Some thieving pikey scum has helped themselves to my spare wheel.
The dreaded station carpark strikes again. Only in January they nicked so much stuff of my old Pajero that it got wrote off, cheers lads, I got the surf now! Learning my lesson I leave the desirable Surf for Wifey and I use her old Rav for the station (much easier to park).
Anyway, Rav was being serviced yesterday so I took the Surf for the first time, talk about feeling picked on they must have nicked my wheel before the ones on the road stopped turning.
Still I'm not worried cos the carpark has 15 CCTV cameras coveing it, sadly they didn't pick up the scum removing fog lights, bull bars, side steps, sump guards etc before but I'm sure they will get it right this time NOT! Plod told my Wife that they probably wont bother to look at the CCTV because vehicle crime is not a priority! Am I missing something here but what sort of crime would they expect in a carpark!! They probably use the cameras to check to make sure everyone has bought a ticket.
So, if anyone has a 16" alloy for sale then I'm interested. I couldn't figure how to add the picture but it is the sort with 3 spokes of two, if you see what I mean!
Is it really worth having anthing decent in this world? I am soooooo pi$$ed off with the way this country is going.

Anyway, Rav was being serviced yesterday so I took the Surf for the first time, talk about feeling picked on they must have nicked my wheel before the ones on the road stopped turning.
Still I'm not worried cos the carpark has 15 CCTV cameras coveing it, sadly they didn't pick up the scum removing fog lights, bull bars, side steps, sump guards etc before but I'm sure they will get it right this time NOT! Plod told my Wife that they probably wont bother to look at the CCTV because vehicle crime is not a priority! Am I missing something here but what sort of crime would they expect in a carpark!! They probably use the cameras to check to make sure everyone has bought a ticket.
So, if anyone has a 16" alloy for sale then I'm interested. I couldn't figure how to add the picture but it is the sort with 3 spokes of two, if you see what I mean!
Is it really worth having anthing decent in this world? I am soooooo pi$$ed off with the way this country is going.
