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What Are We All Going To Do?

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  • #16
    In America, they are handing out tax rebates to try and avert financial ruin. Here, they are propping up banks. So thats 'socialists' helping the financial institutions, and the 'neo-cons' helping the people....most peculiar.

    And for the record, I'm too skint to do anything, but at least I have to wash and sort my rubbish before it goes out now. Thats should keep me occupied...
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Apache View Post
      Because they may not be a 'lazy toe rag'.

      Seems simple to me.

      The system isn't their to support those who'd rather not work. Its there to support those who are too ill / disabled to work.
      i know nothing of the dla system (still dont realy)
      but since i got ill i found out a lot
      it not easy to get or sort out
      its not easy to live on
      its even harder when well able bodyed pepole look down at me coz
      iam like 33 years old
      a well built lad with big arms
      i get the dogey looks
      and some think iam ripping the system off
      like i chucked my whole life to be on the sick?
      i had 3 jobs at 1 piont all full time
      i dont get anyone that wants to sit on there arse and ripp off the system
      whats the point?
      i have the odd dogey looks off a few
      just coz i own a nice house
      and drive a surf (the only car i can get in and out)
      but i got all this by working flukin hard
      i hate to be tared by the same brush has the toe rags that ripp off the system

      iam very glad that apache wrote
      Its there to support those who are too ill / disabled to work
      alot of people seem to forget that

      so can every one
      just think on next time your worrying about whats going to happen to us in the furture
      if your able to work at least you still have one
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #18
        well i gotta say i realy agree with the first post tbh,and i can see nero's point,and taking my own slant on this,ive done many jobs(im 30,15th fulltime job),although with this one for 5 years,and they have been varied to say the least,electrician,security,ret ail manager,and the way i see it is that gradually over the years,wages have stuck,i.e not gone up with inflation,so as everything has got more expensive it's got worse and worse and the way i see it is that we are fast approaching breaking point,like i said bout first post,it is honestly easier/you would be just as well off being on dole etc,but and it's a big but thats if your only prepared to do 9-5 mon to fri,from that i mean i agree with gwh with "ducking and diving",for me/us it's become the only way to live lol,i work fulltime,on call all week,my mrs works evenings,and we do carboots every weekend,but i see it as needs must tbh,i just refuse to sit back and say sod it,i aint working,it's just not me,and i don't say that to upset anyone that has/or is going to do this,i know a few that do,and they are happy,as for dla,ie people like will,i know from meeting the bloke he is a diamond,but as per first post,people do abuse the system,but lets be honest there will always be people that do,thats just the way it is,so if u want my 2 pennys worth...
        I say work as hard as you can,stay above the bread line,cause i really do think sumthin is gonna happen soon,i'm sure of it...........ok rant over lol
        i think thats my most sensible post ever!!


        • #19
          the answer to all the above is UNDERSTANDING how we got here ! at the end of the day were all HUMAN BEING taken for a ride !

          its called DEBT based currency and FRACTIONAL reserve banking !



          watch this ! THE LESSONS they forgott to send us too at school !

          " loving my surf "


          • #20
            Apache has it 100% correct.

            Now there are people who are genuinely ill, who can't work due to medical conditions and these people would love to get back into the system. I wish them well.

            But our system encourages dole hoppers, those who avoid work, our social services were meant to be a safety net, not a career choice. The DLA is also abused by many.

            Back in the day Baby


            • #21
              I've bin officially registered Disabled since 1972 according th DHSS records,(how things have changed) never was the lazy type, but job oppertunities were restricted as a registered peson n employers wer'nt to happy about to many in their workplace !! but I continued working on as ya do .....
              It took me 2 years to rid of this label, (cheating the form filling n avoiding the Disabled section) I now had lower capabilities but not less expectations !!!!
              I then worked various jobs for 20 years within my own capabilities n no restrictions untill 1994 when I started collapsing, I wont bore ya all with the details but basically, 1998 DHSS Fraud doctor diagnosed my problem, (specialists hadn't in 6 years) n he suggested a 4WD ...we managed with other Vehicles untill 1991, along came Mr Toyota n as they say the rest is history reagrding my Ride !!!! "Good on ya Will"
              Now classed as a liability by employers cos of my condition (Scoliosis) n know what you guys with it on here are going through....
              As some of ya will know I can pull my weight to a point but unfortunately I cant give my all these days !!!!!

              There's always a Payback .... Ya just never see it Comin !!!!
              Buncefield Burner


              • #22
                Originally posted by breakdowntruck2 View Post
                ie people like will,i know from meeting the bloke he is a diamond
                why thank you sir but i aint that valuable but i can see what everyone is saying,i think they should bring back the cane in schools etc n national service i tried to get in RAF when i was younger n failed only to find out why i wasnt excepted at a later date by my doc at the time, but i wont go into that.
                i worked but wasnt lucky in work situations but did goverment schemes in between i earnt my dole at the time in between jobs, there dont seem to be the goverment work schemes like there use to be these days ok perhaps it was 3 days a week for a extra tenner on ya dole money.
                there are people out there you deserve dla but cant get it while some do n nothing wrong with them.
                i must admit im scared alot of the time but can hide alot aswell n work better n try with a one to one like when i go n try help stormy
                i agree with most that was said but then we all have our own opions thats what makes this forum n adopted family great


                • #23
                  it dose seem to take a bit to sink in
                  it took me 2 years nearly lost the use of my legs
                  like you said
                  ya just keep going till ya cant go no more
                  i never realised that there was so many on the forum thats like me
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                    it dose seem to take a bit to sink in
                    it took me 2 years nearly lost the use of my legs
                    like you said
                    ya just keep going till ya cant go no more
                    i never realised that there was so many on the forum thats like me
                    you never know m8 some hide it some dont n im one of those that do say, then people can make up their own mind about me if i go quite etc i just prefer people to know than to meet me n think im just ignorant etc.


                    • #25
                      [QUOTE=pirate-storm;441090]i think they should bring back the cane in schools etc n national service

                      I totaly agree with pirate storm , as a kid, i was taught what was right and wrong by my parents and grandparents alike , i was disciplined by both if i stepped out of line and was always wary of the clip round the back of the head or a raw backside when i did . I was taught to respect my elders and the respect would bounce back , and sure enough it did . On leaving school i was unsure what to do , did not get very good grades and apprentaships were getting fewer and fewer. My parents said that they would not fund me once i left school and if i did go on the dole i would still have to pay my way at home out of the little dole money i would recieve. My dad made my mind up for me after about eight weeks on the dole and acting as a bit of a slob , he drove me to the town where there was the Army and the Navy recruitment offices next door to each other and told me to pick one of them . I chose the Navy and spent what was probabley the best ten years of my life as a single man , i cannot thank my dad for that enough as i know i would not be in the position i am today , i am not well off and i work 2 part time jobs aswell as a full time shift job to make ends meet , to buy and run my surf , to send my kids on school trips , to take the family on holiday etc all of which i pay for out of my own money that i have worked damned hard for. So i do begrudge the low life scum that sponge of the state by faking illnesses and still seem to lead a better life style than myself , newer motors , more social nights out , more holidays all payed for by our good selves.
                      I know our freinds on this good site are genuine and more needs to be done to help such deserving and genuine people but i feel the society we live in today is all about free rides and getting something for nothing , alot of kids nowadays learn from their parents and if the parents are lazy, idle and spongers then that will surely rub off on the kids. So i say national service cannot do any harm to anyone and indeed instill some of the discipline which is lacking in a lot of todays society .


                      • #26
                        [QUOTE=Slugger] I know our freinds on this good site are genuine [/QOUTE]

                        i agree i couldnt n wouldnt have my surf lifted or help with my surf even to help with a pc,ok i still owe but those have helped me know they will get it back in more ways than one.
                        i dont care if people think im a arse cause they cant tell me something i already know
                        but its def a big thanks to all who have helped me have faith in human nature again


                        • #27
                          In answer to the original post, I guess there are two options,

                          1) Make do

                          2) rebellion

                          For now, I'll make do, as I,m too busy trying to make ends meet for rebellion ( which is what they want)

                          I,m looking to get a cheap little runaround, so that I can use the surf at weekends for more local mileage and the three or four offroad trips I make a year.

                          Surfing has now become a very expensive hobby, and unless I cut costs, I won't be able to afford it.
                          I,ve got to cancel the sky tv, as I've just had a gas and phone bill in that come to £500, so sommats gotta give.

                          Still working for the man!


                          • #28
                            I was diagnosed with M.E when i was 19 after suffering for a year or two, i had to give up work as i was so ill. luckily for me i still lived with my dad so i had a place to live and food in my belly. i lost about 3 and a half stone in about 4 months and was really rough. I tried to see about getting some benefits so i could at least contribute to the bills etc. BUT having had a diagnosis from my gp i had to get a visit from the benefits doctor, who decided i was not ill enough to receive anything!!!! i could get any other help from the government financially as i had not paid enough taxes (not long been out of college and had worked part time since about 15 and got a full time job as soon as i let education!).

                            Since then i managed to get myself better and build a stronger and healthier body (well better than it was) with only the support of my family and my ex-girlfriend. I work full time now and pay plenty of tax. I have a neighbour whom i went to school with who lives with his girlfriend and their three kids, neither work. They are fit and able and only reproduce so they don't have to work. the get really drunk and make loads of noise till late in the evening and their kids are up screaming, and i mean screaming around 4 in the morning till after i have to go to work at 7.30. I cant get a good nights sleep because of them and work a day a week to pay for people like that to do it!!!

                            I don't have an issue with people getting the help they need, or with immigrants coming over to work and contribute to the taxes. its the lazy scum bags i cant stand and they need putting down!!! or at least neutering.

                            I know that there is nothing i can do to change this so i am saving my pennies and am looking to emigrated with my wonderful girlfriend, hopefully to Canada, i like the wilderness and open spaces. Its a shame that the workers who are able to leave are going cos it puts more strain on the tax payers stuck here and also makes it harder for genuine ill, disabled and others just needing help in the short term to get back on track and get what they need to survive. its sad cos i love Cornwall but i don't want my kids growing up in this country any more. Cos i can leave and try and do better else where then i will.

                            thought i would add my 2ps worth as another person failed by the system. thanks for listening, well reading
                            it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4


                            • #29
                              Regarding the original point and the glassbacks, getting rid of all this wrist slapping crap and giving the loafers/scrotes some proper servitude would help, as well as just instilling basic civility/respect again. Although, with regards to civility, courtesy and basic decency, the middle classes are usually far worse in that regard.

                              Regarding the money thing, money don't bring happiness. As Nero? mentioned, people do have it far too good in this country, and expect too much. That's one of the reasons our manufacturing went down the Swanee years ago. Paying the bills and putting food on the table is a must. Owt after that is a bonus, but not necessarily needed.
                              Last edited by MattF; 27 April 2008, 21:24.


                              • #30
                                Send the baseball capped chav's to the middle east & the rest of the scrounging b*stards with em, bring back conscription and get these lazy useless t**ts off our street.

                                Like other members here I have served Queen & country in N.Ireland, Germany etc, and I am pi**sed off with being screwed to the wall by this government, it is costing me a 1/4 of my monthly salary just to get to work, I am out of the house at 5.30am every morning and get home at 5.30pm.

                                I am worse off now than I was 5 years ago, somone in this country needs to stand up to this goverment and blockade the fuel depots, the transport company I use in my job has had to put his prices up 3 times in the last few months.

                                I am in a catch 22 situation, I can't afford to run the Surf, can't afford to change it, perhaps I should feign disability and get a mobility car!

                                Thats better rant over.
                                Entered this world with nothing, ain't got much of it left.

