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How to deal with social decay

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  • #76
    Originally posted by Sancho View Post
    So far, we have Judwak saying he hung around in a gang and Trinity advocating smoking weed. You all did the same thing it's just you're scared of them now because you think something will happen.
    Ahem - i was not advocating smoking weed - i was making a light hearted joke you donut
    Save earth...it's the only planet with chocolate


    • #77
      Originally posted by Trinity View Post
      Ahem - i was not advocating smoking weed - i was making a light hearted joke you donut
      Yeah, I know, sorry just getting annoyed at the effect the Mail seems to be having on the whole country.

      Do you make hamster castles or do they just eat through the wood?


      • #78
        Originally posted by Sancho View Post

        If we tell them they have no hope of affording a house or car then they're going to give up. That's just not true. I am young(ish) and can afford a house and car. How did I do that? Go to school, go to university, get a job. Easy really.
        Also, it is not that easy - maybe you had a fairly well off family to have gone to uni in the first place

        Most normal folks can't afford to support their kids while they go through it

        Violence is much worse now - maybe you missed it when you were poncing around in uni
        Save earth...it's the only planet with chocolate


        • #79
          Originally posted by Sancho View Post
          Yeah, I know, sorry just getting annoyed at the effect the Mail seems to be having on the whole country.

          Do you make hamster castles or do they just eat through the wood?
          Hamster cages are made of plastic and wire as they chew through wood
          Save earth...it's the only planet with chocolate


          • #80
            Originally posted by Trinity View Post
            Also, it is not that easy - maybe you had a fairly well off family to have gone to uni in the first place

            Most normal folks can't afford to support their kids while they go through it

            Violence is much worse now - maybe you missed it when you were poncing around in uni
            Firstly, I wasn't poncing around, I was actually learning something and working. I'm not some spoonfed rich kid. I lived with my 3 brothers and my mum in a little house in Essex, went to state school and got my A-levels. Then I worked as a lighting rigger and box office assistant for three years to pay my way through uni. I left university, got a job and worked my arse off to be where I am now and I don't take kindly to presumptuous people telling me I was born with a silver spoon up my arse.

            As it happens, my dad is quite wealthy now but started off as a child of a single parent in a not very nice bit of Leeds, worked as bus conductor for a few years then managed to get himself a career and put himself where he is now. My parents never spoilt me and never gave me handouts, they just made sure I was equipped to look after myself, which is all they needed to do.


            • #81
              That pretty much put that to bed then

              Still working for the man!

