i have put the surf into retirement as i am doing a few miles for work these days,i have got myself a mark 3 golf gti, but when i got it the number plates wher a bit tatty and could not make out the letters on the rear one. the log book was away getting my details on so i got some ''german'' style ones off the web (i thought it would set the old shed off).so after they have been on about a month,i drive a mile from my house where there is a ''car (gypsy fair)boot sale'' on which i would thinkits full of dodgy goods, i was stop by two police pc in a bmw both of them wearing ''terminator'' style shades,they stopped for not having uk standard number plates. i got a £30 fine.i dont argue with the fine or the fact that the plates do'nt come into uk standards even though the lettering is the right size and gaps,its the point when they stopped my they said i had to take the plates off there and then,as i had no other plates to put on that they would have to sieze the car.know that it is pointless being argumentative with him i said fair enough.at this point it came back on the radio that the car was insured and mot'ed and that my licence was clean.then his attitude changed he become friendley and let me on my way as long as i changed the plates. is it me do these fascists try to provoke you in to a fight with them to get a bigger charge on you.
i try to support the police in what they do but sometimes i think they need to start looking at themselves before people will give them the respect they deserve
i try to support the police in what they do but sometimes i think they need to start looking at themselves before people will give them the respect they deserve