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alliance against urban 4x4s

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  • #46
    Originally posted by itbloke@tiscali.co.uk
    Always wanted to know from the username - what do you do for worK?

    I am very similar, I have time to wait for those less patient than I am, not worth the hassle.
    I do 'something to do with certain electronic systems' on the WAH-64, amongst other military aircraft.

    When I get stuck in a queue, or behind a tractor etc, I like to just chill out and look over hedges. Really cant be a$$ed with the 'gotta get there now' mentality. Life's too short
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #47
      Originally posted by Apache
      My 'legitimate reason' (not that I believe I need one) is the load
      space, but even if I didn't need the load space I'd own a Surf anyway, for the
      simple reason I like it, and I choose to. I dont feel any particular need to justify
      myself to anybody.
      Well put. At the end of the day, it don't matter diddly whether someone intends
      to go off road or not. If one can't buy something they like with money that they
      have worked blo0dy hard to earn, there is something seriously wrong.

      The school run 4x4 type argument and others have always been a pile of cr&p.
      Driving several hundred yards to a school in any vehicle is a plss take. So that
      argument against 4x4's has never been sustainable. Making kids, and parents,
      walk instead of being idle shltes is the point of that, if the tree huggers ever get
      an inkling of intelligence instead of being the obnoxious anal retards that they

      Anyhows, getting back to the point. For most specific purposes, there is some
      class of vehicle designed for that purpose. For several different requirements,
      there are very few vehicles that fit into that class. Things like the Surf are one
      of the vehicles that can cover multiple areas. For example, before the Surf, my
      business and family vehicle was a Transit. Four people into a three seater
      vehicle don't work, which was requirement one for the replacement. Make sure
      you can get both kids in. It had plenty of load space, which was requirement
      number two for it's successor. Requirement number three was getting a vehicle
      where you didn't have to cancel all of ones calls for the day if more than two
      snowflakes fell upon the roads, and one in which you could drive out of gravel
      areas on a slope in wet conditions without needing a helping push. Also being
      able to reach customers whose premises require accessing across areas that
      resemble bombsites.

      One shouldn't have to justify anything that one legally does, and neither should
      one have some obnoxious prick interfering with your property just because they
      don't like them. Seriously, the anti 4x4 bunch don't deserve meaningful debate
      or rhetoric. They just deserve a Barnsley kiss if they come within twenty yards
      of your vehicle with a fake ticket/sticker.


      • #48

        We have some work to bid for on Eurocopter at the mo, your work sounds much more fun.

        I got into a discussion with a guy in a Corsa some time back, who I assume was short sighted as he couldn't see the 11 cars between me and the junction, so he started on the horn and tried to drive over my car - so, since the traffic was stopped waiting at a junction, I got out (bear in mind, I'm 6'4", 18 stone and workout & do martial arts 4 times a week..) got him to open the window, asked if he could see the cars in front of me - he moaned about being bored of waiting...so I took his keys out, threw them into a field, and managed to drive away - I suspect he is still there.....hahahahahahahahaha
        Too old to care, young enough to remember


        • #49
          Originally posted by Apache
          Just think, if everyone was like us, there'd be no wars! I slow for horses and cyclists (lets face it, we can all afford to wait for 15 seconds), I give way to morons who cut me up because I dont want to be part of their accident, and I move to the left to left bikers past, cos they're faster than me. Chilled maaan...
          Same here. As my dad always says, better late in this world than early in the next.
          Also, in sixteen years of driving, I have never once used a car horn. Useless fact,
          I know, , but could never see the point. Sometimes silly tricks are pure mistakes,
          which anyone can make, or if it is a nob driver, would they take any notice if you
          pipped at them anyhow? The problem with most 'socialised' countries is that they
          forget just how meaningless most stuff is, and take things far too seriously. Being
          a few minutes late ain't the end of the world.


          • #50
            Feeling the love tonight guys...

            Maybe we should form a political party, but then, I doubt laid back people ever do!

            As Billy Connelly said "the desire to be a politician should bar you for life from ever being one"
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #51
              Originally posted by itbloke@tiscali.co.uk

              We have some work to bid for on Eurocopter at the mo, your work sounds much more fun.

              I got into a discussion with a guy in a Corsa some time back, who I assume was short sighted as he couldn't see the 11 cars between me and the junction, so he started on the horn and tried to drive over my car - so, since the traffic was stopped waiting at a junction, I got out (bear in mind, I'm 6'4", 18 stone and workout & do martial arts 4 times a week..) got him to open the window, asked if he could see the cars in front of me - he moaned about being bored of waiting...so I took his keys out, threw them into a field, and managed to drive away - I suspect he is still there.....hahahahahahahahaha
              Is that the 'Tiger' or some civvy stuff? Do they have any more customers for Tiger? I doubt there is, or will be, anything that can touch Apache in it's role for a long time. It's a beast. I just hope we are using it for the right reasons in the right places.
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #52
                Originally posted by itbloke@tiscali.co.uk

                (bear in mind, I'm 6'4", 18 stone and workout & do martial arts 4 times a week..)
                Banbury? Whereabouts do you train (and with whom?)

                I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                • #53
                  Ive got a SURF because I want to have a SURF and thats the only justification I need. Where I go with it, what I do with it is nobodys business but mine. Why should anyone feel the need to justify ownership, especially as some of you seem to be doing and especially on this forum. Not long before the antis use some of your posts in their arguments

                  Сви можемо


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Bogus
                    Ive got a SURF because I want to have a SURF and thats the only justification I need. Where I go with it, what I do with it is nobodys business but mine. Why should anyone feel the need to justify ownership, especially as some of you seem to be doing and especially on this forum. Not long before the antis use some of your posts in their arguments

                    Well said, that man!

                    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Bogus
                      Ive got a SURF because I want to have a SURF and thats the only justification I need. Where I go with it, what I do with it is nobodys business but mine. Why should anyone feel the need to justify ownership, especially as some of you seem to be doing and especially on this forum. Not long before the antis use some of your posts in their arguments

                      Alright, everyone calm down a bit.

                      I was only saying that, beyond the obvious freedom of choice issues, most if not all of us could point to a good reason why we have the vehicles that we do. We're all on the same side here. Unless you drive your kids half a mile to school, in which case your'e a tw@t.

                      Wish I'd never mentioned it now.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Sancho
                        Alright, everyone calm down a bit.

                        I was only saying that, beyond the obvious freedom of choice issues, most if not all of us could point to a good reason why we have the vehicles that we do. We're all on the same side here. Unless you drive your kids half a mile to school, in which case your'e a tw@t.

                        Wish I'd never mentioned it now.
                        Err - I have been dropping my son off at school on my way to the station - the school is half a mile away, the station another mile and a half.

                        Yes, I could boot him out to walk on his own, which he frequently does, and he walks home. I normally walk with him, and then on to the station, but don't fancy the walk at the mo' on a damaged ankle - an extra 4 miles a day on top of the amount I walk at work won't make it get better any faster

                        I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


                        • #57
                          yes but if we all use the argument that I have THIS because I want THIS...

                          how about the governments who have nuclear weapons testing because they want to..
                          how about people who are lopping massive pieces of rain forest down each day.. because they want to...
                          or people who cruise around in super yachts and cars drinking millions of litres of fossil fuels just because they want to for their leisure...
                          or how about the people who drive around in normal cars ( surfs included) everyday when they could easily go by foot or bike or train ( my parents fall into this category- my dad has ordered a range rover sport to drive 1.5 miles to and from work everyday- why, just because he wants to.)

                          where does the means to justify what we do end? can we justify squandering a finite resource for absolute pleasure?

                          in the end its entirely a personal choice and i chose a surf.
                          she's no angel


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by CaptainBeaky
                            Err - I have been dropping my son off at school on my way to the station - the school is half a mile away, the station another mile and a half.

                            Yes, I could boot him out to walk on his own, which he frequently does, and he walks home. I normally walk with him, and then on to the station, but don't fancy the walk at the mo' on a damaged ankle - an extra 4 miles a day on top of the amount I walk at work won't make it get better any faster
                            Christ. Now I really wish I hadn't said anything. Obviously, if you are incapable of walking to the station and you happen to drop your son off on the way past his school no-one's going to have a problem with that.

                            Look, I don't think I'm necessarily right on this, I'm just airing my opinion having walked and got the bus to school as a kid (yes, there was traffic and paedophiles then too) and not got in any trouble. I just think most kids could do with the exercise and we could all do with a few less cars.

                            But, yes, everyone do whatever they want to do. I really don't mind.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Sancho
                              Christ. Now I really wish I hadn't said anything. Obviously, if you are incapable of walking to the station and you happen to drop your son off on the way past his school no-one's going to have a problem with that.
                              Whether you're right or wrong is irrelevant. The secret is to never admit you're
                              wrong. Go on, tell Peter to stop being a wuss and walk. Damaged ankle......,
                              big girls blouse.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by amethyst
                                Did someone mention GREEN issues?

                                >wipes butt on Tshirt and posts it back to them<

                                well its recycling......

                                Hey Stu, If they are as perfect as they claim to be "Green" !!!!!
                                I believe em ....... green & full of hot
                                Butt I can see were there coming from & they should take their FCUKing paper for recycling home wiv em & not pass it on & make it somebody else's

                                Oh & mines Fit for PURPOSE !!!!!!!

                                There's Always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!! if yer Blind
                                Last edited by Diezel Weazel; 20 September 2006, 17:57.
                                Buncefield Burner

