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How to deal with social decay

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  • #61
    Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
    You really think that all the Charlie Bronsons will be sauntering around with guns and popping caps in the asses of the naughty 15 year olds.

    no charlie bronsons, just ordinary people with a base ball bat or two ,believe me its happening now, could be down your street soon!!!!


    • #62
      Originally posted by KERRSURF View Post
      You really think that all the Charlie Bronsons will be sauntering around with guns and popping caps in the asses of the naughty 15 year olds.

      It will happen eventually.
      It's a 'dog eat dog' country we live in now and things aren't getting any better.

      Wish we could go back to the sixties and start again.


      • #63
        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
        It will happen eventually.
        It's a 'dog eat dog' country we live in now and things aren't getting any better.

        Wish we could go back to the sixties and start again.
        "amen" to that!!!!!!!!


        • #64
          Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post

          Wish we could go back to the sixties and start again.

          ahh the era of free love.... Would be good! fed up of paying for it!

          thats a poor joke btw people.....


          • #65
            "CRAZY LAWS"

            i own a crossbow (the assins weapon of choice for over 1000 years)
            they're widely available VERY QUIET and NOT illegal > > > > > >

            the authorities WANT high crime rate THEN they give the police GUNS and stick us all in concentration camps so they can have the WORLD to themselves ! ! !

            thats why feck all is done about the DECAY as YOU guys put it ! ! !

            WE NEED TO STICK TOGETHER ! ! !

            here's a ###### intresting film if ya can be bothered (2hr 6 mins)


            and another cool website IF YA CAN BE BOTHERED !


            IF anyone really needs to escape feel free to visit me here in devon ? ! ?

            Last edited by fatboy33; 31 March 2008, 06:29.
            " loving my surf "


            • #66
              IF YA CAN BE BOTHERED
              " loving my surf "


              • #67
                Where were you all planning to run away to?

                Australia? the same
                Canada? the same
                USA? worse

                It looks like Norway, Germany, Austria, Greece, the UAE or Japan are your main choices. Have a nice time.

                My point is that you can sit and cry about it all day if you like but you'll change nothing. There is now less violent crime than there used to be but you're more likely to get killed. That's the way of the world and there's not much you can do about it.

                The best any of us can do is bring up our kids properly, without filling their heads with fear of crimes that may never happen and showing them they can live honest decent lives. If we tell them that people out there are trying to get them they're going to take weapons out to defend themselves.

                If we tell them they have no hope of affording a house or car then they're going to give up. That's just not true. I am young(ish) and can afford a house and car. How did I do that? Go to school, go to university, get a job. Easy really.

                The kids on the estates near me sit around smoking weed and mouthing off. So far, we have Judwak saying he hung around in a gang and Trinity advocating smoking weed. You all did the same thing it's just you're scared of them now because you think something will happen. Has it?
                Last edited by Sancho; 31 March 2008, 10:13.


                • #68
                  i did hang round in a gang but not like the youth of today
                  the differance between todays gangs and the gangs of the 1990's
                  were (in rotherham anyway)
                  no gang fighting
                  no beating some one to death in local parks
                  no thiething ####s
                  no street robbings
                  no knifes
                  no guns
                  no abuse to others
                  no drugs
                  no drinking

                  in the gang i was in the locals old or young would piont out the wroing ones so we would keep an eye out for them
                  pepole told us when they was going away so we would watch there house
                  local pepole liked us for one reason

                  we had respect for other needs space and property

                  hows that the same has today?

                  the young gangs around here are silly stupid kids
                  call them self
                  E.H CREW
                  they think that they are gangsters now not gangs
                  Last edited by JUDWAK; 31 March 2008, 11:26.
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • #69
                    gangsta's 4 ya innit m8. seems everything getting americanised these days.
                    anyone remember that guy on big brother a couple years ago saying '' i live in a ghetto'' yeah right m8 want to see a real ghetto go america n if kids today want to be in gangs send them to the real ghettos in the states n see how long they last bet they would cack their pants also send them to a boot camp n have some 6ft6 sergant major who built like arnie sort them out.
                    if i caused any hassle or stuck up for myself they soon lock me away under the mental health act n yet i would be defending myself n my family n some little git just outta nappys n thinks his wee thing is for stirring his tea/coffee can get away with it.
                    sancho i have respect for you m8 but even this idiot ie me will tell you goverment stats are wrong they just tell you want they want you to know m8, maybe i was born in the 60's n a different breed in those days as im sure most would say if you have a arguement with someone you got it sorted not like today ''you done wrong we gonna hurt you'' it was one on one.
                    gangs of kids in my day you seen most playing football n the other cricket etc we had street names like 'westfield albion' etc n had street leagues n only truoble was if the ball went over some ones house we use to knock n ask for the ball back first.
                    we prob all tried the quick cig or quick beer but was scared the ol bobby would catch us or our parents, i know times change but i for one will say its has got alot worse than when i was a kid.


                    • #70
                      Jim Callahan
                      Margaret Thatcher
                      Housing act 1985
                      Housing act 1988
                      Housing benefit.

                      I digress.

                      Jim Callahan's labour goverment introduced housing benefit it its own right, before that you had a suppliment on your Dole of FIS.

                      Housing benefit generally covers all rent.

                      Margaret thatcher desicreated our engineering, steel making and coal mining industries. Then sold them off to the europeans.

                      The housing act of 1985 introduced the "right to buy" where you could but a council house for peanuts (cheapest one I ever heard of was £1000) ok so when you were in work it was cheaper than rent, but once you lost your job you also lost your home. Private scum landlords bought them up cheap and rented them to anybody.

                      The housing act of 1988 deregulated the private landlords and they could then charge what rents they wanted, now only people on houisng benefit could afford to live there.

                      When I was a lad (I was 16 in 1984) both mum & dad worked. Dad for the water board inspecting for water leaks in underground pipes, mum in a weaving mill (remember these anybody!) when mum lostr her job she went straight out and got a job at the NHS in sterile services. Nobody can be bothered now, if they leave school and don't get a job it's not a problem because they can demand a council house and get their rent paid.

                      I recently worked in housing at Beruit housing office, as it was known, 80% of people were on housing benefit, more or less the only people working in the area were the housing staff!!

                      pump the water out of the mines and stick the chavs down there for a good hard days graft. see where that gets em!

                      Rant over.. I'm going back to work now!
                      Bring me the head of a treehugger


                      • #71
                        You will note the trend reversal in 95 when Labour decreed that the crime would be reported by postal code, rather than individual or address, eg, pre 95 6 flats in a block burgled = 6 crimes, post 95 6 flats in a block burgled = 1 post code = 1 crime. the actual figures as reported by the magistrates, county and crouwn courts are very upsetting.

                        I dont know the awnswer but it has a lot to do with family core values, respect for others and the laws. The biggest problem with our legal system is that the laws only apply to the lawfull.

                        All the best!


                        Originally posted by Sancho View Post
                        Well, your kind of right. It was a lot worse when I was a kid.

                        All crime

                        Violent crime

                        Criminal damage


                        Theft (not including vehicles)

                        Vehicle theft
                        Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


                        • #72
                          Anyone heard of a book called 'Freakonomics' by S. Dubner and S. Levitt, I recommend it! It talks about the real explanation behind such events that normal statistics doesn't show.

                          Quick and interesting example being the huge drop in crime in the US in the 90's. Why did this occur? people said increased police presence, tougher laws etc. but behind the figures the book suggests with good proof it was down to the legalisation of abortion that came into play in the early 70's.

                          - basically the poorer neighbourhoods (the ones mainly responsible for the crime) suddenly lacked the individuals that would have grown up 20 years later to cause the crime. Even though the mayor of NY took credit for it in NY, it wasnt anything to do with him.

                          I dont know the awnswer but it has a lot to do with family core values, respect for others and the laws.
                          absolutely agree!! But I blame the soaps on tv!! as I've said before they have to push the boundaries to keep it more gritty, when the public take the soaps to be like real life, they act like it themselves, once caught up with the soaps, the soaps push the boundary even more!! My kids certainly won't be watching soaps should I have any lol. It's so obvious, but impossible to prove, and therefore wil be protected by the damn lawyers grrrr!
                          Live like ur gonna die, because ur gonna


                          • #73
                            Send all the SCUM to IRAQ so they can all have some of their own fun
                            (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Snorkel View Post
                              Anyone heard of a book called 'Freakonomics' by S. Dubner and S. Levitt, I recommend it! It talks about the real explanation behind such events that normal statistics doesn't show.

                              Quick and interesting example being the huge drop in crime in the US in the 90's. Why did this occur? people said increased police presence, tougher laws etc. but behind the figures the book suggests with good proof it was down to the legalisation of abortion that came into play in the early 70's.

                              - basically the poorer neighbourhoods (the ones mainly responsible for the crime) suddenly lacked the individuals that would have grown up 20 years later to cause the crime. Even though the mayor of NY took credit for it in NY, it wasnt anything to do with him.

                              absolutely agree!! But I blame the soaps on tv!! as I've said before they have to push the boundaries to keep it more gritty, when the public take the soaps to be like real life, they act like it themselves, once caught up with the soaps, the soaps push the boundary even more!! My kids certainly won't be watching soaps should I have any lol. It's so obvious, but impossible to prove, and therefore wil be protected by the damn lawyers grrrr!
                              I've read Freakonomics. I thought it was a bit crap but there you go.

                              Anyway, it's nothing to do with soaps or anything else on TV. It's to do with every generation getting more and more screwed over by their parents who fill their heads with rubbish and treat them like blaggers, then tell them the world is an evil place and that they must fight against it.

                              The whole world needs to take a deep breath and calm down, but hysteria is rife and that's never going to happen. We will self-destruct as a race and it will be the fault of every person who had kids without being 100% committed to it.


                              • #75

                                I used to have a plan to deal with social decay - I knew I couldn't prevent it so I made sure I had the antidote to hand .......

                                Then the Government banned pistol shooting and I had to surrender the .45 and the 357 magnum !

                                Life is too important to take seriously !

