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What Are We All Going To Do?

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  • What Are We All Going To Do?

    I have had enough.

    I cannot afford to live anymore!

    I went to put £20.00 worth of diesel in the Surf, £1.19 a litre!

    I ordered home heating oil, it is now £296.00 for 500 litres!

    My income remains roughly the same and I can't afford to run a car, what the hell is happening to this ###### country?

    My son who has severe Anaphylaxis (Life Threatening) has had his DLA taken off him?

    He is 7 years old!

    I am so worried for the future of this country, it is a complete joke, only it's not funny anymore!

    The bloke up the street is on top level DLA, has 3 cars (uses one for a mini cab) and goes on 3 holidays a year!

    There is sod all wrong with him!

    I have reported him 3 times and nothing ever gets done!

    All my life I have been an honest, law abiding citizen.

    I done my duty for Queen & country in Northern Ireland, risking my life for a country that doesn't want me but prefers fundamental Muslims or Eastern Europeans!

    I think this is going to turn bad ladies and gents!

    They say that diesel and petrol will be £1.50 before the end of the summer! what will I do then?

    I won't be able to drive my kids to school, it's getting that serious!

    My wife and I have had to spend the kids savings JUST to survive!

    Since I was made redundant in 2003 and lost our house I will NEVER be able to buy another one because of this fecked up government!

    The British working class are screwed!

    Working is not worth it anymore!

    I have even contemplated growing Cannabis and selling it or counterfeiting DVDs (seriously)!

    I am a very talented self employed Computer Engineer and I cannot make enough money to live comfortably!

    My wife quit her job in the Civil Service because we were actually WORSE financially, how can this be?

    Someday soon, I really, really hope that someone stands up and shouts, "enough is enough"!

    I have become a racist, this pains me but I can't help it!

    I see the Polish, Latvians, Nigerians, Philipinos and all the other immigrants getting brand new council houses, new Mobility cars etc. and I am furious!

    I have even found out that they have started back dating Family Tax Credits to families that have kids that were NOT even born here!

    I have to struggle to get the correct amounts every damned year!

    Why cannot I have peace anymore?

    Why is survival so much of a struggle?

    Britain is the WORST country in the World!

    Bring on the Revolution, please!

  • #2
    What we need is another guy fawkes but this time be successful and completing the mission .

    If i actually knew i was a limited time to live i'd do it myself and that isn't a joke mate


    • #3
      i feel the same way
      i worked all my life made myself ill doing it
      and to end up in a place to looks after every one else

      the cost of living is just too high for us uk residents
      every one else from any other coutery gets hand outs from ower goverment
      but its us that pay the price!
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #4
        I feel for you- I, too, am worse off financially than 5 years ago. I`m sure we are not the only ones! The government- and the british people need to get a back-bone and stand-up to people taking the proverbial p.ss. From benefits to crime to immigration we need to take a stand and be a little bit more pro-active, protective and aggressive for that matter. The "open-arms" method will not work in this world.
        Having lived for 18 years in south africa, I have seen the slow degradation of southern african countries and believe me it`s a long slow breakdown which happens under your nose.
        Powered by Toyota!


        • #5
          I know how you feel mate.... i thought about jacking it all in..live on the dole and work the black market....

          Back in the day Baby


          • #6
            let's step back for a minute - at the end of the day there ain't anyone reading or commenting on this thread who can't know that whatever happens, tonight they are gonna have four walls round them and a roof over their head.

            Yes the cost of living is going up, yes it's unfair, maybe we're gonna be forced to accept a lower standard of living that what we expect, but let's not beat around the bush we are spoilt, every single one of us, what we deserve, and what we can claim as a right, and what we have come to expect are quite simply worlds apart.

            Yes it pains me to see our government helping other's before helping it's own, it pains me to see our government ####ing our money up the wall, it pains me that britain is seen as a soft touch, what pains me more is that our own people are too lazy to get out of bed to work for the wages the immigrants are gladly jumping on the bandwagon for, then think it's their god given right to demand sky TV, and a council house, and enough left over to run a car, have a mobile phone, eat junk food, and go out drinking every weekend off of the government because they 'can't get a job'.

            I'm not saying our government's not screwed up, or not in the middle of screwing us up too, but there's people outside of our shores who can only dream of choosing to drive a car at all, or go to the pub at the weekend, or spend a tank of fuel each way for a weekends laning the other side of the country.

            So let's not start with all this we're so hard done by, i dunno how i'm gonna survive til the end of 2008, or until payday or whatever, it's bullshit - let's be honest.
            =SOLD UP!=


            • #7
              im having to agree with you ian.

              i am pi55ed at everything costing so much but i do work hard and earn a damm good wage to keep us all.im not doing a job that i want to do but if i decided to stay in my chosen proffesion then how could i expect sympathy for being skint.if you want something bad enough its possible to get it ,and that includes fuel for the surf,or food for the table.to say i cant earn enough to feed the kids...............well do what i and loads of others have had to do and work full time and a p/t job and wheel and deal and duck and dive.

              the govt aint playing by the rules so why should you or me.deal in some scrap,run your car on veg or red or whatever,dont declare every spot you earn,duck,dive and keep your head above water

              and dont any one say well its easy for you,i cant because(insert excuse)
              ANYTHING is possible,just change the way you view things and remeber dont rely on anyone except yourself
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • #8


                I feel you are missing the point somehow.

                I DO understand that I am lucky to be here and not somewhere full of suffering like Somalia etc.

                The point I am trying to make is that I AM trying to do what it takes but the powers that be are not helping me!

                They constantly move the goal posts!

                They tax me unfairly!

                They charge me MORE for goods here than other countries!

                I am the first one to dig money out of my pocket for charity and they tax that as well!

                They won't let me be patriotic and fly the UJ!

                I have EARNED the right to be here, my family & friends have died in France, Germany, Burma, Northern Ireland & Iraq so we could EXPECT a decent standard of living!

                My point, why does fuel cost more here than anywhere else?

                Why is it better to be on benefits than working?

                Why are our hospitals so dirty?

                Why are our boys dying in the Middle East so that Bush can dominate the planet?

                The world is a shitty place, we all know that!

                The British people are being SQUEEZED dry!

                Answer this, what if this were Germany or France or Sweden or Spain?

                Would we still be in the same boat?

                I think not.

                It's NOT bullshit as you so eloquently put it!

                More people are living in poverty now than ever!

                Old people DIE every winter because they simply cannot afford to buy fuel!

                Should I eat this week or be warm, hmmmmmm.... decisions???

                This is in a "so called" civilized country!

                How is "ducking & diving" going to help them?
                Last edited by hellmett; 26 April 2008, 21:49.


                • #9
                  TBH, I agree with the Nero / GWH side, and the rest of you. Both have valid points.

                  This Govt ARE screwing us stupid. We are more heavily taxed than we ever have been, for many reasons - one of which is that this govt are one of the most fiscally incompetant that we've ever had!


                  As I keep harping on about, we have a MASSIVE social security problem. Social security was originally conceived as a way of protectivg those who cannot help themselves, and there are members of this forum who rightfully rely on this. People who NEED the help DLA is supposed to deliver, but cant because of the lazy b*stards who know how to play the system.

                  Those lazy baseball hatted, tracky wearing chavs you see on your way home from work (you wont see them on your way to work, they wont be out of bed - but you ARE working to support them) are the ones who are creaming off the fat from the social security system., They are the people we need to get back to work, or let rot in the gutters.

                  We need a govt strong enough to realign our social security system to benefit those who NEED help, better than it does at the moment, and the lazy sh1ts who wont contribute to the society they take from, well, let the feckers rot.

                  Hellmett (and many more of us trying to scrape together an honest living in the face of obscene taxation), you and yours deserve something back from what you've put into this country. We have too many lazy, uneducated wasters. The Govt has failed them and us and needs to deal with it before we reach meltdown or civil war.
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    meltdown is very close!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      TBH, I agree with the Nero / GWH side, and the rest of you. Both have valid points.

                      This Govt ARE screwing us stupid. We are more heavily taxed than we ever have been, for many reasons - one of which is that this govt are one of the most fiscally incompetant that we've ever had!


                      As I keep harping on about, we have a MASSIVE social security problem. Social security was originally conceived as a way of protectivg those who cannot help themselves, and there are members of this forum who rightfully rely on this. People who NEED the help DLA is supposed to deliver, but cant because of the lazy b*stards who know how to play the system.

                      Those lazy baseball hatted, tracky wearing chavs you see on your way home from work (you wont see them on your way to work, they wont be out of bed - but you ARE working to support them) are the ones who are creaming off the fat from the social security system., They are the people we need to get back to work, or let rot in the gutters.

                      We need a govt strong enough to realign our social security system to benefit those who NEED help, better than it does at the moment, and the lazy sh1ts who wont contribute to the society they take from, well, let the feckers rot.

                      Hellmett (and many more of us trying to scrape together an honest living in the face of obscene taxation), you and yours deserve something back from what you've put into this country. We have too many lazy, uneducated wasters. The Govt has failed them and us and needs to deal with it before we reach meltdown or civil war.
                      You missed a bit Andy

                      Our 'wonderful' government seem to think it's right to spend more on bailing out a bank brought down by greed than on supporting armed forces sent in to fight wars not of their choice (or come for that most of the population here).

                      If they got our guys out they would save a few bob, MANY brave lives and be able to claim they are saving CO2 usage as they won't be flying our brave targets across the world (I am NOT knocking the armed forces, FAR from it)

                      sorry rant over !
                      Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                      • #12
                        well said andy m8
                        i agree with alot of whats being said by all people on here.
                        i live on social n dla but that dont make me a bad person n those that have met me can understand why im like i am n some cant.
                        some might say why should i use or drive a surf if im on social well cause it my right to drive what i want i dont go mad driving it everyday i drive it if i have to.
                        ive also offered help back into the community like the community have been helping me.ive offered help to the out of hours doctors in case of bad weather or they need a 4x4 on the moors/offered help to the fire service if they need my truck also to the council in emergency or the local police.
                        people look at me n think yes nothing wrong with you m8 but they dont know me or live with me 24 hours a day.
                        ive had a lot of support off people on here like dif things for my truck n help getting skull lifted i couldnt have done it without those people who have helped me n everything ive had help with or had im totally grateful for everything.
                        but please guys we had a convo like this not long ago on here n a little bit of sh1t over it all aswell.
                        i dont have to be in a wheel chair or have a arm or leg missing to be disabled but i do agree ive seen others on dla etc that can do things i cant do n some abled body or minded person could just about manage.
                        that makes me sick seeing young abled body n minded kids or adults not doing anything n just dozing about. god i felt outta place at tech weekend as i wasnt able to do half the things you guys could do n i felt hopeless but i did try


                        • #13
                          well allistair darling has a mortgage with northern rock so was no suprise he bailed them out, bet his interest rate has dropped a bit since too lol


                          • #14
                            Why would any lazy toe rag be it British/English or any Imigrants, illegal or other wise be entitled to any sort of benefits without first making any contributions to thre System ?????

                            There's always a Payback .... Ya just never see it Comin !!!!
                            Buncefield Burner


                            • #15
                              Because they may not be a 'lazy toe rag'.

                              Means testing should be a lot stricter so those who genuinely need help dont get refused (as some seem to be), but those who could work but CHOOSE not to get nothing, so either change their ways or end their days in the gutter.

                              Seems simple to me.

                              The system isn't their to support those who'd rather not work. Its there to support those who are too ill / disabled to work.
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

