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radio 2 poll - urgent

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  • #16
    I drive an estate car. It says so on my log book!


    • #17
      Originally posted by da SLUG man
      you should have a smart car or some rollerskates then!

      I was going to get a smart car till someone pointed out to me that Id need one for the other foot as well

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      • #18
        Bans by the bucket

        Well what a surprise, another ban under consideration? we let it happen ( we the British public) we let them ban hunting, we let them ( in Scotland and Ireland anyway) ban smoking. Maybe we even encouraged them. Theyve got the bug now and as long as 4 x 4 ownership is in a minority its easy. Support for the ban or apathy towards it and theyve got the peoples consent.

        Banning stuff is easy politics and our grey suited jobsworths just love that kind of thing. Still at least you can get ****ed round the clock now. I know Ive said it before but BE CAREFUL when you start supporting a ban or demonstrating apathy towards the banning of something. Eventually theyll get round to you and ban something you like. How can this message be got through to the general public, when will they understand ?? I know when, when its too late. When theyve banned fishing, hillwalking, marathon running by amateurs, mountaineering, bungee jumping, crocheting, whatever. I for example have never climbed a mountain, I think its dangerous, I think its downright stupid, I think of mountain rescuers risking life and limb for dopey people, I think that the rescue costs a bob or two, but I defend the right of people to go shin up hills and would loudly vote NO to a ban.

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        • #19
          At 62 % when I voted. Pity you can vote only once.

          WAIT A MINUTE !!! If you voted yes can you vote again?? That's the kind of low down scam these idiots could pull!!


          • #20
            Coming soon on the Jeremy Vine show is a so called debate about bullbars!
            I could'nt believe it, I was actually fitting my bullbars while the program was
            on, Having shelled out £200 plus the fuel to go halfway up the country to get them, Strip and polish and fit them, Im not bl00dy taking them off unless ordered to doso by a court, That woman on the prog today realy got up my nose,She was just not prepared to listen to anyone who did not agree with her,
            I could cheerfully knock her spark out, As for bullbars no there not essential
            but they look good (in my opinion) and thats good enough for me So fu#k em
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #21
              I have just been having a read of the message board. I need to leave the office to go and puke!!

              I am looking forward to some really severe weather this Winter, so I can prove what a selfish ****er I am by pulling little RWD and Front wheel drive cars back onto the carriageway. I might reinforce that message by using my vehicle to deliver food and fuel to small villages and side roads that eco friendly cars can't get into.

              I am just so sick of living as part a huge social experiment.
              It's only a hobby!


              • #22
                Maybe I'm paranoid,but I'm sure I have been getting a few dirty looks recently for driving a 4x4,surely that's discrimination,I thought discrimination was frowned upon by society?
                Powered by ????


                • #23
                  They wont be trying to ban 4X4's when all this snow arrives in a few days. Maybe when we see all these people stuck at the side of the road in ditches we should just drive by and leave them there.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by M35A2
                    They wont be trying to ban 4X4's when all this snow arrives in a few days. Maybe when we see all these people stuck at the side of the road in ditches we should just drive by and leave them there.
                    NOOOOO what you do is..... ask the poor hapless tw4t if he likes 4x4's and does he/she think they are a bad thing..... dependant upon the answer they either get left there or rescued...... Think smart.
                    ps .... its snowing here...... wooooooo hoooooo
                    Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


                    • #25

                      63% ......

                      And the *******s banned pistols too !

                      Life is too important to take seriously !


                      • #26
                        Out of sheer curiousity, does anyone know what the 4x4 manufacturers think of this ?
                        Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


                        • #27
                          Ker-----ching! ?


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                            Ker-----ching! ?
                            Not if they impose a £2000/yr road tax on them....... sales will fall through the floor !
                            Who needs speed, People will always wait for me !


                            • #29
                              Exactly. Thats why it will never happen 'cos it affects commerce.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by plodger
                                At 62 % when I voted. Pity you can vote only once.

                                WAIT A MINUTE !!! If you voted yes can you vote again?? That's the kind of low down scam these idiots could pull!!

                                You CAN vote again

                                Once you have voted, If Using Internet Explorer, & XP

                                Click on at the top .

                                Tools, Internet Options, And then find the Cookies Tab. click it once, then click OK on the box that pops up. Then click OK on the main box, then press the REFRESH button on your browser, It will then re open as another vote again
                                !!! I'M THE ONE YOUR MOTHER WARNED YOU ABOUT !!!

