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bull bar x

  • Shaft120
    started a topic Longer seat belts?

    Longer seat belts?

    Title says it all really.

    Am tired of trying to get the baby seat to fit in the back of the 3rd Gen. The only way I can get it in is to have the seat pulled close at the top. The baba is getting tired of having to sit almost vertical.

    This may be a stupid...
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  • dora4x4
    started a topic Bull Bar

    Bull Bar

    I have just bought my first surf. As I use it a lot off road I have removed the bits I am sure will get knocked off pretty soon.

    These bits include a Aluminium roof rack in pretty good condition and LARGE bull bar with spot lights.

    I live in the Dordogne region of France...
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    Last edited by Koi; 22 September 2010, 08:35.