Rod in particular, you should maybe have a good lie down before reading this..
It's from a thread on the GLASS forum but if they are right will apply to lots of us on here.
Sorry if its been brought up before but if it has, I haven't noticed.
The EU (non constitution) Treaty will bring about the end of the UK SVA test and associated triggering points system at the end of March 2009. It will be replaced with an evil Individual Vehicle Assessment (IVA) test triggered at MoT time. Practically every vehicle that is not completely 100% factory original is at risk of losing its DVLA registration and ability to drive on public roads in Britain, the rest of Europe and further.
An organisation called the Association of Car Enthusiasts is representing the views of modified vehicle owners in government consultations. I urge, each of you that have modified your vehicle to sign up for their free newsletter and for RnR to become a recognised supporter.
No other EU member state has the motoring heritage that the UK has. Modifying vehicles is almost a unique part of British and American culture that is completely lost on other Europeans. They just haven't got a clue why we don't all want to drive identical silver or black Audi A6 saloons. If we don't start complaining to our MP's now this will get pushed into law next April. I hope you kept all your old stock parts to put your Jeep back to factory spec.
My Jeep is already illegal as a permanent resident in most other European states. Yours may well be now, or will be by 31 March 2009 if it is not factory original.
Obviously applies to all makes
It's from a thread on the GLASS forum but if they are right will apply to lots of us on here.
Sorry if its been brought up before but if it has, I haven't noticed.
The EU (non constitution) Treaty will bring about the end of the UK SVA test and associated triggering points system at the end of March 2009. It will be replaced with an evil Individual Vehicle Assessment (IVA) test triggered at MoT time. Practically every vehicle that is not completely 100% factory original is at risk of losing its DVLA registration and ability to drive on public roads in Britain, the rest of Europe and further.
An organisation called the Association of Car Enthusiasts is representing the views of modified vehicle owners in government consultations. I urge, each of you that have modified your vehicle to sign up for their free newsletter and for RnR to become a recognised supporter.
No other EU member state has the motoring heritage that the UK has. Modifying vehicles is almost a unique part of British and American culture that is completely lost on other Europeans. They just haven't got a clue why we don't all want to drive identical silver or black Audi A6 saloons. If we don't start complaining to our MP's now this will get pushed into law next April. I hope you kept all your old stock parts to put your Jeep back to factory spec.
My Jeep is already illegal as a permanent resident in most other European states. Yours may well be now, or will be by 31 March 2009 if it is not factory original.
Obviously applies to all makes