I have now been mixing 12 litres of veg oil with 750ml of turps, for the last 2 months, i have a 100% veg kit that had started to get lumpy as the cold is setting in. I took a 20 litre drum and put 750ml of turps in it then 12 litres of veg oil and mixed it up really well and left it over night. No separation had occured and the viscosity was really runny(not quite diesel viscosity). Anyhow turps in b&q is 74p per 750ml bottle if you look for it. So thats the same as diesel but means you dont need to use as much. Also i think that you could easily run a higher percentage against diesel aswell. Like i say, i left my enginr for 4 hours switched to veg with this mix and it started instantly and only kicked twice, and smoked was reduced aswell. Providedc you mix it really well, it lowers the flash point and give the engine more response, it has also lowered the pressure in the pump and hence mine has stopped leaking.
Try it with the percentage you have just now and you may find you can use les diesel to your veg turps mix. i.e if your 50/50 kepp putting in 50% diesel and 50% the new mix, and increase it as you would normally
I know that some will disagree with me buit i have been doing it for alot of miles and have found nothing but good results
Try it with the percentage you have just now and you may find you can use les diesel to your veg turps mix. i.e if your 50/50 kepp putting in 50% diesel and 50% the new mix, and increase it as you would normally
I know that some will disagree with me buit i have been doing it for alot of miles and have found nothing but good results