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alliance against urban 4x4s

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  • alliance against urban 4x4s

    has anyone seen this site $$$$$$ hell wot a bunch of nutters that know sod all.i was just surfing to find out more about this so called 4x4 road tax malarky . when i came across it . its about time we all got together and made a statement . you gotta see why they reckon we ought to be banned lol . id love to see them protesting on the street itl give me a chance to try my new a bar out lol
    black n tan
    black n tan
    yes i am a dobermann man

  • #2
    i just bought one of there t shirts so i can clean the mud off my surf before i go and drive around in bristol city center deforming children and small animals with all the smoke
    I HAVE FOUND JESUS he was behind the sofa


    • #3

      mate im $$$$in myself larfin here lol
      black n tan
      black n tan
      yes i am a dobermann man


      • #4
        You had to bring them up again didn't you?

        I like the guidelines on putting fake tickets on people's motors:

        "Stick to the big models (see the back of the ticket for a rough list and avoid the little ones like the Justy and some RAV4s) and make sure you look out for signs of genuine off-road use, such as mud or equipment in the back. We want the farmers who need these things on our side, so try not to annoy them by mis-targeting"

        These people upset me. Personally, I think they should be putting stuff on everyone's car. 'Little' Justys and RAV4s are still not exactly green are they? I walk, ride a bike or get public transport everywhere that I don't need to carry a load of stuff and/or people. Why would I buy a fcuking great big motor to go the shops in London and just waste all my money on fuel? If they ever come near me I'm going to beat them to death with their own beards.

        I might get one of the t-shirts though. I think they're pretty funny.


        • #5
          Might be an idea to organise a photo shoot with a bunch of us wearing their tee-shirts in front of our trucks after a hard days playing on the 'Plain'. Or even a photo of us cleaning the mud off number plates and the like with the tee shirts.


          • #6
            be hard sticking one of their "tickets" on my surf with a 60 k ridgeback hanging off their arm (oh and one off each leg)
            the b****y dogs have been at it again


            • #7
              cool stickers!

              I want some of them leaflets - the yellow ones, saying 'Poor Vehicle Choice' but i want it to say 'Poor Vehicle Choice - should've bought a BURGUNDY one' so I can stick it on Apache's big blue one......

              Interestingly, my sister in law just bought a Nissan X-Trail. she lives in Surrey, and will NEVER go off road (at least I want to!) and bought it because shes having a baby and thought it would be safe.

              now thats stupid.

              at least I have the possibility of using mine offroad for work. not that i have!

              How about getting the tee shirt and adding NOT! in big letters???
              If you're gonna be a bear... be a Grizzly.


              • #8
                [quote=legendgamesmaster]I want some of them leaflets - the yellow ones, saying 'Poor Vehicle Choice' but i want it to say 'Poor Vehicle Choice - should've bought a BURGUNDY one' so I can stick it on Apache's big blue one......

                HERE WE GO AGAIN!!
                CHEERS JOHN................


                • #9
                  ive got a better idea.lets just round up all the anti 4x4 do gooders and set fire to the fckers,that way they will be contributing to the green house gases


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by legendgamesmaster
                    I want some of them leaflets - the yellow ones, saying 'Poor Vehicle Choice' but i want it to say 'Poor Vehicle Choice - should've bought a BURGUNDY one' so I can stick it on Apache's big blue one......

                    HERE WE GO AGAIN!!
                    i know, there's always one that has to start this color thing off


                    • #11
                      [QUOTE=legendgamesmaster] I can stick it on Apache's big blue one......[QUOTE]

                      Oooer missus!

                      Glad it's not purple!
                      Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                      • #12
                        That site is just full of irratating $$$$ pots. They are narrow minded bigoted idiots, who have no idea that there is life outside London. Personally I'd like to line them up and mow the whole lot down. They fall exactly where the government want them (in fact I wouldn't be suprised to find they had government funding). And that stunt they did stoping traffic in front of schools, in order to make their point - idiots. For the record I find on the few ocasions that I have had to take my mother to school (she's a teacher, and her school is located in a dead end street with two other schools), its the people movers and super minis that are worst, with the parents stoping in the middle of the road and just letting their darlings loose, don't worry if they get run over.
                        Sorry back the the $$$$ pots, they also never reply to constructive emails. Their outlook reminds me very much of fasict regimes - their way is right, there is no over way.
                        Must stop now, the keyboard needs a rest, but please consider my blood pressure and don't talk about them.
                        Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                        • #13
                          I know how you feel... Reading that totally biased website got my goat up as well.

                          It really pi$$es me off that they reckon the 4x4 is going to be the cause of the end of the world.

                          If they want to ride a bike, that's fine with me. If they want to go racing 1000bhp cars every weekend, then that's their perogative. If I want to drive a Surf, to have a bit off muddy fun every so often, then they should leave me alone.

                          I think it's Koi, who's sig says it all...

                          MY 4X4,
                          MY choice.
                          BACK OFF.
                          It just does, OK?


                          • #14
                            hi all , i drive a surf , smoke , and shoot ( and yes sometimes all at the same time ) so i must be evil.
                            i get alot of s#8t for everything i do of a lot of people who now nothing about the give subject, this is life i live with it .
                            but on the plus side the car valeters dont seem to have any trouble washing the blood from the boot carpet in my surf
                            i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


                            • #15
                              john, was you one of the surfs at the game fair yesterday?

                              why does every one have to be anti everything? cant we be if favour of anything anymore??? sigh....
                              it's in me shed, mate.

