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Starting problems

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  • #31
    'twas me!

    Originally posted by Diezel Weazel View Post
    Alan, think somebody recently refurbe'd theirs with kits from Roughtrax...

    There's always a Payback .... But don't expect a Warning !!!!
    I did, plus a write-up on how - see my other post on Bibs thread.

    And I had the same symptoms as you, though I also had an altenator that was on its way out too.

    The starter drains the batteries really REALLY fast as its a BIG lead from the batteries to a BIG set of copper contacts to a BIG current draining 'leccie motor. If those contacts stick (plunger sticking) you get a big drain fast. So i'm told (probably wrongly)

    I noticed that when the starter finally gave up, it clicked once, drained the batteries to about 4v!!!! killed the lights and I had a strange whining sound coming from SOMEWHERE in the dash!!!!! odd.

    anyway, a roughtrax special sorted it.

    If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.


    • #32
      Cheers Andy, will sort that after i've forked out for a new master cylinder!!
      Never rains but it pours eh!

      www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk

