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Selfish, inconsiderate ba888rds!!!!!

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  • #31
    Well, got up this morning and it was still there!!! So I got the rope out, then saw somebody at A to Z - went to ask them politely if they knew whose car it was and surprise, surprise - "Oh that's one of ours, not supposed to be here, it's meant to be in Plymouth" Luckily he had a spare set of keys and moved it. I did then ask them not to park in front of my garage again. Don't know if they will take any notice but he did see me with the rope getting ready to move it so you never know.....


    • #32
      at least he admitted it was one of theirs and its all sorted now.you should put a sign on the garage saying no parking or the vehicle will be towed


      • #33
        Originally posted by stormforce1067
        at least he admitted it was one of theirs and its all sorted now.you should put a sign on the garage saying no parking or the vehicle will be towed
        DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!


        • #34
          I get so angry at people parking across my driveway, there's double yellows outside too.
          We've even had muppets park across the drive and bugger off to the shops when we've been coming out of the house to get in the car to go out.
          Worst one was when we were going on holiday .
          A few years ago, some numpty parked a brand new BMW 5 series across the drive, we let down 2 tyres put cat poo we found in the garden through the open sun roof then phoned the police to say it was parked on double yellows too close to the corner and causing an obstruction
          Turned out he was visiting the Hookers over the road aswell, we had a right laugh watching him explain to the police. As for the cat poo, we have no cat but we did see one on the roof of the car earlier, honest officer.



          • #35
            Originally posted by bobafatass
            As for the cat poo, we have no cat but we did see one on the roof of the car earlier, honest officer.
            Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


            • #36
              Originally posted by Dunno
              and instead of spin the bottle we could play spin the car


              • #37
                you lot....he.he.....have got he.he a realy nasty he.he sence of he.he he.he humor....he.he he.he he.he he.he he.he he.he
                I'm now all teary, snotty and aching ....mind you it does remind me back in the 60's when I had a RR powered Champ, someone nicked my parking space (I was young then and foolish) not for long, the motor strangly ended up right in the middle of the local cross roads on a bus route. Odd thing that, it was there an even shorter time, old uncle bill moved it to the pound.
                Funny aint it - never seems to happen again
                Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                • #38
                  Originally posted by stormforce1067
                  at least he admitted it was one of theirs and its all sorted now.you should put a sign on the garage saying no parking or the vehicle will be towed
                  Or better Still Stick a Large/ enlarged Pic of yer Surf on the Garage Doors with the words.
                  I LIVE HERE,
                  PARK AT YOUR OWN RISK

                  There's always a Payback.... You just can't see it Comin !!!!
                  Buncefield Burner


                  • #39
                    I now how you feel. Just moved into a house at the top end of a quiet estate where I lived for 18 years and never had any trouble.

                    Since moving in, two of the neigbours insist on parking directly opposite my drive every night. I managed to collar one of them at 1am one morning and told him, if he parks anymore **** outside I'll tow them down the bottom of the estate!

                    I've got a large chain for lifting 40ft sheets of steel... with two hooks on the end, it's ideal for towing tin cans hehehehehe

                    The thing that gets to me, is we all have drives to fit 5 cars on here! and yet, non of these MF's***** park on their drives, think it's to mucj like hard work to move them around in the morning!


                    Tug a war sound good to me:-)


                    • #40
                      I Have a similiar problem, the paki ****s living next door, its there visitors, they park across my drive instead of next doors drive. Why block mine when they should block the person they are visiting. I got that sick of it that i said if any of there friends do it again i will reverse up the the drive as far as possible and take a run at the side of the car. Also came out one morning to find a woman parked across the drive eating a bowl of cereal, thus blocking me from going out to work. I do believe the police can tow an unnattended vehicle if it is obstructing your driveway.
                      Now I Have Grown Up, I Need A Grown Up Tonker Toy!


                      • #41
                        When I had my Volvo 145 (it was 18 years old then) a car blocked me in in a cul-de-sac. I knocked a few doors, where there were lights on and nobody seemed to know who it belonged to. Luckily the steering lock was on and the tyres were pointing away from the kerb, so I pushed it into the middle of the road. I could then drive round it on the pavement to get out of the close. Apparently the owner went spare the next morning. The funny thing was that nobody saw who did it and there were at least 20 people looking out of their windows when I did it.
                        It's only a hobby!


                        • #42
                          just to add salt to the wound, my neigbour opposit who always complained about people parking within 10ft of his drive is also parking over ours

                          I brought a trailer back the other night with two 1 tonn dumpy bags of stone and had to get the trailer in onto the drive.

                          the road is at mid height, our drive drops down by about 4 ft and opposits goes up by about 8 ft

                          Cheeky sod parked right over my drive whilst I was half ways over the bank trying to get the trailer around in the road!

                          for two secs, I was just gonna roll it straight back into his doors.

                          Only that it was the inlaws trailer and I get on with him too, else I'd of taken great delight in stormin his sh1tty astra.


                          • #43
                            Ahhh........The memories of my old 2ltr Sierra pushing a Reliant Robin 10 yrds come flooding back !!


                            • #44
                              my mate had a car parked across his drive once and needed to go to work, we pulled the offending car diagonally sideways! into the road to let him out
                              Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                              • #45
                                Have you lot listened to yourselves ?? can you really get so worked up and bent out of shape over something so trivial ( annoying yes but still trivial) I was having a hard time understanding why all these Muslims in the world have gone into rock chucking frenzies over a few cartoons and thinking that maybe they they ought to lighten up a bit and get a life, but it seems from this thread that pretty much all of the human race are capable of getting worked up into nastiness over tat and trivia.

                                Сви можемо

