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I.T. help needed!!! pc won't start!

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  • #76
    Originally posted by BioHazard View Post
    and you .........how are the snails .......they must be about the size of a 10p
    You have a P.M.


    • #77
      Right gentlemen. ebough talk of boobs, this is serious!!!

      my mission today is to finally get it working!

      Where i'm at now.

      i have successfully reinstalled windows XP in paralell with the origonal install.

      so now i can infact start the pc, albeit with HUGE fonts, and absolutely no drivers etc for anything useful. however the good news i that i can see absolutely everything that was on there when i left it, its just that my PC is running from a folder called windowsXP now, whereas everything good is in the origonal WINDOWS file.

      i have also set up the recovery console thingy, but that won't boot up either, stating that m5289.sys is not present.

      if you type m5289.sys into google, you get a few pages about the problem with MESH computers, and guess what? mines a MESH pc too!!

      anywho, as i can get it to run, and all my files and stuff is still accessible, what i was thinking was to either copy something from my new install to the old one to make it work, or copy all the useful stuff from my old windows folder to my new one.

      any suggestions as to which one will work, and what i might need to copy?


      Just trying to raise my postcount!

