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double road tax!!!

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  • #31
    You know what, on September 11th 2001 when all US air traffic was grounded, the pollution readings were at an ALL TIME low. That says something.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Johnny
      Apparently a 747 trip to the USA and back emits the same co2 as a Range Rover does in 12 months !! Obvoiusly it's politically correct to bash 4x4 drivers and do nothing about air travel.
      divided between 400 paaengers and over the distance that a range rover covers in 6 months... per mile, per passenger it's very low CO2.
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #33
        Originally posted by da SLUG man
        divided between 400 paaengers and over the distance that a range rover covers in 6 months... per mile, per passenger it's very low CO2.
        I was just about to make that point!

        I read in a book that a 747 is cleaner per mile per person then a ford fiesta!


        • #34
          Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
          It is the date first registered that matters - wherever it was registered. Mine was imported in 2005, and the date of first registration is markd down as 1996.

          Sorry to be a party pooper here but this isnt correct.

          I was fined £80 for not telling the DVLA that my imported Celica was off the road. I told them that the car was made and regd in Japan in 1991 and that the rule applied to cars regd after 2004.
          The DVLA told me that the car was first regd in the UK in 2005 so that it fell into this bracket and I had to pay the fine.

          I think we could all end up paying more here depending on when the Surf was first regd etc.
          -=I swear to drunk I'm not god=-


          • #35
            Originally posted by max6674
            Sorry to be a party pooper here but this isnt correct.

            I was fined £80 for not telling the DVLA that my imported Celica was off the road. I told them that the car was made and regd in Japan in 1991 and that the rule applied to cars regd after 2004.
            The DVLA told me that the car was first regd in the UK in 2005 so that it fell into this bracket and I had to pay the fine.

            I think we could all end up paying more here depending on when the Surf was first regd etc.
            Maybe in that case however if this was true for road tax why. before the budget was I paying £175 and not the top rate. even though it was imported in 2005?
            Trust your Hound.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Taliesins
              Maybe in that case however if this was true for road tax why. before the budget was I paying £175 and not the top rate. even though it was imported in 2005?
              Its manufactured date, not imported date. Don't worry.
              4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


              • #37
                I was going to tax on line today and got side tracked and now find the site down til 9.30 for updates

                funny thing was the first time i entered the web addy it took me to a porn site ,
                and then got it the second time ? maybe some hackers joke ( good site mind )
                i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


                • #38
                  Vehicle tax rates from 22 March 2007

                  All the rates with all the answers



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by max6674
                    Sorry to be a party pooper here but this isnt correct.

                    I was fined £80 for not telling the DVLA that my imported Celica was off the road. I told them that the car was made and regd in Japan in 1991 and that the rule applied to cars regd after 2004.
                    The DVLA told me that the car was first regd in the UK in 2005 so that it fell into this bracket and I had to pay the fine.

                    I think we could all end up paying more here depending on when the Surf was first regd etc.
                    Not true all cars that are not taxed have to have a sorn even tax exempt classics.

