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Bit of a Dilemma

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  • Bit of a Dilemma

    Ok Guys and Gals
    got a problem and been pondering it for months now
    any sensible idea's/comments welcome.

    right about a year ago i lent money to what i concidered a good friend and his partner.
    now the sum at the time rose to £2000
    he has paid me in july £500 in cash saying he would pay another £500 in october well that did not come. he has not answered any communications regarding the Debt even with me intermating i would take my claim to the courts.
    so a bit about the man
    he is working at the moment but currently under suspension which looks as if he will lose his job.
    the Partner since his suspension has had 2 weeks holidays and been on sick since and i now only being paid SSP sick pay.

    sorry bit long winded.
    BUT what action do you think i should take to recover the outstanding £1500 please.
    Enjoying Life after Cancer

  • #2
    Bit of a hard one to answer mate. Was there any sort of contract or loan agreement drawn up? An I.O.U. on a piece of paper?

    If it was just a verbal agreement I'm afraid you'll be hard pressed to get your money back. (Legally that is!)
    Last edited by Scorpion; 29 November 2008, 16:40.
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


    • #3
      Heres my opinion.
      It sounds as if your mate and his partner are a bit stuck for cash at the moment (suspension from work and SSP), so thers probably no real chance of getting your money, now. Even if you could take them to court and you won, they would probably be allowed to pay you in installments based on their financial situation. In addition you would lose them as friends.
      I know its hard, especially if you need the money, but i think you need to go talk to your mate, explain your position and agree a date by when he will pay you. If you keep him on side, you may EVENTUALLY get your money back.

      hope this helps
      私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


      • #4
        Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
        Heres my opinion.
        It sounds as if your mate and his partner are a bit stuck for cash at the moment (suspension from work and SSP), so thers probably no real chance of getting your money, now. Even if you could take them to court and you won, they would probably be allowed to pay you in installments based on their financial situation. In addition you would lose them as friends.
        I know its hard, especially if you need the money, but i think you need to go talk to your mate, explain your position and agree a date by when he will pay you. If you keep him on side, you may EVENTUALLY get your money back.

        hope this helps
        good answer mate know your right BUT (always a but) he has cut off all communication with me
        a date was set last december when i needed the money back and that was to pay for our summer holiday in july so he had 6 months.
        then when asked again in july gave me £500 pounds only with promise of another 500 in october (not recieved and he not answer any communications)
        they have both been telling anyone who listens we are not there friends.

        no contract or IOU was a loan between what i thought 2 Trusting mates
        Last edited by pops; 29 November 2008, 17:10.
        Enjoying Life after Cancer


        • #5
          I think this should be sorted out face to face. Not violence before anyone starts. But just getting it sorted, they are clearly avoiding u, so make a point off going out o your way to see them, god even £100 a month or such like is better than nothing, anyway you can see who the real friend in this is, YOU, well done for helping a mate out of a sticky situation.

          P.S I need a winch bumper MATE LOL


          • #6
            When you say hes not answering communcations, I assume you mean texts or e-mails, maybe messages on voicemail.
            Leave/ send him a message something like this:

            I know youre in a bit of a sticky situation at the moment, forget the repayment of my loan for now, untill you get back on your feet. If theres anything else I can do ,let me know. Speak to you in the new year

            It may pay off in the LONG run, or not. But you dont have anything to loose, more than you already have.

            BTW - the offer of further assistance is not real, dont give him any more money
            私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


            • #7
              Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
              When you say hes not answering communcations, I assume you mean texts or e-mails, maybe messages on voicemail.
              Leave/ send him a message something like this:

              I know youre in a bit of a sticky situation at the moment, forget the repayment of my loan for now, untill you get back on your feet. If theres anything else I can do ,let me know. Speak to you in the new year

              It may pay off in the LONG run, or not. But you dont have anything to loose, more than you already have.

              BTW - the offer of further assistance is not real, dont give him any more money
              so a polite letter HAND DELIVERED to there address as i know they wont sign for any Registered Post as they also owe other people too.
              and one of there last communications to me was not to sign for any mail for them (as they used to live with us for 3 months at the beginning of this year.)
              Enjoying Life after Cancer


              • #8
                Take them to the small claims court. They've had their chance and you need the money back.


                • #9
                  dont need to hand deliver it, or register post it. Just send them a letter, they'll read it.
                  私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                    Take them to the small claims court. They've had their chance and you need the money back.
                    but why pay the courts to win a ruling then they still dont pay
                    means i spent more money to get them to pay
                    cant get blood out of a stone comes to mind here
                    Enjoying Life after Cancer


                    • #11
                      Oooh, a bit of a bu99er this one isn't it?

                      I'd tend towards finding them and having a calm chat about it. Embarrassment due to them not being able to pay you might be part of the reason they can't face you, and are avoiding you.

                      One of the reasons I try to live by the adage 'neither a borrower or a lender be'. It can get awkward! ESPECIALLY if the person you borrow from / lend to are friends.
                      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by pops View Post
                        but why pay the courts to win a ruling then they still dont pay
                        means i spent more money to get them to pay
                        cant get blood out of a stone comes to mind here
                        It'll cost you about 40 quid and you can get the money through bailiffs etc if need be.

                        I sympathise with them. They must be short of cash and in a pretty bad position, but they're not facing up to it and they're not behaving how friends should. The court will rule in your favour, then it's up to you to decide how (and indeed if) you get the money.


                        • #13
                          Send the Heavy's in, i would Just another option, someone had to say it sooner or later.


                          • #14
                            My opinion for what it's worth Pops is he is not your mate and you dont need mates like that, hes trying it on, firstly you need to keep records/dates of all corispondance, phone calls etc, and roughly what was said, then hand deliver a carefully put together letter stateing how much is owed and what offer of repayment he is offering to make, keep copys of this (best typed out on "word") if he still dose'nt pay up then go to small claims court, they'll talk you through the process and will add their charges so he'll end up paying more than he owes you, even if it's repaid in paltry amounts each month you have the satisfaction of knowing he aint getting away with it, the fact that there was no written aggrement should not automaticly mean you've no chance of retrieveing your money, it will all come down to the adjudecator asigned to your hearing, so the more details you provide the more he'll find in your favor and pass judgement accordingly, then you let the courts do the work, and if he's late on a payment you contact the courts and they'll follow up on it, i used to take non paying customers to court for sums like £25 on general prinsiple, and believe me they'd have been better off paying up in the first place, f##k em,

                            alternatively, you could get a few mates to go round with a cordless drill and he'd bl00dy soon make an offer of payment hope you get your money back mate
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Cant Get Right View Post
                              Send the Heavy's in, i would Just another option, someone had to say it sooner or later.
                              I was kind of expecting it to be George though... then Matt or Sancho would start a fight with him, and Danno would think about closing the thread and yadda yadda yadda...
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

