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what can i do about this motorbike idiot

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  • #46
    Originally posted by dieselboy
    i will give them a bell tomorrow.
    my sister got tricked by someone she half knew and he took her phone off her, so i went took her to sutton police station that night and she made a statement giving all the details as this bloke was out on prohbation anyway apparently.
    2 weeks went by and we didnt hear anything so we called them back up and there had been no statement made they said. its things like this that make me not trust the police.. its also why i dont think they would do anything.
    another instance, a drunk driver drove into us in putney. we went to the police station made a statement that a drunk drive drove into us and has drove off, me thinking that they would go to his home and catch him drunk.. i was laughed at by the police and told they cant and wont do that...
    hilander do you want to show these idiots how to be a copper?
    The trouble with the system now is that there's too much pressure on the polis When I worked in a city environment for 9 years it was sometimes a nightmare getting a unit to answer the radio. They were all so stressed out with paper work and their ownwork loads they couldn't handle even more work.

    I wish every incident like your's was recorded by letter a copy to your MP and a copy to chief Constable it's time they stopped pretending that everything was all nice and rosey and that the wheel fell of years ago.

    I covered one of the biggest beats in Europe up here until recently.

    They had 3 cars for 6 officers now they have 2 cars for 6 officers so when 2 cars are out on emergencies fatal RTA's etc (where response times maybe 2 hours away) due to size of the beat the other 4 officers either have to thumb a lift or use their own cars!

    It's all gone to rat $$$$.
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