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ever heard about this

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Albannach View Post
    My Missus, her indoors, etc lol
    私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


    • #32
      Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
      i know i have never heard nothing of this
      this is a step too far
      Old news. Inaccurate. Ken Livingstone mayor of London? Not since May last year for a start. And Ariel Sharon ceased to be of relavence politically after he went into a coma in Jan 2006.


      That seems to be the most recent news story from a reliable source about it although I'm sure that I saw an item on The Politics Show (BBC1) earlier this year that said that planning permission had been pretty much kicked into the long grass because it was so controversial and there was little chance of it being resurrected in the current political climate (BNP getting EuroMPs, etc).

      There are probably more important things to be getting wound up about.

      (Collapsing economy, rising fuel prices, rising unemployment, etc)

      Just my tuppence worth.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
        Old news. Inaccurate. Ken Livingstone mayor of London? Not since May last year for a start. And Ariel Sharon ceased to be of relavence politically after he went into a coma in Jan 2006.


        That seems to be the most recent news story from a reliable source about it although I'm sure that I saw an item on The Politics Show (BBC1) earlier this year that said that planning permission had been pretty much kicked into the long grass because it was so controversial and there was little chance of it being resurrected in the current political climate (BNP getting EuroMPs, etc).

        There are probably more important things to be getting wound up about.

        (Collapsing economy, rising fuel prices, rising unemployment, etc)

        Just my tuppence worth.

        i knew its old news
        i just pionted out that nothing was said up this way about it
        well i never saw owt
        iam going on the muslims i know and what they say them selfs
        coz lets face it if your not muslim then you have to ask one what they think
        and most of the muslims i know think its a bit out the top
        they are good muslims in this area
        and if they think its a bad idea then who are we (has non muslim) to say any better
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #34
          Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
          when they let us have our stuff over there
          then fair is fair
          let them have theres here
          but thats not the case
          iam not against muslims
          iam against them takin the p1ss out our poxy countery
          i know lots of muslims
          and even they dont want it here
          they say
          it will open the doors on a big scale to exstream muslim sect's

          why would we want that here
          when its a big problem allready?
          The fact that we can't go over there and do what we like, but they can come here and do what they like, has nothing to do with Muslims in the UK. It's 100% a government issue.

          If you think the country is poxy, why stay in it? And how exactly are 3rd and 4th generation British Muslims taking the p1ss?

          Your final point about extremism is moot. It will exist whether the Mosque is built on a bit of wasteland or not.
          Last edited by Albannach; 10 August 2009, 23:53.
          Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


          • #35
            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
            The fact that we can't go over there and do what we like, but they can come here and do what they like, has nothing to do with Muslims in the UK. It's 100% a government issue.

            If you think the country is poxy, why stay in it? And how exactly are 3rd and 4th generation British Muslims taking the ####?

            And your final point about extremism is moot. It will exist whether the Mosque is built on a bit of wasteland or not.

            so you seem to know more about muslims than the local fatwa around here dose

            it is a goverment issue but if there goverment is going to keep saying no then why sould we keep saying yes

            and the muslims i have been talking to what gen do you think they are
            cant see how it matters how long a muslim has lived here has owt to do with it

            and yes the countery is poxy
            have you every look how fukin big england is?

            and has for extremism i simpley pionted out that it would give them a bigger open door to the west

            a bit of wasteland ? dont think its a bit
            Last edited by JUDWAK; 11 August 2009, 00:16.
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • #36
              Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
              so you seem to know more about muslims that the local fatwa around here dose
              Where did I say that?

              Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
              it is a goverment issue but if there goverment is going to keep saying no then why sould we keep saying yes
              Vote for another government. They are disposable on a cycic basis mind...

              Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
              and the muslims i have been talking to what gen do you think they are
              No idea, I've not spoken to them.

              Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
              cant see how it matters how long a muslim has lived here has owt to do with it
              It means they may be British citizens, with the same rights as you or I.

              Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
              and yes the countery is poxy
              have you every look how fukin big engaland is?
              I've not paid much attention to how big England is. I've never thought it was poxy though. That said, I've always preferred Scotland.

              Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
              and has for extremism i simpley pionted out that it would give them a bigger open door to the west
              No it won't. Airports do that.

              Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
              a bit of wasteland ? dont think its a bit
              But it is wasteland none the less?
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


              • #37
                Originally Posted by JUDWAK
                so you seem to know more about muslims that the local fatwa around here dose who told me that it would open a bigger gate to extremism and you dissagree with him do you know who a fatwa is? Quote:

                Where did I say that?

                Originally Posted by JUDWAK
                it is a goverment issue but if there goverment is going to keep saying no then why sould we keep saying yes
                the below is very true Quote:

                Vote for another government. They are disposable on a cycic basis mind...

                Originally Posted by JUDWAK
                and the muslims i have been talking to what gen do you think they are
                you cant have spoken to them coz your miles away in scottland i would be very suprized if you ever spoke to any muslims other than for milk and the paper in the mornings Quote:

                No idea, I've not spoken to them.

                Originally Posted by JUDWAK
                cant see how it matters how long a muslim has lived here has owt to do with it even tho i know fully what it means still see no reason it should matter Quote:

                It means they may be British citizens, with the same rights as you or I.

                Originally Posted by JUDWAK
                and yes the countery is poxy
                have you every look how fukin big engaland is?
                sitting in scottland talkin about muslims how many live around you how many do you speak to and have you got 4 mosques in your area like me with holy men to talk to about such things way up there in your high place? Quote:

                I've not paid much attention to how big England is. I've never thought it was poxy though. That said, I've always preferred Scotland.

                Originally Posted by JUDWAK
                and has for extremism i simpley pionted out that it would give them a bigger open door to the west
                so you do dissagree with my local fatwa (muslim holy man)
                and how long you been muslim or a full blown musilm expert way up there in scottland Quote:

                No it won't. Airports do that.

                Originally Posted by JUDWAK
                a bit of wasteland ? dont think its a bit its more like the olympic stadium size on prime land ohh it is the olympic stadium but thats just wasteland to you way up there is it? Quote:

                But it is wasteland none the less?
                Last edited by JUDWAK; 11 August 2009, 00:45.
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #38
                  I'll reply once I figure out what the fcuk you're talking about!
                  Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                    I'll reply once I figure out what the fcuk you're talking about!
                    read it again ya lazy fu
                    Last edited by JUDWAK; 11 August 2009, 09:28.
                    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                    • #40
                      You do seem to know more than me on this issue though. I always thought a Fatwa was an opinion, not a person. Apologies if I'm mistaken.

                      I'm off for a shower now, will decipher your post and reply to it in a bit...
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                        read it
                        Decipher would be a better term to use.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by MattF View Post
                          Decipher would be a better term to use.

                          yes your fully right there mattf

                          sorry Albannach if i offended ya mate
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Albannach View Post
                            You do seem to know more than me on this issue though. I always thought a Fatwa was an opinion, not a person. Apologies if I'm mistaken.

                            I'm off for a shower now, will decipher your post and reply to it in a bit...

                            in fact your right
                            but its all so a holy scholar or a team of then over seeing the musilm law with in an area
                            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                            • #44
                              okay, i'm back.

                              what have i missed?

                              Oh Nana, what's my name?


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                                okay, i'm back.

                                what have i missed?

                                not much
                                ya know how it is with me posting owt
                                there is allways one
                                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

