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  • #16
    Originally posted by codlord
    the biggest rocket I could find - £18 for 1!
    NASA had a burglary ?

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


    • #17
      this will make you laugh (or cry) two years ago we had some freinds over for a firework party (which i was the master of ceremonies of!!) about 8 of us in my back garden with about £250 of gunpowder with glitter in it.. one of the rockets i set up in its firing tube decided to fall over at just the right time and went straight thru the patio doors and set fire to the curtain burning my best mates mrs on the leg as it exploded...from then on my mrs banned me from any fireworks. fair enough you may say.... heres the best bit.
      last year we all went to a display as it was considered safer than the year before. all paid £6 to watch a lovely local display at kimbolton everything was lovely.. one minute watching the lovely patterns in the sky, the next i was on my way to accident and emergency with a rocket stick stuck in my eye. i had to wear an eye patch for about ten days had a small operation and was off work for four losing about £270 in the process. needless to say were staying in this time and having no one over! looking back now (with a squint) i can just about see the funny side ha ha....


      • #18
        you miserable s**ts lol. at the end of the day i agree and disagree with the coments. as far as spending 100 pound on fireworks thats my mother in laws choice as she has, had a lot of hardships lately, my wife and my mother in laws dad/husband died about 6 months ago of lung cancer, it was very sudden. all so she has just finished a battle, with her work which has lasted for the last 2 years of her life and cause her great deal of stress. she is unable to go back to work because of the damage they have done to her, so it's her money to spend on my kids if she wants to. she tells my kids that it's to send a message to there grumpys that we are all thinking of him.
        we also have dogs which we consider.


        • #19
          Personally, I hate trick/treat, Its an American import that we could well do without.

          It's basically begging with the threat of retribution.

          I cable tied all my gates shut this year, that kept the little buggers out.

          Bah Humbug!

          Still working for the man!


          • #20
            Originally posted by Apache
            Not spending anything. The private girls school just up the road from me has an awesome display every year and my back garden is a prime viewing spot.
            Private girls school.......your stock of thigh lenght boots, gulp..........

            I need to go and lie down for a bit............

            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #21
              Bah Humbug!! spending nowt cos i got nowt, Big waste of money and a pest to boot, there going off outside as i type, donate the £100 to my surf fund,
              you know it makes sence
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #22
                Originally posted by TonyN
                Private girls school.......your stock of thigh lenght boots, gulp..........

                I need to go and lie down for a bit............


                Hadn't thought of that combination. Lying down would probably be unwise...
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #23
                  We have the same problems here. bell-ends letting them off al hours day and night for the week leading up to and for months after GF. I bet 90% of the little $hits have no idea what they are "celebrating". Although I think Guy was on the right track, certainly have entertained the idea myself more than once.
                  The day they went on sale here we had two nice big grass fires up the mountain which is a big park just up the road from the station. Then off two a double garage with someones household effects in storage..........gutted. The cause.....................Fire works!!!! 15grand for a new garage alone plus irreplaceable chattels.
                  Dozens of council bins get used as mini bonfires.
                  I am not into banning all the fun stuff in life but this is bl00dy ridiculus and needs to stop now!!
                  Those of you who know me will appreciate my stand on this one.
                  '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd


                  • #24
                    Tonight it started before it got dark. Don't get me wrong. I love fireworks but not for weeks/months on end. Things need to be seasonal or we take them for granted (I refuse to buy brussels sprouts until there has been a frost).
                    It was alright when we celebrated Guy Fawkes Night on Nov 5th. Tonight has been like Hells Night, as depicted in the film The Crow. I have been out twice with the bucket and watering can, first to put out a fire in the council litter bin on the corner and the second time to douse the neighbours wheelie bin because some scrote thought it was funny to chuck a firework into it. What amazed me was that a neighbour said it wasn't my job and I should leave it to the fire service. WTF?? I figure that the fire fighters were busy enough tonight, judging by the continuous sound of sirens, without being called out to a poxy little bin fire.

                    On Friday night our nephew and his wife had to evacuate their house because some little sh1t decided it was funny to break the stick on a rocket, which went off course and set light to the large conifer tree by thier house. Result: Plastic melted on their conservatory, soffet boards and guttering. The fire service tied up for an hour making sure everything was damped down properly.

                    The Police were very sympathetic (not), knowing who the culprits were, as several witnesses came forward, could only say, "Accidents happen," despite the fact that they were too young to have fireworks (illegal) and letting them off in a public place (illegal). It makes me laugh. The authorities have spent a fortune on public service adverts on local radio saying that the police will be targeting people using fireworks irresponsibly and illegally. I don't suppose they will bother though. The prisons are full. The police custody cells are full of prisoners, they have nowhere to put people that have been arrested and if they are under 16 years, that's alright then, no wonder this country is turning into a crock of $$$$e. Goodnight.
                    It's only a hobby!


                    • #25
                      The fire service tied up for an hour making sure everything was damped down properly.
                      I KNOW how they feel.

                      We had two more grass fires "up on the hill" last night. One after the other from 1015 to 1130pm. This hill is about 45deg over most of it and near verticle in some places. When you have run over 100 metres of hose line up there to get to the fire the last thing you need is a bunch of @#$%&'s cheering you on.
                      Tonight is G'F' proper (05NOV) so we will see how we go.
                      '90 SSR Ltd 2.4TD 5 spd


                      • #26
                        Even though i bought my own fire works to take to a party, i do think that these things should be banned to the every day joe bloggs i know it sounds like iam being hypocritical but i have no intensions of hurting anybody/animals or playing silly buggers with them. I was working on the surf yesterday afternoon my dog was sat at my side as always does, then some $$$$ lets a fire work off and scared the $$$$ out of him! why would some numpty set off a rocket in the middle of the day? tozzers.
                        where are these kids getting these fireworks from?
                        where are there parents? do they know what there doing?
                        if it's not kids doing it they need a slap!

                        it should be legal to give the little gits a clip around the ear!

                        allthough a was a bugger when i was at school i never did anything like this cause i was to scared of my what my old man would do.
                        CHEERS JOHN................


                        • #27
                          The answer is simple. Build more prisons, therefore boosting the econemy with all the jobs it provides, and make these prisons of the HARD LABOUR variety.

                          Get these little $$$$$$$s breaking rocks for 12 hrs a day and bring back hanging, and watch the crime rate drop.

                          Oh, and lower the age of criminal responsibility to 12yrs. They should know right from wrong by then, mine do!!

                          Still working for the man!


                          • #28
                            Tonight a house across the way (over 100M) has had a fireworks party. Their house is below road level, down a bank. They have deliberately been firing rockets at a low trajectory across the road so that they explode in the middle of the road or on the green at ground level. One rocket flew the full 100M and exploded in the neighbours hedge, narrowly missing two adults, two under fives and the baby in the pushchair. These are the sort of numpties that are getting hold of them. Some lads of about seventeen walked past and commented on what was going on (not all young'uns are bad). I said those kids need a slap. The lads said it was their dad and their uncle setting the kids a bad example!
                            It's only a hobby!


                            • #29
                              something very interesting happened about an hour ago on my way home.
                              was coming round the corner into our estate about 500metres from home its a bit foggy here at mo.. and all of a sudden 3 little hoodied hoodlums stood in road and fired 2 or 3 rockets or air bombs straight at my windscreen
                              at first i sh*t myself then when i realised what was going on i gave chase across the green with all my fog lights on... got very close just to see them dissapear over someones back fence.the best bit is that one of em must of dropped his samsung d500 as it started ringing right next to the fence they scarpered over!now this might be coincidence or god playing his part but i broke the screen on my d500 just 2 days ago!! justice i say. im just sitting here now rigging up my infra red night camera to the vcr incase they find my truck outside my house and vandalize it!! any ideas on what i should do guys he he he
                              DONT RUN WIV BIG DOGS IF U CANT PI** UP TALL TREES


                              • #30
                                you can't ban them!... drink driving is banned... but people still do it!!

                                phil, you really need to move!!... luton/bedford just sound like the w4nkiest areas ever to live!!... go west!!... it's nice here! (just keep going past slough/bracknell!!)
                                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

