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Bit of a Dilemma

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  • #31
    Last edited by blackpoolsparks; 5 December 2008, 22:53.
    私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


    • #32
      Or one for Trev
      Last edited by blackpoolsparks; 5 December 2008, 22:53.
      私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


      • #33
        Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
        Or one for Trev
        When did you take that ?

        Oh the shame !!!

        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


        • #34
          Originally posted by UDTrev View Post
          When did you take that ?

          Oh the shame !!!

          Trev, Sorry mate, it wasnt him,i caught u whilst i was on my rounds


          • #35
            Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
            my 2 pennys worth...
            ive been there,and now i just wont lend anymore,always ends up the same,but if your like me then people put the face on,and re assure you and you cave,almost to the point you know when u hand the money over you just know it's gonna happen,i'd go with wot blackpool said,ty and stay mates,they are probably sat there in masses of debt and reached the don't answer door or phone stage,ive been there,you niavely reach the point where you just stop talking to anyone,i'd go see them,be nice explain you just want to see a little coming back as a token,and tbh they will be glad as it will be off their mind,on a side note my most recent like this was rewiring a mates house,he moved in aint just wasn't safe,he was skint so i said ok,get the materials,i'll do it and pay me back in 3 months,so i did it, months later loads of excuses,but i lost my rag,nded up asking to pop round,went in removed his mains fuse,ie the big fook off seeboard one,and then walked off,3 hours later cash for fuse
            the try stay mates was out the window month or two ago there decision not mine. they have accused me of some things i am not prepared to say on here as they think i have be disloyal to them. which even if i had is no reason not to pay back the money they owe now is it?
            they are in Debt yes but they can still afford to drink in the pub daily and get through 3 or 4 bottles of gin a week too
            that alone would have paid off what they owe me (the token gesture yes??) i cant afford to drink that much on my salary and because of them had to tighten my belt because of it
            MY ###### TRUCK IS IN MOTHBALLS thanks to them,
            and my lifestyle with my partner has had to change because of them.

            now do you see why this is eating me up, and a bit Bitter too.
            Enjoying Life after Cancer


            • #36
              Originally posted by pops View Post
              the try stay mates was out the window month or two ago there decision not mine. they have accused me of some things i am not prepared to say on here as they think i have be disloyal to them. which even if i had is no reason not to pay back the money they owe now is it?
              they are in Debt yes but they can still afford to drink in the pub daily and get through 3 or 4 bottles of gin a week too
              that alone would have paid off what they owe me (the token gesture yes??) i cant afford to drink that much on my salary and because of them had to tighten my belt because of it
              MY ###### TRUCK IS IN MOTHBALLS thanks to them,
              and my lifestyle with my partner has had to change because of them.

              now do you see why this is eating me up, and a bit Bitter too.
              Ok So heavy's it is then, surely that was the answer u were hoping for from the start


              • #37
                If they're p*****g Government handouts against the wall, take photos and rat them out!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  If they're p*****g Government handouts against the wall, take photos and rat them out!
                  Its not against the law to pish your dole against the wall.
                  私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                    Its not against the law to pish your dole against the wall.
                    It's the principal.
                    Welfare money should only be used for health and shelter IMO.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
                      Ok So heavy's it is then, surely that was the answer u were hoping for from the start
                      i dont do violence and will not condone it either
                      i was hoping to get some idea's on how i May be able to recover the money or failing that telling my Brain to just let it go
                      the latter is hard as i have lent money before and been paid back (but as in a previous post I WILL NOT BE LENDING ANY MONEY AGAIN i am not a rich man and cant afford to right off £1500 of my hard earned money without trying al avenues open to recover the money

                      soap box is now crumbling under my weight so i will say
                      Thanks guys for Listening and the few idea's

                      PS they not on the dole Yet
                      Enjoying Life after Cancer


                      • #41
                        u talkin to me?
                        Last edited by blackpoolsparks; 5 December 2008, 22:53.
                        私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by pops View Post
                          the try stay mates was out the window month or two ago there decision not mine. they have accused me of some things i am not prepared to say on here as they think i have be disloyal to them. which even if i had is no reason not to pay back the money they owe now is it?
                          they are in Debt yes but they can still afford to drink in the pub daily and get through 3 or 4 bottles of gin a week too
                          that alone would have paid off what they owe me (the token gesture yes??) i cant afford to drink that much on my salary and because of them had to tighten my belt because of it
                          MY ###### TRUCK IS IN MOTHBALLS thanks to them,
                          and my lifestyle with my partner has had to change because of them.

                          now do you see why this is eating me up, and a bit Bitter too.
                          Sounds like you have tried all you can and also that they have burnt their bridges. Also sounds TBH like thay are a pair of alchoholics and it is probably screwing up their lives / jobs.

                          The reasonable course of action for friends would be to pay back £10 or whatever a week until it is paid off, but sounds like that isn't going to happen.

                          IMHO your two recourses are now to use the law or to write it off.

                          If you use the law it is going to be stressful and I am not sure you have a leg to stand on unless there is documentation of the transaction taking place.

                          So the final course of action is you should just write it off yourself and forget about it. Doing this you will come out on the moral high ground and also you will find that the stress goes away.

                          I don't blame you for being angry at them, I'd be livid, but there is a point where you have to stop getting eaten up about it, and move on.

                          Not wanting to lecture or anything, but lending money can more often than not end in tears and break friendships, so best leave it to banks unless it is close family in dire need AND you can write the money off.

                          Hope it works out for ya!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by pops View Post
                            the try stay mates was out the window month or two ago there decision not mine. they have accused me of some things i am not prepared to say on here as they think i have be disloyal to them. which even if i had is no reason not to pay back the money they owe now is it?
                            they are in Debt yes but they can still afford to drink in the pub daily and get through 3 or 4 bottles of gin a week too
                            that alone would have paid off what they owe me (the token gesture yes??) i cant afford to drink that much on my salary and because of them had to tighten my belt because of it
                            MY ###### TRUCK IS IN MOTHBALLS thanks to them,
                            and my lifestyle with my partner has had to change because of them.

                            now do you see why this is eating me up, and a bit Bitter too.
                            yep i see,i won't say wot i'd do.knock their door everyday,take em to court,publicly make a joke of them,when one goes back to work,pop into their work,ask for money


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                              It's the principal.
                              Welfare money should only be used for health and shelter IMO.
                              Vince for PM!!!
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                                I've often wondered but been afraid to ask what the f##k does "LOL" mean?
                                heres a handy guide to commonly used terms.

                                私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。

