I have been searching the web for days trying to locate a good deal on a set of 33" tyres and rims. My brain is now fried and my eyes are bleeding.
Muds, AT's, 80% off road - 20% on, Creepers, Bearclaws, Venturers, Mickey Thompsons, Maxxis........................ .....the list is never ending.
I do about 90% on road 10% off, I think I really need AT's but naturally MT's look much more aggressive.
I'm leaning towards Maxxis as they might fit the bill. Still trying to find someone who is selling second hand but it's like trying to find rocking horse poo!
No doubt when I finally bite the bullet and buy new I'll get an email the next day asking if I'm still after 33" tyres and rims!
C'est La Vie!
Muds, AT's, 80% off road - 20% on, Creepers, Bearclaws, Venturers, Mickey Thompsons, Maxxis........................ .....the list is never ending.
I do about 90% on road 10% off, I think I really need AT's but naturally MT's look much more aggressive.
I'm leaning towards Maxxis as they might fit the bill. Still trying to find someone who is selling second hand but it's like trying to find rocking horse poo!
No doubt when I finally bite the bullet and buy new I'll get an email the next day asking if I'm still after 33" tyres and rims!
C'est La Vie!