Well, I've fitted the replacement switches for the transfer to see if that would fix my 4WD problem, and it hasn't - I still just get a load of clicks from the relay....
So far I've:
Changed the VSVs
Changed the relay
Changed the 4WD ECU
Changed the switches on the transfer
Checked all the vacuum hoses all along
I'm really peed off with it now, and it's going to Toyota on Thursday Sept 4th. If they can't fix it, I won't be coming to RTTS, nor will I be going on the next Wales trip - and the Surf will probably be sold as it is....I've run out of ideas and patience - if anyone has any (good) advice on what else I should look for before I start taking pics and getting an ebay ad up then please let me know.
So far I've:
Changed the VSVs
Changed the relay
Changed the 4WD ECU
Changed the switches on the transfer
Checked all the vacuum hoses all along
I'm really peed off with it now, and it's going to Toyota on Thursday Sept 4th. If they can't fix it, I won't be coming to RTTS, nor will I be going on the next Wales trip - and the Surf will probably be sold as it is....I've run out of ideas and patience - if anyone has any (good) advice on what else I should look for before I start taking pics and getting an ebay ad up then please let me know.