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Selfish, inconsiderate ba888rds!!!!!

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  • #61
    Ive said it before and I'll say it again,
    there is nought as blind as those who don't wish to see!
    Did I mention I have a BLUE one


    • #62
      Cant Educate Pork............ But You Can Sure As Hell Cure It !!!

      Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


      • #63
        Just catching up after not being on for a while and I start with this thread well that was Friday and now I have read it , evil lot are'nt we!! I like the prawns idea must try that out on.......sorry should keep that one to myself .anyway onto the next thread ,its better than the telly this ...dum dum dum dum dum ( eastenders ending lol)
        ex Burgundy 2.4 owner


        • #64
          Originally posted by ChaosinDevon
          Cant Educate Pork............ But You Can Sure As Hell Cure It !!!

          or stuff it
          Did I mention I have a BLUE one


          • #65
            Hey I have been one of those poor people who accidentally park in the wrong place.... have a thought for them...
            house warming party, dont know the area, its a communal parking area in a cul de sac, so i park up my jeep (an old battered looking jeep covered in mud from off roading the day before)
            Im in my best party togs, having an orange juice or two with friends when theres a knock at the door, its some fella ranting and raving about someone parked in his place, so my friend says that she thought it was all communal parking and he said yes it is, but he always parks there... hes gradually getting more and more worked up on the door steap, despite me saying yes I will move it, I just need to find my keys, give me one minute and I will be out.

            before i left the house I had a bet with the ther party revellers, that the nutty angry fella must surely be a BMW 3 series driver.... ( its a common fact they are all wannabe people with a chip on their shoulder about not being able to afford on their company car allowance a decent BMW)

            and i stepped outside, lo and behold... a 3 series beemer and his irate owner. So, I moved my jeep onto some more communal ground, the grass bank opposite his house and the abuse I got from him was obscene... all for parking in the wrong place and moving my jeep straight away with no objection. you'd have thought id broken into his house and pished on his kids or something.
            she's no angel


            • #66
              My biggest beef is people having no consideration for other people when parking. I park on the road and am so sick of the neigbours parking their little fiesta's with enough room in front and back to park another car. All because they can't be bothered reversing 1 metre before pulling out of the space. There is room for 7 (well parked) cars in the little layby, but it is usually filled up by 4 very badly parked hatchbacks.

              The council don't want to know even though there is no room for emergency vehicles to get up the road.

              Time to get onto the newly elected Lib Dem MP (if she's not too drunk!)

              This is what I put up with every day. The race to get home first and get a space. As you can see I'm usually last home, because I'm not unemployed like most of the wasters round where I live, but the Surf doesn't mind mounting a curb or two.
              Attached Files
              Just Vegging Out


              • #67
                Just an advisory note, make sure you park with enough room for fire engines to get past your truck, (it doesn't matter about the others) 'cos if there's a fire and the fire trucks can't get through, they WILL shunt cars out of the way.
                Last edited by BUSHWHACKER; 20 February 2006, 14:40.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by bobafatass
                  I get so angry at people parking across my driveway, there's double yellows outside too.
                  We've even had muppets park across the drive and bugger off to the shops when we've been coming out of the house to get in the car to go out.
                  Worst one was when we were going on holiday .
                  A few years ago, some numpty parked a brand new BMW 5 series across the drive, we let down 2 tyres put cat poo we found in the garden through the open sun roof then phoned the police to say it was parked on double yellows too close to the corner and causing an obstruction
                  Turned out he was visiting the Hookers over the road aswell, we had a right laugh watching him explain to the police. As for the cat poo, we have no cat but we did see one on the roof of the car earlier, honest officer.

                  Do you think i could leave me truck in your drive for five minuits andy, I
                  just need to pop across the road
                  Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                  • #69
                    handy hints on this parking issue.
                    Most areas with traffic wardens the police no longer ticket these inconsiderate mother.........ers as it is down to the traffic wardens who in turn argue that it is an issue in residential side roads that they do not deal with.
                    However if a vehicle is blocking your drive and you cannot get your vehicle out it is causing an obstruction and can be immediately removed by police at the rate of £120 removal fee and around £30 - £40 a night storage all payable by the owner who will have to report their vehicle as stolen before they find out where it is.
                    Dragging the F***ing heap into the middle of the road ensures that it will get recovered and sends out a warning to anyone watching "don't f*** with the truck".
                    Causing an obstruction is only arrestable if it is causing a danger to the public and the driver is refusing to remove the vehicle and the cps are unlikely to even entertain a prosecution.

                    Personally i like the roll the b*****d over and drag it down the road on it's roof. Then leave it spinning in the middle of a crossroads for all to see, preferabley on fire making a big catherine wheel!


                    • #70
                      Payback! It might not do you any good but it makes ya feel a dam site better,
                      I did the fish thing once, Not on a car but at a place i worked just before i was due to leave, Half a carrier bag of frozen mackerel (wouldn't waste good
                      prawns on em) dumped under the false floor, I was informed by mates still there that it stank for days before they found them, Nobody dobed me in though, Also had a non payer on a plumbing job, Big house cars the lot but
                      he couldn't pay me £25, It didn't turn up in the post as promised and no joy
                      on a couple of call backs so i went back at about 10 pm and turned off his
                      water at the road cock then tipped two buckets of mixed concrete down the tube, Had a couple of cars across the garage, One was nicked and the police delt with it the other did it a few times untill i got it open took the handbreak off and let it roll down and onto the grass, The best part was watching them
                      try to drive it off the grass which was wet and they got stuck in, They were there ages, Never saw it again though!
                      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                      • #71
                        Ian, what a mean streak you have!


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Bogus
                          Have you lot listened to yourselves ?? can you really get so worked up and bent out of shape over something so trivial ( annoying yes but still trivial) I was having a hard time understanding why all these Muslims in the world have gone into rock chucking frenzies over a few cartoons and thinking that maybe they they ought to lighten up a bit and get a life, but it seems from this thread that pretty much all of the human race are capable of getting worked up into nastiness over tat and trivia.

                          As part of the emergency services , i can get worked up over some inconsiderate , mindless lazy idiot parking across any access. When i am on call i need 24hr access to get my vehicle off the drive and indeed need access to get to the emergency itself. 30 sec's to us is the difference between telling a mother /father , husband / wife that had that car not been parked there preventing us access , then you would not be having to arrange a funeral !!!. So i applaud all these suggestions but know that most are only thoughts and are not actually carried out - shame though.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Slugger
                            As part of the emergency services , i can get worked up over some inconsiderate , mindless lazy idiot parking across any access. When i am on call i need 24hr access to get my vehicle off the drive and indeed need access to get to the emergency itself. 30 sec's to us is the difference between telling a mother /father , husband / wife that had that car not been parked there preventing us access , then you would not be having to arrange a funeral !!!. So i applaud all these suggestions but know that most are only thoughts and are not actually carried out - shame though.
                            sounds like you could be retained....where you stationed?
                            Did I mention I have a BLUE one


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Slugger
                              As part of the emergency services , i can get worked up over some inconsiderate , mindless lazy idiot parking across any access. When i am on call i need 24hr access to get my vehicle off the drive and indeed need access to get to the emergency itself. 30 sec's to us is the difference between telling a mother /father , husband / wife that had that car not been parked there preventing us access , then you would not be having to arrange a funeral !!!. So i applaud all these suggestions but know that most are only thoughts and are not actually carried out - shame though.
                              Well said Slugger, I wouldn't expect you to turn up wiv a milkfloat for fire !!!
                              I ain't got a show truck, If needs must then It must, me Truck don't turn & run we show our Teef & get stuck in

                              There's always a Payback.... You just don't see it Comin !!!!
                              Buncefield Burner


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by fatfires
                                sounds like you could be retained....where you stationed?

                                Not fire , part time medical support - Cambridge.

