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What Are We All Going To Do?

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  • #61
    Originally posted by TonyN View Post
    This is the point, no one who is in a postion to change anything, as actually been that hard hit by whats going on, its all financial issues, if you have lots of cash, you won't feel the pinch yet.

    The only thing that affects these people is property prices, and investments, and look........

    ....what a surprise, the only action being taken by the govnmt is to suck up banks and subsidise there morgage and cash worries to avert a housing price or back crash.

    They think we are stupid, maybe we are.

    It's all true!

    Countries are run by people who don't understand how 60+% of the population they are responsible for actually lives. I agree Tony, they care about high finance issues, property, pension fund gains and losses and making sure the financial organisations looking after their investments are OK.

    They don't see the real picture, people having to make a daily decision to feed and clothe their family, heat the house or put fuel in the car so they can get to work. The more tax they pile on, the more of these people can't afford to use their cars, and then lose their jobs/cars/houses. This puts a bigger burden on the economy, as there are more people needing to claim benefit, but fewer people able to pay tax to support them.

    Yes, we need more respect, yes we need to reduce petty repetitive crime, yes there are dole and benefit cheats, but measures are being put in place, and getting better to support this, but the government still don't realise the full picture. I was only half joking about using celebs, sure their lifestyles today are surreal and largely subsidised, but where did a lot of these people come from? Find the right ones, find their PR agents and lobby.

    Nothing will happen with a bunch of people moaning about how shit everying is - positive action works, be slightly subversive and look at all angles and see where you can go with it. I for one will start looking up celebs with low income backgrounds, those who needed to struggle -get teenagers to do your research - noone knows celebs life stories better.

    Tax needs to be reduced on fuel, all of it - electricity, heating oil, gas, petrol, diesel - so strikes don't work, as a country we haven't got the balls to see it through, so lets try and get some help from people who get notice taken from them....???? It's just a though, and IMO, worth a try. We don't have anything to lose trying stuff like this out, because it doesn't cost anything to do.
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #62
      Ahh, but the haulage industry is different. They'll feel the pinch, but they aint what you'd call BIG business. People with LARGE amounts of investments will be OK because they'll be bailed out when it all goes t1ts.

      Expect the building industry to take a hit too if housing demand continues to reduce. Oh, the firms themselves will be OK, but the brickies, chippies, sparks etc will find themselves in the dole queues as the developers tighten their belts and head to Southern Spain to ride it out.

      The man on the street usually stands to lose his job as business slows down and shareholders insist the wage bills are cut (ALWAYS the first thing to happen), which then has the knock on effect of him losing his home, which brings down house prices as there is a glut on the market.

      However, those with the money can ride it out by shifting their cash to where its safer (OUT of the country generally), or investing in businesses that profit during and after crashes.

      There is a huge class divide (if you base class on the amount of cash someone's got) which consecutive governments have never bothered to address - mainly because the people with big money have power over governments. Always been the way, dont expect it to change.
      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


      • #63
        Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
        I was only half joking about using celebs, sure their lifestyles today are surreal and largely subsidised
        I can see it now... Girls Aloud fighting for the rights of pensioners. Jordan standing outside a refinery with her placards out.

        Its a VERY VERY sad world when a larger part of the population knows exactly why Peter Andre left the Strictly Come Big Brother Jungle than know Buzz Aldrin was the 2nd man on the moon. It almost makes me embarrassed to say I'm British.

        However, I know what your saying. If you could get Davina Sodding F'cCall to tell Chavs to find a job and contribute to the society they've sponged off for so long, you'd have a better chance of success - this is a terrible state of affairs and I think I'd rather round up the 'Big Brothery' type of celebs, put em on an island with their chav fans and use up some of the nuke stockpile on it.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #64
          Just wanted to make a point that I was not having a go at the folks on this forum or the general public that have genuine disabilities.

          I know of at least 4 wasters in our village on benefits who have been reported several times for working cash in hand whilst receiving disability benefits, these same people play golf twice a week and spend every evening in the pub, and are driving around in brand new cars.

          I sympathise with the genuine folks, I've just have had enough of working my n*ts of for nothing and not being able to enjoy life any more.

          Take it easy.

          S*rew the goverment!
          Entered this world with nothing, ain't got much of it left.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Baldy 69 View Post
            Just wanted to make a point that I was not having a go at the folks on this forum or the general public that have genuine disabilities.

            I know of at least 4 wasters in our village on benefits who have been reported several times for working cash in hand whilst receiving disability benefits, these same people play golf twice a week and spend every evening in the pub, and are driving around in brand new cars.

            I sympathise with the genuine folks, I've just have had enough of working my n*ts of for nothing and not being able to enjoy life any more.

            Take it easy.

            S*rew the goverment!

            thanks mate
            but i never thought you was
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • #66
              In the words of the great Duke Nuke 'em, "Kill 'em all, let god sort 'em out"

              Still working for the man!

