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  • #46
    Originally posted by johnd
    the last time i was down in london i had over 20k like minded pistol shooters with me and we got about 4 seconds on the news and a cat that could sing got five minutes. you are spot on we as a nation are so weak .

    You and me both !

    I did three of the rallies and dragged my three kids along to one of them too - they were four at the time - but at least we know the country's safer now there aren't any pistols left .........

    Hoping to go to Bisley on Saturday to see a few old friends

    Life is too important to take seriously !


    • #47
      Originally posted by Chillitt
      And heres the link. http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Motoring...le/DG_10012524

      If we weren't in a higher bracket before, then we won't be now. calm down every one!!!
      I'm calm honest!!!!

      I still can't get over a rather snotty (and silly) woman at work who was slightly upset when she found the tax on her petrol car had gone up £15 and mine only £5

      I'm going to bed now.... the wife says I have to!
      Bring me the head of a treehugger


      • #48
        Originally posted by coolsv650
        Sorn is completely differant rules and relate to vehicles not been taxed rather than the taxation class

        I am using the SORN issue to show how the DVLA had me to belive that they use the year of FIRST registration in this country for their rules.. not on how I had been a victim of SORN!
        -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


        • #49
          New road tax charges

          heres a link to dvla site that provides all details



          • #50
            Road Tax

            It Seems Only Vehicles Registered From March 06 Will Be Hit Will The Top Rate Tax.


            • #51
              hi all great site as ever,,,nice to read we might not have to pay so much more,,taxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..... has to be the best site for all us surfers,,,,keep it up guys,,,,,

