Hi everyone,
I know there are loads of threads on the forum about the EX103 form, and I've looked at loads of other forums (goatindustries) and website (journeytoforever, bio-power.co.uk, etc), and there seem sto be so much conflicting information about what to fill in on the EX103 form from C&E.
My form has arrived, and I'm wanting to make sure I put the right information in the right boxes to give me every chance of getting the lower tax rate.
From what I can make out, if I am using SVO and pouring it straight into my tank from the bottle, I am a Bio-Diesel Producer (lower tax). If I mix Diesel, Solvent, Unleaded with the SVO before putting it into the tank, I am making a Diesel Substitute (higher rate tax).
Alternatively, if I am using WVO, cleaned and de-acidified, according to Bio-Power.co.uk I should be able to receive the lower tax rate because the oil is a waste product. However, I have also read that because WVO has to be produced (cleaned, de-acidified) it is regarded as being a Diesel Substitute and therefore subject to the higher rate.
Forum members are also saying that having been put on the lower rate initially, they are now being told to back pay duty because they should have been on the higher rate.
Does the government want us to help the environment or not ?!!
Can anyone give me any information about what to put on the EX103 form? I have attached a copy of the form if anyone else wants a copy. Once I have filled mine in and received the response from C&E, I will scan it and attach it here so we can have a copy for reference.
If anyone who has successfully managed to get the lower rate of tax has a copy of the form that they could put on here then please go ahead.
I am close to making a trip to see the helpful people at the C&E
Please Help !!
I know there are loads of threads on the forum about the EX103 form, and I've looked at loads of other forums (goatindustries) and website (journeytoforever, bio-power.co.uk, etc), and there seem sto be so much conflicting information about what to fill in on the EX103 form from C&E.
My form has arrived, and I'm wanting to make sure I put the right information in the right boxes to give me every chance of getting the lower tax rate.
From what I can make out, if I am using SVO and pouring it straight into my tank from the bottle, I am a Bio-Diesel Producer (lower tax). If I mix Diesel, Solvent, Unleaded with the SVO before putting it into the tank, I am making a Diesel Substitute (higher rate tax).
Alternatively, if I am using WVO, cleaned and de-acidified, according to Bio-Power.co.uk I should be able to receive the lower tax rate because the oil is a waste product. However, I have also read that because WVO has to be produced (cleaned, de-acidified) it is regarded as being a Diesel Substitute and therefore subject to the higher rate.
Forum members are also saying that having been put on the lower rate initially, they are now being told to back pay duty because they should have been on the higher rate.

Does the government want us to help the environment or not ?!!
Can anyone give me any information about what to put on the EX103 form? I have attached a copy of the form if anyone else wants a copy. Once I have filled mine in and received the response from C&E, I will scan it and attach it here so we can have a copy for reference.
If anyone who has successfully managed to get the lower rate of tax has a copy of the form that they could put on here then please go ahead.
I am close to making a trip to see the helpful people at the C&E

Please Help !!