15 mins of closing time. Stay open for all those eating for 20 mins after closing.

            Staggers the times of the little scrotes leaving and would stop a few fights via the medium of full bellies when they did leave and make the pub a fair whack at the same time, plus tick their 'helping people to drink responsibly' box.

            Just a thought and sure it would make sense at Chavspoons and similar chains

            the irony of typing this half cut is not escaping me


            • #7
              It was pretty obvious what they were going to move onto once they had made smoking nigh on illegal. We did warn you lot. Let them get away with one thing, and they'll f*ck every pleasure up. No sympathy.


              • #8
                As with all things, the minority spoil it for the majority, the media does not help. Everything is deemed newsworthy, so your local pillock tanked up with lager who decides he can be a hard man by beating up a muscular type bus shelter, then anyone smaller than him, gets his 15 minutes of fame. Politicians jump on the bus, they think if they bang on about it for long enough the media gets fixated, and what we should worry about, they sneak through. Add a dose of the, poor Johnny had a bad upbringing we must not punish him do gooder brigade, and polictical correctness gone mad, we politicians are the only ones with common sense= ban booze, ban fags, ban fun. But keep wine cheap for the politicians with all the common sense.


                • #9
                  It will be the same as the US Prohibition in the 20's and 30's

                  alcohol, tobacco, gambling and many others are on the list I'm sure.
                  Show me where the trench is at or can i make one!


                  • #10
                    No, they won't ban them, they need the tax revenue

                    And all you need if they do is some containers, water, sugar, yeast
                    Last edited by sv1000spilot; 9 September 2009, 09:38.
                    My other cars a QUAD
                    (sv1000spilot on surf forums)


                    • #11
                      I don't see any difference between alcohol and drugs, My belief is that everything should be legal.
                      If drugs were legal there would be no need for the 'crackheads' to go robbing to pay for their addiction.
                      We could really trim down the population this way.
                      Also, Hospitals should refuse to treat anybody over intoxicated or over drugged.
                      There you go, just solved the housing problem, there will be huge estates empty when Gord adopts my plan.
                      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by MattF View Post
                        It was pretty obvious what they were going to move onto once they had made smoking nigh on illegal. We did warn you lot. Let them get away with one thing, and they'll f*ck every pleasure up. No sympathy.
                        I,ll join Matt with the " told you so". We let them away with it, we even encouraged it, we allowed them to think that banning things was a good idea.

                        Сви можемо


                        • #13
                          VIVA LA REVOLUTION............. baaa...baaaaa.baaaa

                          (or possibly oink)
                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                            I,ll join Matt with the " told you so".
                            So what did YOU do about it? And how do you know what MY views were on the other 'ban - legislate - ban' chants of gov and media?

                            I guess someone somewhere must love smart ar5es...
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • #15
                              I don't really drink much but yesterday I did a coolant change and lots of other bits and pieces on the surf, nice day so thought stuff it I'll have a beer, after my second can of fosters I found myself sanding four basher plates at the same time and I'd grown four hands from somewhere. Cheap night out me you know.

