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World Cup Confirmed

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  • #46
    I reckon I already have the moral high ground
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #47
      let's just say i am not fussed if we won or lost, or what anyone may or may not do about the state of the country in terms of meagre technicalities. I don't live in a war torn country, I don't live in a country where i have to pick the dust from amongst the christian aid rice and i don't have a leg missing from a car bomb. we could do better and we could do with a total change of attitude but in the grand scehe of things who cares.
      Just gotta finish doing the next mod...


      • #48
        Meagre technicalities???


        I've had a cold shower and might be able to get some sleep on this baking hot night probably due to the meagre technicality of terminal global warming.

        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #49
          good night. lets not forget global dimming.... I'd read up about that first LOL Goodnight.
          Just gotta finish doing the next mod...


          • #50
            I dont care for football
            I didnt buy a flag
            The actions of some of the 'jolly' suporters on the telly made me squirm
            I can still spell (just) our countries name without an 'er' in the middle
            I am resigned to the fact that we rairly win anything on a global scale
            we are just one country in the whole world
            We do not have a god given right to win just because we have the 'best' suporters who can sing loud
            Victory has to be earnt and deserved
            From what I saw yesterday Eng(er)land did neither
            Perhaps if we had the cash going into the facillities for training and selection instead of the pockets of prima donnas having a jolly with their large boobed girlies, things might be different
            For me what this World cup has shown is that English football is no longer, take away the international players from our home teams and you have little left
            You used to be able to see a good game by going to the local park and watching the kids or the amertures, unfortunately the attitude has taken a nose dive, profesional foul, win at all costs, fein injury, cheat, gob all over the pitch, fight seems to have become part of the rule book
            I for one am glad not to be assoceated with the 'game for gentlemen played by hooligans'
            If I watch anything it would be 'the game for hooligans played by gentlemen'
            the original football - rugby football - not this nancy socker rubbish

            Rant over..just getting me coat
            Did I mention I have a BLUE one


            • #51
              i reckon they played better with 10 men in extra time than the rest of the match. if they had played like that for the first 90 mins they'd have won. the portuguese wernt that good a team, and england were just as guilty.
              still....the french will slaughter portugal in the next round.
              at least those Bl00dy flags will come of cars now.
              my money's on a france germany final, and the germans will win.....(otto, how did zey ever vin zer war?)


              • #52
                agree with you there
                but as allways it takes the brown stuff to strike the rotating blades to stir the brits up ( backs to the wall boys!)
                Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                • #53
                  I think the lack of patriotism shown by some of the england players is disgraceful,if they won't sing the national anthem they shouldn't be allowed to pull on the shirt!
                  Powered by ????


                  • #54
                    all sides seem to be guity there


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by RobD
                      I think the lack of patriotism shown by some of the england players is disgraceful,if they won't sing the national anthem they shouldn't be allowed to pull on the shirt!
                      perhaps they cant find anyone to teach them the words
                      Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                      • #56

                        I have to say im not a HUGE footy fan im more of an egg chasing kinda guy(come on Warrington 2moz stick it up Cas, But u gotta feel for them guys on the pitch? I know that Rooney is gonna get slammed in the papers just like Beckham did all those years ago for a silly sending off and he deserves it . Its all lack of maturity he will know better in 2010 in South Africa
                        I think this one is Brazil's again but when u see the differnce in style an the way the whole team flows and doesnt rely on a Green Ogre to win the world cup for them.
                        I remember us going out on penalties in 98(i was only 13) to Argentina holding my head in my hands, an i did it again this afternoon

                        Well theres always next time

                        hmmmmmmmmmmmmm briers will never play for britain and what was the score again cas 52 warrington haemmmmmmmmm
                        if a politition is talking its lying

