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what can i do about this motorbike idiot

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  • what can i do about this motorbike idiot

    every bl00dy morning at 6:10am, some dick head on a bike comes past our house flat out on this 4-stroke bike. apart from weekends, its every morning. he must be doing 50mph or over.
    he slows down a bit before our house, may be because there are 'speed cushions' and then he opens up and goes from like 2nd gear to 4th or 5th within a few seconds.
    now i get up at 6am, and sometimes i put my alarm on snooze, so he does me a favour by waking me up. but it doesnt feel very pleasant. my mum has nerve damage through a car accident years ago and has trouble sleeping anyway, and it wakes her up.
    i feel like going out and clothes lining him off the bike when he comes past, because hes got no consideration for anyone else that lives here, and he shouldnt be going that fast down a small road like this anyway. our road is quite long, its not a narrow road, there are cars parked along one side, and cars/busses still have 2 way traffic. but if cars park the other side as well then it has to be single file traffic.
    i can hear this idiot get to the end of the road, turn the corner, and speed off down another road, for quite a while.
    ive thought about telling the police, but i really dont think they would do anything...
    Oh Nana, what's my name?

  • #2
    Originally posted by dieselboy
    every bl00dy morning at 6:10am, some dick head on a bike comes past our house flat out on this 4-stroke bike. apart from weekends, its every morning. he must be doing 50mph or over.
    he slows down a bit before our house, may be because there are 'speed cushions' and then he opens up and goes from like 2nd gear to 4th or 5th within a few seconds.
    now i get up at 6am, and sometimes i put my alarm on snooze, so he does me a favour by waking me up. but it doesnt feel very pleasant. my mum has nerve damage through a car accident years ago and has trouble sleeping anyway, and it wakes her up.
    i feel like going out and clothes lining him off the bike when he comes past, because hes got no consideration for anyone else that lives here, and he shouldnt be going that fast down a small road like this anyway. our road is quite long, its not a narrow road, there are cars parked along one side, and cars/busses still have 2 way traffic. but if cars park the other side as well then it has to be single file traffic.
    i can hear this idiot get to the end of the road, turn the corner, and speed off down another road, for quite a while.
    ive thought about telling the police, but i really dont think they would do anything...
    What's the speed limit where you live ?

    You can get away with murder, but you got no chance when speeding !
    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #3
      You never had a loud exhaust on any of your cars? I bet you never bothered taking it easy late at night or early in the morning every where you went.

      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        Electronic remote controlled fireworks?
        Nil illegitimi carborundum


        • #5
          the speed limit is 30 down here, but there are speed bumps, so its 20mph

          tonyN, i know what you mean, when i was younger i had a loud exhaust but i was taught that after a certain time your not even allowed to toot the horn so i wasnt completely in-considerate. and i wouldnt go racing round back roads. at 6am.
          i would do it at up to about 2am at the latest, and it was on main roads like A roads and dual carriage ways. :/
          Oh Nana, what's my name?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ace Piker
            Electronic remote controlled fireworks?
            launched from ?
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #7
              What ever you do, make sure he doesn't know or see you, it could be the end of your shiney paintwork or tyres.


              • #8
                it could be worse,it could be myself,tony or vince hacking up and down your road with our v8s thumping out.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dieselboy
                  launched from ?
                  Back of a handy Surf?

                  I know what you mean, when I lived in Stevenage, there used to be some punk kid who drove his scooter with no silencer around the block at 2am, you could hear it for miles, like a really annoying mosquito that was trapped in the bedroom.

                  I soooo wanted to stretch my winch cable across the road to a street light opposite to shut him up!

                  He should show more consideration for the noise, but probably dosn't even realise how annoying it is untill some does it to him/her in the future.

                  But if he is speeding/driving dangerously as well in a residential area, then its completely out of order.
                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • #10
                    When we lived in our last house we were 2nd house from the end of a road . We had a rear alleyway for access to garages , this alley ran the length of the road 256 houses long . A guy in a Primera used to drive down the alley and when he got to the end near us he would blast the horn a few times . This woke me up . I got up early one morning and waited for him . A gentle word in his ear sent him away never to drive down there again .
                    Rick...Member of 1st Gen club. ONE LIFE ... GET ONE !!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Vagrant No2
                      When we lived in our last house we were 2nd house from the end of a road . We had a rear alleyway for access to garages , this alley ran the length of the road 256 houses long . A guy in a Primera used to drive down the alley and when he got to the end near us he would blast the horn a few times . This woke me up . I got up early one morning and waited for him . A gentle word in his ear sent him away never to drive down there again .
                      when you say a gentle word in his ear rick,was it still attached to his head.?????


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dieselboy
                        launched from ?
                        Launched at the side of the road, from your bedside, as the tw@t rides past! Should get the message!!!
                        Nil illegitimi carborundum


                        • #13
                          well im disgusted..!!!!

                          the poor lamb has obviously no idea his actions arecausing you great distress,all this talk of retribution...tut,tut.honestly ,next thing you know someone will be suggesting a mix of diesel and water all over the road would deffo have him off his bike,perish the thought
                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • #14
                            Homemade "stinger" that should do the trick

                            Still working for the man!


                            • #15
                              Those of you who know where I live know our road is really narrow and obstructed by parked cars. It still doesn't stop some thoughtless little tw*t on a scooter coming down here flat out, weaving around cars and people. There's at least four small kids in 100 yards or so of this road, and one of these days he's gonna hit one of them - unless I accidentally open my door into him first...
                              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

