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rear window relay x

  • coolcaver
    started a topic Rear Window..! not again...doh!

    Rear Window..! not again...doh!

    Hi guys. '95 3.0L 4Runner. Rear window goes up and down from the console inside. but will only go up on the key in rear door. won't go down...( I know, no jokes about ex girlfriends, please.)
    My question is : Does this mean the relay is knackered or could it just be the rear door...
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  • Richardireland
    started a topic Rear Window Problem _ Yet again

    Rear Window Problem _ Yet again

    Hi there

    I have searched the forum for these symptoms but I have not seen them. I apologise therefore for any repetition if I have missed them.

    Rear window worked fine both up and down. Put window up, Drove a mile, went to put window down, nothing. When I press up the relay...
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